I just unlocked the M16 and proceeded to play for 5 hours straight, by far the longest gaming session ive had since I was 13. Whoever said this game is crack is totally right.
anyone know what m16 mastery 2 is? or mastery 2 for any weapon? I have m16 mastery, I'm guessing mastery 2 is every challenge for the weapon complete, I have yet to complete the headshot challenge. I'm only on blue tiger camo for the m16, a lot of headshots left....
Yup...figured it out a few days ago. there are certain signs and emblems you can only when by prestiging. I just got "the Mastodon" and the tidal wave emblem for going 16-0 in Sabotage and by planting the bomb.
My friend told me about this last night. Said he joined a game and it was just mad people launching Javelins. I want to see this.
Here's a crazy trick I learned. If you get a crate drop. Hit right on the directional pad to queue it up in your hand. With the air drop crate, smoke grenade in your hand, you can run 3x faster. With unlimited spring and fast movement it's insane.
PM me for tips. Oh yea, for all of you who haven't seen me online....I went rogue with a new name. Pretty similar, but my clan buddies wanted to make a new name with our CLAN TAG in it. Shoot me a PM at SciKLAXics. So far im pretty raw on this name. 1.39 K/D ratio. Not too shabby....
Thanks Scik. I do have the game now. But my daughter, (who is only 2) got Little Big Planet for Christmas and has taken over my PS3 lately. I hope to get some gaming in soon.
i play on 360 foxhuntseals is the gamertag if anyone on 360 wants to play. i pretty much only play this and madden at the moment.
I went from level 69 to prestige level 24 in 2 hours. I went on an absolute tear with the knife. Gotta love the care package trick with marathon and lightweight. Oh I raised my k/d from .88 to .90 in that time. Check out the you tube video of the guy who gets the nuke with only knife kills and the only killstreak he has equipped is nuke.
Anyone playing this on PC. My wife got it for me for Christmas and I intend to start playing pretty soon. Still too addicted to Battleswarm to install this yet...
xbox is in my room hooked up to the 40 inch LED Samsung played COD for 3 hours the last 2 nites each. cant wait to get a little better so i can play online
k/d now up to .96 1st prestige rank 32 now. Got the gold blademaster title. looks sick with the gold raptor claw you get from a knife payback kill.