Say Schottenheimer gets a Head Coaching job...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KBJET, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. KBJET

    KBJET Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Now I'm not saying that Schotty will get a job somewhere else when the years up, because I hate him just as much as everyone else here does. But he was a top coordinator candidate last year and I still feel that another team will give him a chance to be their HC.

    As we saw last year with Rex, when he came over he brought guys like Bart Scott and Leonhard with him to help with the defense. We also saw a bunch of guys go with Mangini to the Browns when he signed there.

    So do you guys think that any of our offensive players or coaches would follow Schottenheimer to his new team if he was signed elsewhere? If so, who do you think it would be. I couldnt think of any huge names like we saw with Bart Scott following Rex... but I'm not sure about some of our depth players. Maybe a guy like Brad Smith or even Clemens?
  2. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    ...then I'd feel really bad for whatever team hired him.
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    That would be awesome. Maybe he'll go to the Bills.
  4. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    No players will not follow him.

    Rex is a people person and his players loved him and knew he puts together championship defenses.

    Guys would have to be out of their contract too just to up and follow him out.


    James Dearth
    Wayne Hunter
    Tony Richardson
    Jay Feely
    Marques Douglas
    Howard Green
    Larry Izzo
    Ben Hartsock
    Ryan Fowler


    Kellen Clemens
    Eric Smith
    Brad Smith
    Leon Washington
    Drew Coleman
    Robert Turner
    James Ihedigbo
    Marques Murrell
    David Clowney
    Braylon Edwards

    I doubt any of these guys would follow, I think they know some special is finally brewing in Jet land.
  5. firemanedjr

    firemanedjr Active Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Please, let him take Clemens.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Schottenheimer is very unlikely to get a job offer as HC anywhere next year. The Jet's offense is the reason the team is not going to make the playoffs and in particular the Buffalo game which he woefully miscalled.

    All he had to do in the wind and rain against Buffalo was run the clock out and the Jets would have squeaked out with a win. The failure to do that probably cost Schottenheimer any real opportunity at a head coaching job next year.

    The Jets will move on anyway is my guess. There's always a scapegoat in NY and he's looking like a great one right now because he's at least partly to blame for what happened this season.
  7. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    He hasn't been a legit HC candidate since after the '06 season. If someone hires him as a HC I will laugh.
  8. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    the Jets are not that lucky.

    The Bills would be an ideal spot for him though.
  9. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    It would be a sign that hell actually did freeze over. and watch out for flying pigs.
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Even San Diego, which is a place you'd think he might fit if they decided to get rid of Norv Turner, won't take him because the GM hates his father so much.

    What Schottenheimer needed to do this season was to get Mark Sanchez developed using the standard game plan to do that, which was a bunch of runs (done), a controlled buttoned down passing game (failed), and a continual mindset that nothing was more important than developing a young QB (failed). Sanchez got exposed a lot more than he should this year because Schottenheimer passed in inexplicable situations, in the red zone, in bad weather, in second half shootouts where the Jets started shooting first.

    Deciding to go for broke after half time looked effective in the 2 Miami games, although the Jets lost both of those games, but it looked terrible against Buffalo. Just continuing to run the ball in all 3 games probably nets the Jets a win or 2 and a playoff spot. What we were doing slinging the ball around against inferior teams that could not stop us on the ground is unfathomable.

    Even in the first Miami game where the defense could not stop the wild cat the answer was not to throw the ball around a lot, try to score quickly and put the defense right back on the field, the answer was to control the game on the ground.
  11. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Schotty called a very good game yesterday. Yeah, I said it.

    That "cutesy" stuff was critical when you have a QB who couldn't hit the team bus from across the street.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I don't think Schottenheimer is the HC candidate he once was and I think Ryan will retain Schotty, so between those two factors, I think Schotty is here again next year.

    But it's more about Rex Ryan now. My insecurity over possibly not having OC continuity going into next year doesn't bother me as much with what I've seen in Ryan. I think he's really matured over the past several months. I say this based on interviews I've seen and pressers televised on SNY mostly.

    For the first half of our '09 season, Ryan was obviously a DC-turned HC with a lot of OJT ahead of him. But he's changing... wanting to be more of an overall coach... realizing that while DEF is important, it's his job to oversee everything and perfect himself at managing all phases. I know it sounds, corny, but I think the guy has turned the corner and knows where he needs to improve in order to be a good HC.

    For that reason, I have less anxiety if we have to replace Schotty next year with someone new. I think the key is Rex Ryan, and how much better he'll be as a HC next year. He's made some hard decisions... benching Kerry Rhodes and sitting MS, and I think we're only looking at the tip of the iceberg now.
    #12 Section 227. Row 5, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Hahahaha... I agree.
  14. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    i have never understood the thought that schotty runs these stupid plays and formations because he trying to build his resume. do you think some owner was watching the jets yesterday and after seeing that double reverse lose like 10 yards thought to himself "we really need a guy who will run creative plays like that"? if schotty was positioning himself for a head coaching job he would have done everything he could have to protect sanchez and play to the strengths of his offense because that is what good coaches do.

    there is absolutely no way schotty has helped his chances of becoming a head coach this season. all he has done is shown that he has no concept of situational football and instead would prefer to randomly grab things out his bag of tricks and hope that whatever he picked magically works.
    #14 ukilledkenny, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Rex Ryan had a lot on his plate coming here as a rookie HC this year. It is perfectly understandable for him to allow Schotty to do whatever TF he wanted to do this year and let him run the entire offensive, pretty much unquestioned. Ryan's forte' is defense, and that is where he felt comfortable early on while getting his feet wet and settling into the job.

    I expect we'll see some different things going on next year, with Ryan taking much more of an active role in overseeing Schotty and the calls... all of it across the board... much more of an overall general manager of the entire team coaching.
  16. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    He should go back to being a QB coach for a while.
  17. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    According too cimini he has a 'presence'...I remember last winter he wrote blog entries saying don't be shocked if the jets hired schotty cus he has said presence
  18. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    With the amount of quality HC candidates available, Schotty has just about no chance of getting a HC job this offseason. He will get his chance again hopefully next offseason when the Jets offense continues to improve and they become legit SB contenders.
  19. hoobash

    hoobash Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Loosing Schot and Clemens is addition by subtraction
  20. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    You could even say losing them would be multiplication by subtraction without having any division involved.

    Unless he actually does end up in Buffalo, then division would be in the equation.

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