This is strange, at least to me.
I don't think it's strange at all. The fact Dolphins fans are smug and think it's the Miami Dolphins he would call is laughable. He's calling a coach who has had his job who is well respected, if he even makes the call. This is such a non-story. Leave it to Dolphins fans to use anything to help that self-esteem.
The title to the thread is Rex calls PARCELLS so where did I say anything about him calling the Dolphins, and by the way moron how the hell do you talk to a team, what do you call and say "Can I speak to the Dolphins?" The strange part is that he would call a GM from a division rival for advice. By the way our self-esteem is fine, 3 straight against you losers and our coach didn't just bust out crying at a team meeting.
Yeah because Ricky is total garbage he only went over a 100 with a TD last week, I think we'll be just fine until Ronnie gets back. By the way you shouldn't be saying anything about phags, you have the gayest avatar I've ever seen in my life.
This is retarded on so many levels. I went and read your little link douche and the consensus was he was calling the Dolphins for advice. The whole thing implies that he is calling the Dolphins, but maybe you're too inept to see that was the undertone of the crap you linked. Why else would you come on to a Jets message board and post that, but to somehow gloat. Spare me with the 3 straight wins. Your team had a 1 win season this decade and has barely mustered competition against the Jets.
somehow calling someone who was the most successful Jets coach the last 20 years, who almost single handedly took several franchises from the dung heap to respectability is labeled as "strange"? If Rex was calling Dave Wanny over at Pitts then maybe I'd see a point to this thread, but as it stands, what's wrong with it? by the way, if you think Bill's phone hasn't rung off the hook the past 5~7 years with NFL coaches on the other line, you're just being willfully ignorant
Yeah anyone on the dolphins or employed by the dolphins must be a dumb ass really. Bill Parcells use to coach in new york and did go 3-13 in his first year, i would'nt see it as odd. Even in the article, the writer mentions its common in the NFL. It's not odd at all. And btw yeah ricky williams ran 100 yards against Tampa Bay. Yes the Dolphins won't miss a beat without Ronnie.
I think it's good that he's smart enough to ask for help from people who have been in his position before. Some people may be too proud or stubborn to ask others for help. He's obviously well aware of the fact that Parcells may not be willing to help him, but he's still not too proud to reach out for advice.
Yeah we had a 1-15 year this decade but still managed to put together more wins then then the jets in the last 10 years, imagine that.
Well yeah if Ronnie's out for awhile or god forbid the season then it will most defiantly screw us but if it's like a 2 week deal then I think we'll be fine.
Rex needs to try to do as much as possible to turn this thing around. So im for him reaching out to Parcells.
Ricky hasn't been practicing throwing out of the pussycat, in fact, he's never ran it. I suggest you learn some more about your own team before you come to other team's boards spewing your nonsense. ...and ftr, your avatar is STILL gayer than mine.
No you haven't. In the last 10 years, Jets have had 80 reg. season wins, 2 playoff wins, Fins have had 78 reg season wins, 2 playoff wins. From 1998-2008, the numbers are dead even. Having had a 1-15 season doesn't make those numbers any better.
He spoke to Parcells and Bill told him, first thing Rex, quit crying in the locker room you fucking candy ass, shit talking, sack of shit. Your team doesn't back you up on Sundays. And next time your team can't stop a team from scoring the entire 4th quarter, use your time outs to get the ball back, you can't use them as coupons at McDonalds after the game. Other than that your doing a bang up job, keep up the good work.
"Hey Bill, it's Rex...How are you?" "Good...thanks" "I need some help here...thing are..." "One...stop crying...or better yet tell your players to keep their god damn mouths shut about the things that happen in the locker room behind close doors" "Two...please do yourself a favor and take away Kerry and David's cell phones. If I see another tweet from these morons I going to shit myself" "Three...I'm wanna get a pizza?"