very surprising. I think in terms of not having to compete with other qb's it's smart but he might cost himself a lot of money with the uncertain status of the rookie money pool after this years draft...
Dude wants a bowl ring. I guess he is confident enough in himself to stick around in the NFL for more than one good contract.
I'm not sure about this. From a financial and injury standpoint this makes no sense (more of the potential of injury not that he is fragile), but this move could very well put Locker as the top qb for next year. If there is one thing that seems to be an issue with Locker is that he needs more polishing, he has all the tools. At this time last year when Bradford decided to declare, there was almost no doubt he would be the number one overall pick. This year is a strong Qb class so there would be more competition to go higher in the draft. In conclusion, I am about 50/50 on this move
Locker is not ready for the NFL, but would have been drafted high on his potential. Time will tell if it's a good decision.....usually staying hurts you more than helps. BTW....I updated my Top 50 without Locker.
I'm a UW diehard so I've seen just about all of Jake's games and followed him for three years. The guy is a legit badass who honestly plays for the love of the game and not the potential stardom/money (as much as anyone can at least). Saying that, his accuracy and decision making still need some serious work. He was caught in a Catch 22 where he could take the money now but his chances of long term success would drop significantly or take a risk of another year playing for free-99 and hopefully parlay that added experience into a better second contract.