Pull Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez is playing lights out football right now compared to what Aikman and Bradshaw did in their first opportunities. He's playing similar to what Elway finally did when the Broncos handed him the ball.

    To sit him right now would be a huge mistake for several reasons:

    1. The guy we're putting in for him is going to be no better and probably worse in many ways.

    2. It's not going to help the situation with the fans at all. If you pull Sanchez now you're going to have to make a very good case for putting him back in whenever you choose to do that. Other than Clemens sucked, which will just reflect poorly on the coaching staff and management in general further inflaming the fan base.

    3. Assuming Clemens can hold his own, meaning play acceptably, you've recreated the Richard Todd/Matt Robinson Qb controversy scenario that absolutely crippled the Jets development in the late 70's. They finally rose off of the defense and the offense, which had no leader because it had two guys vying for that role, was always the drag on the rest of the team until O'Brien was finally drafted to resolve the problem.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    junc's posts don't make any sense, of course.

    This is not just an argument about stats. Elway and Aikman in particular were seen as the long term saviors of their franchises. Everybody knew when they were picked that their teams would be relying on them to be the qb's for the foreseeable future. Both won multiple SB's eventually.

    But their teams did not feel obligated to start them their whole rookie seasons, either, and not having done so does not seem to have hampered their careers.

    One aspect of this argument that continues to bother me is the argument that Clemens sucks so bad he can't do better than Sanchez right now. Well, if he's that bad, how come he's the #2 QB on this team? This is actually a big black mark on Schotty. He knows what the team has or doesn't have in Clemens. When Ryan came here, can't we assume they talked about whether to keep Clemens, with him being either #2 or perhaps even #1? Yet the guy is so bad that he can't do better than what we have seen lately?

    And this bit about throwing out Sanchez's two bad games is just another load. Why not throw out his first three, since it's the trend that is so bothersome, with the team losing five of their last six.

    Ignore it will be.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't think that is at all true. Yes, Sanchez had a better start for his first three games than Aikman and Elway, but Elway's case was quite different, since Denver did not start him at the beginning of the season, and even pulled him in the tenth game. The problem is that Sanchez is getting worse, not getting better. His worst games other than the NO game have been from Buffalo on. The Oakland game was an illlusion.

    I see the Todd/Robinson controvery quite differently. I don't think it crippled the team at all. You can argue instead that the competition improved both. O'Brien was drafted more because Todd was getting older.

    I also answered the Clemens sucks argument above. I don't say he's great - but hang this on the FO and CS that the team's #2 (apparently) sucks that bad. How did they think he was the guy to go into this season as the backup?

    Normally a backup gets in there if the starter gets dinged up or worse. What if this team were in the thick of the playoff hunt, and Sanchez pulled up lame for a game or two? How would we feel then about Tanny and Rex having Clemens as the backup?
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez played very well in the second Miami loss. He played acceptably, particularly for a rookie, in the first Miami loss and on Sunday against the Jaguars. He did exactly what they asked him to do against Oakland.

    If you take the Buffalo game out of the equation - and I think the fact that it was his first game in bad weather and he was asked to throw it a lot anyway makes that reasonable - he is having a rookie season that looks better than anything but Peyton Manning and Dan Marino's rookie seasons.
  5. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    Well of course! If you disregard he good performances, then yeah, he's sucked since buffalo, makes perfect sense!

    The two Miami games were great for a rookie (remember that his rushing touchdowns count as well, so you can't just look at his passing TD/int ratios). And before the last game he'd gone what, 2~3 games without an INT?

    He's not regressing, what you're seeing is a common ebb and flow of the game:

    1) New QB comes in, teams haven't prepared for him since there isn't enough tape, so he looks like he's playing lights out

    2) Teams get tape, note his tendencies, attack them, QB plays poorly because his flaws are being exploited

    3) QB starts to learn what he's doing that's giving the defense a heads up, and works to correct those, developing new tendencies

    4+) wash/rinse/repeat #2 and #3 for the rest of your career
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Their teams also did not have the talent around the QB that we currently have and they had better options to start the season with.

    7 of 9 he's played well enough to win so yeah I ca take out the 2.
    Instead of criticizing others actually pay attention then one day you might be able to participate in an intelligent discussion about football.

    I agree for the most part until you added Peyton w/ Marino. Peyton had his moments as a rookie but he led his team to 3 wins and threw 28 INTs, marino was 7-2 as a rookie and threw only 6 INTs.
  7. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    The Peyton comparisons don't exactly make for the best analogies. Peyton's Colts during his rookie year were not as talented as this Jets team(hold back the tomatoes for a second). Yes they had Marshall Faulk and Marvin Harrison, but that was about it. Harrison was only in his second season and still developing at that point so he was not yet the play-maker he would become. Faulk was pretty much the only dependable weapon on that team with an OLine that was not much to brag about. The Colts defense that year wasn't exactly making Peyton's job any easier, as they ranked 29th in the league in both yards/game and points/game. Peyton typically was playing from behind which led to a lot of forced throws trying to win games.

    This Jets team, on the other hand, has/had two great HBs, a great (run-blocking) OLine, one of the most dependable WRs in the league in Cotchery and another one with huge play-making potential in Edwards. Keller is on pace to outperform both of the Colts' TEs in yards combined. The defense, despite being maddeningly inopportune, has played much better than 29th in the league.
  8. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Why take the Buffalo game out and leave the first three in? All in, or the first three go out, too. Why? Because Sanchez played with consistency the first three games. Since then? Not so much.

    His last six games have included games against Oakland and two against Miami, some of the worst pass defenses in the league right now.

    The point that should be clear is that in fact there is nothing to the argument that high picks at Qb must be played the entire rookie season or something awful happens to them. That is not what the records of Elway, Aikman and Bradshaw show.

    Now I am not saying Sanchez should sit, but the argument has more to do with what the Jets do or don't have with Clemens and why that is the case more than doing something awful to Sanchez by letting someone else play Qb for part of his rookie season.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez has been very consistent the last several games. He's been doing that mostly without Cotchery. Now that Cotchery is back things will get better.

    You want to know why the Buffalo game stands out from the rest? Because it was the first game that Cotchery was not available at all and Edwards wasn't able to pick up the slack because he and Sanchez had no chemistry (still don't) outside the two throws in the Miami game late.

    The weather was lousy, the offensive coordinator was having a low blood sugar attack or something, and none of the receivers were stepping up and giving Sanchez targets that he could not miss. The combination of the 3 things above just did Sanchez in. Yes, he had a lousy day but so do all rookie QB's. Most rookie QB's have a lousy day because they are finally put behind the 8-ball by an opponent that is scoring a lot and that forces them to throw the ball in situations in which it is obvious they're going to throw it - advantage defense. Sanchez had a lousy day because Brian Schottenheimer is an idiot. There's a self-inflicted wound if I ever saw one.
  10. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The excuse making is over the top. I am not here to bury Sanchez. But there is a huge element of wishful thinking and ignoring actual evidence in positions such as yours.

    I hope as much as anyone that he succeeds. But so far he has not. Many of the team's opponents have woeful pass defenses, including Miami, the Jags, and Carolina. Even NO has the ball moved on it quite a lot through the air.

    Sanchez did not have a good game this past weekend. He is not improving.

    Hopefully he will.
  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    When the Jets drafted Mark Sanchez, Kellen Clemens became irrelevant.

    Get the fuck over the fact that he'll never live up to his second round selection.
  12. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    OH LORD!!!

    9 games into Mark's pro career and he's not Dan Marino yet??

    WTF, he's a bust, back to the draft board again.

    NO has the most picks in the league by the way-

  13. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Do you understand the situation that this team is in?

    Mark Sanchez is improving each and every week - win or loss - good game or bad game. This season is all about Sanchez learning how to play in this league. I don't see how some of you clowns expect him to come in and light the league up.

    Joe Flacco has shit for stats last season. He's overcome a lot of things that hurt him as a rookie and he looks like a much better quarterback.

    This team isn't going to the playoffs this year - it never was.

    Mark Sanchez is the...FUTURE...of this team. It's not going to be pretty right now, but down the road, no one will want to fuck with this team.
  14. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Nice straw man. And nobody said he's a bust. I didn't even say he should be benched.

    But the defense of him sounds quite desparate.

    "Don't dare question Sanchez!"

  15. Quinnenthebeast

    Quinnenthebeast Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
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    Hey guys the seasons virtually over (barring any major changes). Let him progress, I don't care what his numbers are. There is no point in putting in Clemens at all.
  16. DisgruntledLionFan

    DisgruntledLionFan Active Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Is asking your QB, rookie or not, to throw 22 passes in 4 Qs a lot? Did the Bills dial it down when juggernaut Ryan Fitzpatrick was forced to play? This is the only game where I think it was a mistake not to bench Mark. He was off and showed no signs of getting better as the game progressed. It cost the Jets a game and possibly the playoffs.

    Subtracting bad games, or any game, is silly. Case in point, if you subtract his best game, he looks no better than Joey Harrington, VY or David Carr on the stat sheet.

    And you'd have a hard time convincing me that Sanchez has played better than Ryan did last year through the same number of games. You could even subtract games and it still wouldn't make for much of an argument.
  17. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Funny thats the same way you approach defending your posts.
  18. Intrepid-Man

    Intrepid-Man New Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    There isn't much sense pulling him now but in the offseason we should get a seasoned pro to come in so we can let him develop off the field. This guy hasn't got what I like to call "IT" yet and I'm sick of losing. Mangini is a moron for getting rid of Pennington so we go from a moron to a cry baby and now we have a QB that can't cut it and I have a feeling the Pats are going to hang 40 on us if we don't get our act together.
  19. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    1. You're still bitching about getting rid of Chad Pennington?

    2. I love how you're being a whiny bitch about Rex Ryan trying to inspire his team.

    3. Mark Sanchez can't cut it? He's a fucking rookie.

    4. Get the hell off of our board, troll.
    #299 Mr Electric, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  20. Intrepid-Man

    Intrepid-Man New Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    It's because of fans like you that we lose every year. If you think Sanchez is "CUTTING IT" right now your crazy. I want him to develop off the field so we don't have to lose for the next 3 years too. Chad pennington would have been perfect for the time being and given us a better chance to win. I suppose everyone with a different opinion from you is a troll. I'm not kissing @$$ on a team of losers, I want them to turn it around. If you're encouraged by what you see right now I'm happy for you but judging from the ignorant reply you don't sound too happy..What's your prediction for Sunday? How much are we going to win by?

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