he's way over paid. he's a good linebacker, but nothing great, not ray ray value money wise. doesn't back up his mouth as well as ray lewis either. gets paid as well though. we needed someone from baltimore for that attitude, we just picked the wrong guy to bring in. ray lewis at his age is still twice the backer! he played well at times yesterday, and terrible at key points in the game. i'd rather he saved his breath and energy for the next play, and do his talking hitting!
The fact that this guy is moaning about Barts trash talk shows that it got to him. Why not leave it on the field? So what if he got pancaked, french fried or sauteed. I love it. It reminds me of the Mony Python Black Knight who keeps trash-talking even as each limb is hacked off.
bart scott is a tool. i hope the guy laughed at him. when you do stupid shit like talk shit while you are getting up from getting knocked on your ass it just proves to the guy that you cant do much more than talk. nobody gives a shit what bart scott says anymore. he has talked so much nobody should even bother listening to him.