Posted by Michael David Smith on December 21, 2009 9:11 AM ET Sunday's New York Times featured a lengthy profile of Jets linebacker Bart Scott, detailing the way he has turned trash talk into an art form. Falcons fullback Ovie Mughelli was not impressed. Mughelli, who played with Scott when they were both on the Ravens and played against him when the Falcons beat the Jets on Sunday, told the New York Daily News that he drilled Scott with a block that sent him to the turf -- and even then Scott wouldn't stop talking. "It is impossible to shut the man up," Mughelli said. "I don't want to call him out, but even when I pancaked him, he was still talking trash. How are you talking trash when you're on your back?" Mughelli said Scott was "threatening our linemen," but in the end he didn't think Scott played a particularly effective game to back up his smack talk. "I don't think he was going to do anything," Mughelli said. "I just said, 'Show me.' And I didn't see that much."
just when life kicks you in the gut.....irony comes up and kicks some sand in your face to add insult to injury.
Bart Scott is who he is.. I love that he will talk shit and let you know you can't get in his head, pancake or not. You can't get in his head. That is his approach, and that passion is what I want to see on a continued basis. He's the man.
That fullback got blasted all day long. One pancake on Scott, but that's it. Everytime that fullback was lead blocking he was met with a thud at the line of scrimage. Fuck the O..In the offseason make this D the meanest, toughest, & hard hittingest defense in the league. Bring back the NY Sack Exchange!
I don't care about his trashtalking as much as I care about how he was blown out of the play on Snelling's 20 yard run to set up the touchdown. Dude was on friggin' rollerskates.
This is a lame fucking thread.. Seriously? So a FB knocks bart scott to the ground once and he DOMINATES him? Cmon people... Scotts talks shit, we know this, its part of his game.. Still all in all I will take Bart scott lined up against almost any back in the league from 5 yards out.. See who winds up on his ass more times? Ecspecially some FB
I love Bart Scott and feel blessed to have him on this team. Finally some defense that shows some fire. And BTW Scott played a great game yesterday
I find Scott entertaining on the field, even when I can't hear what he is saying. The dude is a nonstop talker and that is the way he has apparently always been. During that Giants preseason game when he stripped the ball from Jacobs after he had already had his helmet knocked off, you could see him talking shit from the bottom of the pile. That is some dedicated trash talk.
I like ol' Bart talking trash. I think it is something this team has been lacking for awhile. I like how when the other teams get in the Jets players face they don't back down. If it is one thing that has changed under Rex it is this. They get physical with the other team. I enjoy the Jets not backing down from anything. HOPEFULLY next year the Jets will get more nasty with their defense and the offense will do the same. I loved it when Mangold got fired up when that falcons player (I don't remember the guy name because I was so pissed) was giving him the business on the ground. This team needs to get meaner and meaner. They Jets pissed me off yesterday but I love the Jets no matter what. Get mean get physical and the rest will come easy. :jets: