HAHAHAHAAHA.... i hate people that repeat themselves in a such a redundantly repetitive way. its obnoxious.
I'm Christian. I got the Cross on a chain that I've worn daily for the last two calendar years; I go to Church on Christmas and Easter. Revis Christ is not offensive in anyway. He's strictly defensive. EDIT: lmfao. I read two pages of this stupid ass thread after posting the previous, and I concur.....
I haven't read past page 1, but anyone who is offended by "Revis Christ" needs to take the stick out of their ass and realise: a) It's not that important; b) It's all in fun anyway, nobody is making any religious comment (in fact if they are, it's positive comment!); c) Jesus probably wouldn't give a toss about sports; and d) Cheer up, for pity's sake.
Hahahaha I love the Revis Christ thing, I think it's hilarious and I use it every chance I get. I'm also not religious at all, but I can't see why it could be offensive from even a religious person's point of view. No one is worshiping Revis, it's just a joke. Get over yourselves.
I think if Revis has another season as effective as this years, I may develop a religion. Can anyone help me with a name for it? Revisianity? There's gotta be a better one.
Bottom line is Anything that makes them feel better about themselves & other people "without" hurting anyone else cannot be bad thing. I.M.H.O. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to everyone.
Pastor Mick would like to remind you that the Darrelle Revis House of Worship never asks for an "offering" because we don't believe in taking your hard earned money. We do, however, will serve you punch and pie. Everyone loves punch and pie.