Ass whuppin. This was close for less than 1/4 of the game. Score does not begin to explain the dramatic differences between these 2 teams. Prepare for the offseason, where dreams are not yet crushed and the Jets remain undefeated.
I really think Sanchez may be at a point where a rest and a deep breath could benefit him. He is repeating stupid mistakes and needs to take a step back.
the point is that you are telling him that his rookie mistake phase has come and gone now and it's time to be accountable. I'm sorry but at this point some of these picks are completely inexcusable. it's one thing to still be learning, but it's entirely something else to be careless and make mistakes that simply wouldn't 't be tolerated on the collegiate level. period.
lol what's the point of leaving Sanchez in the game if they're only going to have him hand off. Curse you Woody and your star-obsession.
He's played shitty for the most part this game (minus the 3rd quarter), but "rookie mistake phase" lasts for as long as he's considered a rookie.... give him the rest of the year to hone his game, and next year if he's still doing this, then it's time to make him accountable for not working on his craft
"That O-Line and the Colts O-line get away with the most holding in the NFL.....gee, I wonder why that is so?really makes you want to stop watching the NFL when the integrity of the league comes into question because you're trying to protect certain individuals." The fixed NFL has integrity? Since when?
Which means the QB coach is NOT doing his JOB! When the rookie keeps throwing the same piks every week and NOT LEARNING ANYTHING then there is a failure in getting through to him. If he throws it OOB we may drive and score, who knows but it seems he has that Favre like GS mentality that has to make a play everytime at all costs.