Does anyone else think the Revis Christ thing is a little much?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Martin&theJETS, Dec 15, 2009.

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  1. Tolan

    Tolan New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    Religion = Explanation of whats happening when science couldnt explain....Science= whats actually happening......Revis Christ = all my hopes and dreams for the future
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Hahahahahahaaa....... hilarious!
  3. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    The reason is simple. To a lot of Catholics, Catholicism is NOT the power-structure, it's the underlying beliefs. I'm confident that you would find few, if any. Catholics that would condone those disgusting acts, or justify the powers-that-be's decisions to try to sweep this all under the rug.

    I'm a Catholic and I never left the church because to me the church is tolerant in a way that I haven't found other denominations to be. Sinners are welcome without fear of persecution. You can be gay and still feel welcome in the Church, an addict, a thief, a murderer and you will not be turned away. Nor will you feel the wrath of the holier-than-thou until you change your ways. Also, I find their acceptance of modern science to be the most progressive of major religions, which is surprising given the dark and terrible transgressions the church perpetrated in its past.

    Long story short, it ain't the priests that keep me Catholic. Man is fallible, no matter what. And I bet you can find people who have perpetrated terrible acts in ALL religions.

    Another reason I like Catholicism. I would never tell you, and I've never been taught, that you cannot reach salvation following the path you mentioned. I have plenty of friends that believe as you do, and like you mention, I find that many of them live their lives in more of a way Christ intended than many "religious" types.
  4. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Seemed like a good place to post this-
  5. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    that site ( is awesome :up: Looks like it got bought up, though, but the functionality remains
  6. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I didn't paint Catholics as heretics, just people who, like most churchgoers, don't generally take the time to understand the Bible for themselves. You know, it was a pretty big point of contention in the Reformation, and let's not pretend that Trent I and II were nearly as revolutionary to core Catholic values as some would like to paint them. Or are you going to try to tell me that Catholics don't still wait to see what the Pope advocates before they decide what to believe?

    Where do I get that from? Many sources, the predominant ones being four years of Catholic school and being told I was going to hell for being a different type of Christian and for not receiving the sacraments properly, a father who was raised Catholic, and a grandmother who was an honorary Sister of St. Louis and brought around her friends, including several nuns and the Archbishop of the diocese of Los Angeles, a man who was absolutely wonderful aside from the comments that it was a shame we weren't Catholic and didn't have a true authority to help us understand Christ.
  7. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I think that sign was referring to Brett and the Packers, lol-

    That is a cool site, didn't even realize it makes them. Good Stuff-
  8. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Wait, really? You think Catholicism is the most tolerant of the major denominations? Wow. So, gays are welcome in the church openly? That's a new one. Let's just assume they are. When's the last time you saw a gay marriage performed in a Catholic church? The Episcopalians do that. I'd say it's more tolerant. How about a female priest? Not a sister, but a priest, allowed to actually perform the Mass? Again, the Episcopalians have that. I'm not saying that the Catholic church is still stuck in the dark ages, but it's hardly the front runner in tolerance.

    As far as science, if we're talking about Evolution then, yes. There are a lot of nutjob churches in America that don't seem to notice that the progression of creation in Genesis actually aligns perfectly with the order in which scientists believe the earth and life came to be. Evolution can fit hand in hand with Judeo-Christian beliefs, and the Catholic church is one of many churches to recognize that. Of course, the church also failed to officially recognize heliocentrism until 1992. That's right, 1992. Poor Galileo, roasting in hell that whole time.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    We agree on that point, then. But I still don't understand why this would cause you to like Catholicism over other forms of organized religion.

    And why, for the love of Revis, am I seeking "salvation?" Salvation from what? I've always lived my life practising the "Golden Rules," so I see no need to join one particular, organized religion to facilitate that. I don't have too many regrets in life. I'm comfortable in my own skin. When I'm on my deathbed it's going to be okay, believe me. So I'll be dipped as to why I need to run around seeking "salvation."
  10. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    While we're on the subject..The lord is my Sheppard. He's been coming on a little himself. Revis bless him too.
  11. MiamiJet420

    MiamiJet420 New Member

    Feb 25, 2005
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    I read the Bible cover to cover and studied theology in college... and that's why I'm an atheist.

  12. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    I agree. But I've been to several Catholic churches that push the idea of reading/learning for themselves, and provide opportunities for members to meet and do just that WITHOUT a priest/decon there to tell you "what it means".

    I'm Catholic. I don't. Are you telling me that some baptists don't wait to see where a majority of their congregations or prominent TV/radio religious personalities stand before deciding how they react to new things? What you've described is human behavior in general.

    I don't doubt that's what you encountered and I'm sorry for it. You are probably older than I am, but I went to Catholic school from K-8th grade myself, and I never was told I was going to hell for anything except mortal sin (murdering, etc, not "not getting sacraments"). In fact, we had baptists and atheists in our school (say what you will about the religious aspects, I feel Catholic schooling is some of the best education you can receive at an early age, in terms of core classes like math/science/literature, compared to most public schooling) and they were never treated poorly or told that they were going to hell. I imagine its a generational thing, I think that even within the last 20 years things have lightened up considerably. Much of that probably had to do with John Paul II, he really pushed tolerance and acceptance, especially towards the end of his life.

    But yes, there are Catholics that still believe as those you mentioned above, but you're going to get that when you have close to 1 billion followers. Not everyone will have the same ideals, or mentality regarding the direction of the church. I just don't like the generalization that comes down on Catholics as a whole. Not every black male has a big "stick", not all Asians are smart, and not every Catholic is intolerant :breakdance:
  13. DennisByrd

    DennisByrd New Member

    Sep 15, 2005
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    I agree with you 100%. If God isn't real to you it's all a bunch of nonsense and maybe it's something for weak minded people to hold on to. I was an Atheist for my entire adult life up to 4 years ago. I had an amazing experience and God showed up. Now I am as confident in the existence of God as I am Washington DC.

    I used to spout off all of the George Carlin & Bill Maher stuff anytime someone brought up religion. Now I roll with Jesus and it's amazing!

    Go Jets!
  14. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I'm not generalizing Catholics as people. I'm generalizing the church itself. If I came across otherwise, I apologize.
  15. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Oh no! Didn't anyone tell you this doesn't count?

  16. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    When I'm at the games, and I see a pass broken up/picked off by Revis Christ, I always yell out, "You don't forsake Revis Christ! How dare you?!" And the people around me always laugh and I hear them saying, "Revis Christ" under their breath and shaking their head, like saying, "how do people come up with this shit?"

    I think it's hilarious.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You too? LOL.

    I think we can all relate to being force-fed religion as youngsters. I was president of my Youth Fellowship in my senior year of high school, then went on to a certain college in the mid-west (it shall remain nameless) which was affiliated with my church. Had to attend chapel every morning and they took attendance too... if you had too many absences, you could get booted out!

    After graduation in 1967, I did a complete 180 and volunteered for US Army Officer Candidate School under their (then) college grad program. You know, Duty, Honor and Country!

    Went to jump school after that and then volunteered for Vietnam. Spent the calendar year of 1969 in the field with the South Vietnamese infantry as an advisor and came home with the Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman's badge. And no, I never took anyone in my sights, squeezed the trigger, and watched them drop, so for that I am greateful. But was in plenty of firefights and took part in many night ambushes with the South Vietnamese ARVNs... helped many of them when they were wounded and brought in many a medivac... treated kids with gangreene and old people with leprosy in many of our medcaps.

    I even returned in 1993 to one of the villages we helped protect from the Vietcong during that year.. the story is written up in "Chicken Soup For The Veteran's Soul.".. and gave money to the school there. The Vietnamese people in that village welcomed me and remembered me and thanked me for what we tried to do for them, to help them live in a free country. It was all for naught, but we tried and I risked my life to try to do this for them. I have no regrets about any of it.

    So, no, I'm not out seeking "salvation." From what? I'm okay and will ascend into heavenand sitteth on the right hand of Revis Christ when I go, from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead, hopefully the New England Patriots.
  18. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    Sorry, this is why discussing matters such as religious are somewhat silly in a football forum, or an internet forum in general, it's hard to get the full point across. No, I don't think that it's the most tolerant, and I can see how my previous post sounds like that's what I'm saying. I guess I mean that to me personally, it's tolerant enough that I don't feel like leaving for something else.

    But yes, openly gay individuals are welcome in church, and I have yet to attend a Catholic church that would turn a gay parishioner away, or openly chastise them. That's not to say that if you really tried you wouldn't be able to find a Catholic congregation that WOULD behave in this manner, I would just say that they were being hypocrites.

    As for gay marriage, I have no problem with it. I don't think that the Church should perform gay marriage, but it's different than saying it shouldn't be allowed if that makes any sense (I know it doesn't, is a subtle nuance). Marriage, as far as I see it in a church sense, is meant to consummate the union of two people in order to procreate (hence the Church's advocation against contraceptives, which I also don't agree with, but that's neither here nor there). Therefore, what reason would the church have to marry two gay people? It would have no meaning in the sense of the church. But as far as Marriage in the sense of proclaiming that two people love and care for each other, and have a monogamous commitment to each other and should have all rights afforded to them because of this, I see no argument against that. But again, that's not the definition of marriage in the Catholic sense. But for the religious where that IS how marriage is looked upon, I think they should allow it, and in the separation of church/state thing, I see no reason why we don't allow it by the government.

    As far as the male/female priest thing, I think it's dumb too, and if I had to guess, I bet that barrier is removed sometime in the future.

    This is one of those things where the definition of "officially" comes into play. Heliocentrism was accepted by the church much earlier than this, they just put out a proclamation at this time as part of an "official" apology for the Church's previous transgressions on men of science. It was symbolic, that's all :)
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    It comes down to this about Catholicism, at least for me anyway.

    They confess their sins to a man, and pray memorized prayers to saints. The Bible is read for every literal fact and not translated into a Sermon that is useful in todays world.

    I'm a Christian, just not practicing right now, and I have nothing against Catholics.

    If I have something to confess, or a prayer request that is between God and me only-
  20. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    It doesn't. It simply explains why I don't have a desire to leave the Church for other denominations. I grew up a Catholic, and in my experiences I have not had cause to leave. If I was all of a sudden forced to start condemning people, then that would change.

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to push anything on you, or speak for you, the point I was making from from my standpoint. If _I_ believe in God and salvation, then naturally that belief extends to everyone else, ::from my perspective::. To put it another way, if I believe in heaven, then naturally that means I believe in heaven as it pertains to everyone. Its the whole "you might not believe in God, but he believes in you" thing. In my mind, if you live a righteous life then you will go to heaven, regardless of what your "beliefs" were during this life. I'm not saying you live you life in that manner to get into heaven, I understand that you do it because you feel its the right thing to do. I was just saying that from my standpoint, that would grant you salvation in my book, whether or not that's what you were seeking :up:
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