Haha come on now. I just havent felt like getting a new one. I understand its a joke and im not freaking out and saying all of you are going to Hell. I just dont find it funny.
Personally, I love it. But then, the name isn't making light of my belief system. imo, religion in general is silly and dangerous, and I like Revis Christ even more BECAUSE of that. The irreverence. Especially in this country, and in these times. But it's way easy to imagine why it really rubs people the wrong way. If there was some infamous animal abuser/killer named Bill Deevus out there, and so we called our CB Darrelle Deevus because he was so ruthless and blood-thirsty on defense... I would be a little sickened. I wouldn't find it funny. I would not want to see that name invoked. And I would say so, and people would be telling me to shut up, and I can understand that. So I sympathize with those who take offense, even though it's sort of a backwards example. Anyway, I love the name Revis Christ. Where's my t-shirt?
There is rumor of Immaculate Conception. We sent three scouts bearing gifts to the combine to celebrate his birth as an NFL Corner back. I believe Revis is the resurrected soul of Night Train Lane in a Jets uniform. On draft day I put a podium with a wax figure of the Commissioner holding the Jets draft card out on my lawn. I shower my friends and family and perfect strangers with good cheer on that day. I send the crippled neighbor boy, young Cratchet down to the butcher shop to get a goose to feed his family in my home. There is joy in watching him perform his miracles on Sunday. My growing belief in his ability has lifted the feeling that the grim reaper was near my doorstep?
If he knew people were calling him that I'm sure he'd be fucking flattered. Christ means "the anointed one", meaning he has been blessed with the Holy Spirit to fulfill a duty. It isn't Jesus' name. Revis is the Christ [/thread]
Repeat after me: "I believe in Rex Ryan, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Revis Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Kerry Rhodes, was crucified, dead, and buried by him in an attempt to elevate himself; On the third day he arose from the dead; He ascended onto the Jets roster, and sitteth at the right hand of Rex Ryan, the Father Almighty; and from thence he shall come to judge the quick wide receivers and the dead quarterbacks. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of Kerry Rhodes' preposterous sins, the resurrection of the cornerback body, and the defensive life everlasting. Amen"
One of the reasons I like it so much is the hope that it'd piss off someone religious assclown. So if it has offended anyone, it's only making me happier and more likely to use it.
When the Revis-ionists declare a crusade on heretics like the OP and slaughter all the non-believers, it still won't be a little too much.