There was actually one more response from him on this, but I can't post it here because it's religious. And it involved Yoda. And it's religious. I was actually in shock after I read it. I have a funny feeling that when the Star Trek Online MMO comes out next year, he's going to probably play it wearing Spock
He probably will be from the sounds of it, but so long as he doesn't get them surgically implanted there may be hope for him... lol
Star Trek was awesome. The Hurt Locker was awesome. Moon was awesome. Star Trek might pull in an award or two for effects. Renner deserves at least a nod for Locker. I wouldn't nominate Rockwell for best actor, but I might nominate Rockwell for best actor. 2009 was just a good year for movies, man. It's unfortunate that movies like Sunlight: Three Wolf Moon get all the press, but the good movies were out there this year.
Ok, here it goes. Please don't report me :smile: This was the last reply from him. I haven't seen him at work since. I think he's trying to construct his own warp core. I think I may start avoiding this guy at
I always feel like im the only one who liked the last movie. I know it never airs on TV. Why is that?
Really? Everyone I know (including me) thought it was great. It was actually on TV last weekend on FXM (the FX Movie Channel - channel 190 on Cablevision), and will be again next week.
Anyone seeing this tonight or tomorrow? I am excited. Few buddies are going tonight, but I will check it out tomorrow.