Say Schottenheimer gets a Head Coaching job...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KBJET, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    I'll choose to look at this as a serious question and say Matt Cavanaugh. He has been working with Sanchez the most since either of them got here and Rex knows him as the Ravens' OC during their Super Bowl season. Cavanaugh is probably developing his offense right now as the minutes tick away on Schottenheimer's tenure in New York. He knows Sanchez, he knows how much slack he can be given, and he loves to run the football. He broke out the wildcat for Shady in as the OC for Pitt and he ran Jamal Lewis and Priest Holmes down everyone's throats in 2000. He likes to run the ball.
  2. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Go look at the QBs Cavanaugh coached and their performance while he was coaching them and see if you don't reconsider. He would be the perfect choice only in that he would become the easy scapegoat that Jets fans need. As of right now, Schotty will and deserves to be back. If he is replaced, I pray to Revis Christ that Cavanaugh is not next in line.

    Jets offense have the most rushing attempts in the NFL and the least passing attempts by a wide margin. Where does this myth come from that we pass too much?
  3. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    1st game against Buffalo. We pass way too much for a team starting a rookie QB.
  4. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    One game? One game? and yes I agree that that was the one game that Schottys coaching could come into question. So should Rex get fired because he coached a horrible game in the first Dolphins game?
  5. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    its not number of passing attempts.

    Its what plays are called when. My signature provides exactly what Cutesy is all about. Fucking up in places where its impossible to fuck up... like on the 1 yard line.
  6. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    What he said. Schotty is the guy who in the middle of a conversation will blurt out something ludicrous to prove he's the smartest guy in the room.
  7. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    You wanted an example and I gave you one. Look at the plays Schottenheimer is calling, not just the number of passes. Why don't you also take into account the fact that the play calling has drastically changed over the past few weeks? Prior to the recent Carolina game, Sanchez was throwing 26.5 times/game. That is a huge number for a rookie. Between Carolina and the recent Bills game, he averaged 16. That is 10 fewer passes thrown by Sanchez a game, granted he missed the last few drives against Buffalo. That's ten fewer times Sanchez was asked to throw by Schottenheimer and it led to the first two consecutive wins since weeks 2-3.

    And why are you trying to make it seem like I was saying Schottenheimer was going to be fired? The whole discussion is about what happens if Schottenheimer gets a head coaching job next season. Next time, read the fucking thread title.
    #47 CatoTheElder, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  8. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Roethlisberger averaged 19 throws a game. He was a junior coming out of college with an elite defense and an elite running game. They went to the AFC Championship game.

    Why that blueprint wasn't stolen is beyond me. Everything to fuck this kid up has happened. Thankfully, he has way more good games than bad.
  9. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    No need to get your panties in a bunch. We both know Schotty is not getting a HC job this offseason. Are you telling me you weren't suggesting Cavanaugh as his replacement whether he gets a HC job or not?
  10. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Actually your signature provides nothing but more nonsense. There is not one OC that makes the fanbase happy 100% of the time. You need someone to blame, like most Jets fans, then you pick someone out and use a derogatory word to describe them no matter how irrational it is.

    Our offense is overacheiving this year and Schotty has done a good job most of the season. He has some WTF moments but that is more a sign of the times then anything else. Everyone always nitpicks his playcalling but never see that he makes some good play calls throughout the games as well.

    Schotty was the official next in line the minute Mangini was shown the door. I could have told you this would happen before the season started.
  11. jdc1055

    jdc1055 New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    I am undecided if Shotty would be a high choice for a Head Coaching job next year. Coaches are remembered for their latest successes and I don't think the offense has shown enough consitency. They have some excellent games with the running game. Teams now load up in the box to stop the run and dare the Jets to show success passing because that is where the inconsistency has shown up.
  12. HOI

    HOI Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No way he gets HC job next year. Way too many big names floating around out there.
  13. Christian

    Christian Active Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I don't care what happens to this clown as long as he is far away from Sanchez. His history of failing at developing quarterbacks is frightening. We really need to bring in a guy who has experience at developing young quarterbacks. Rex has done some great things with this team but taking care of the rookie quarterback has not been one of them. Rex's inexperience at handling quarterbacks could really hurt this team long term. I really hopes he shows us he has balls and get rid of the problem before it gets bigger. Another year of Schotty's play calling will destroy Mark's confidence completely.
  14. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    who exactly has shotty ruined as a Qb? also how the heck is Rex (a rookie HC, previously a DC) supposed to have a track record developing QBs?

    If memory serves, Schotty was the QB coach the year Drew Brees exploded out in San Diego, and I believe he was there for Rivers first year as a starter before he came out here to NY. I think those are fairly decent QBs in todays game....
    #54 nyjetsrule, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    It doesn't take a football guru to see that. Schotty kept his job by scapegoating Mangini at the end of 2008. Then the next season, his playcalling sucks a dog dick yet again - with an admittedly hands-off defensive HC - and you expect people to keep giving this guy shots?

    The only reason our offensive turnovers have dropped from the embarrassingly huge numbers 3 games ago is because Rex Ryan put the reins on Schotty. People aren't jumping at shadows here.
  16. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Not that they need a coach, but doesn't Detroit continually suck balls?
    #56 GreenHornet, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  17. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I'm tired of changing coaches every year, just as I'm tired of Jets fans blaming the coordinators just for the sake of blaming someone.

    I don't want to give him another shot, I want to let him continue building an offense that is clearly on the right track and will be a legit force once the passing game develops and catches up to the running game.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    They should have fired him with Mangini. They need to can his sorry ass and bring someone in that can actually develop Mark Sanchez. I think if they keep Brian Schottenheimer with the Jets, Sanchez very well may end up busting.

    I'm tired of changing coaches. But I'm more tired of shitty coaches.
  19. Dreadmadseen

    Dreadmadseen Active Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    uh, Tampa Bay has a first year coach guess you guys thinks he's the only first year coach who has the potential to be fired. Sorry I didn't know Minnesota, I think they jumped the gun on that though.

    Didn't Holmgren what back in Seattle? No? ok.

    Yes. it is my opinion Jacksonville and Carolina Need new coaches, if not new cities altogether. Their fan are worst than you guys, at least you show up to games.

    And anyway I didn't say they would be fired I said they had the possibility to be fired which every coach in the league has!

    good thread btw..
  20. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I think Schotty has done a good job this year, the Buffalo game is the only game I can buy someone making a case that he cost us that game. Even in that one the QB threw 5 INTs plus one on a fake punt and a holding call and muffed hold negate game winning FGAs.

    Sanchez is developing just fine, he has played good for a rookie. I don't know what everyone expects out of a rookie QB, he has played well enough to win in 9 out of the 12 games he played. Schottenheimer has experience developing Qbs, I think Drew Brees worked out pretty well, no? How about Rivers?

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