Tebow has two passing TDs and two rushing TDs today, as Florida leads Georgia, 31-17. He's averaging almost seven yards a rush.
I love how so many people are so willing to admit their obvious jealousy of Tebow's success, and thus inherent displeasure with their own accomplishments in life in comparison to his, with the adolescent criticisms. don't think he is the greatest of all time. that's fine. don't think he is as good as his hype. that's okay, too, if you can rationally state why. but anyone who says he sucks, is terrible, or comes up with such witty plays on words as "Teblows" is simply jealous and dislikes him because he gets the applaud that they envy for themselves, because such statements are simply dishonest and aren't backed by any empirical analysis of his play or accomplishments. well done, children. your insults speak more of your shortcomings, not his ability.
Holy shit, I wish I would have seen this the first time around. If he's not in your top 3, he damn well better be in your top 5. I mean, I truly cant stand the fact that the retard got a free education from a great university when his SAT score was under 1000. So if you want to hate him for that, okay... but to say hes not one of the greatest college football players ever is just plain ignorant.
his SAT score was under 1000? I hate to break it to you, but most big time college athletes are similar. Few of them got good or even above average scores on the SAT. They got into places they never would have gotten into had they not been good athletes. I don't know what this has to do with Tebow, though. Good article Football and men’s basketball players on the nation’s big-time college teams averaged hundreds of points lower on their SATs than their classmates, and some of the gaps are so large they call into question the lengths to which schools will go to win. The biggest gap between football players and students as a whole occurred at the University of Florida, where players scored 346 points lower than the school’s overall student body. That’s larger than the difference in scores between typical students at the University of Georgia and Harvard University. FOOTBALL SAT SCORES: THE TOP 10 School, Average Georgia Tech, 1028 Oregon State, 997 Michigan, 997 Virginia, 993 Purdue, 974 Indiana, 973 Hawaii, 968 California, 967 Colorado, 966 Iowa, 964 THE BOTTOM 10 School, Average Oklahoma State, 878 Louisville, 878 Memphis, 890 Florida, 890 Texas Tech, 901 Arkansas, 910 Texas A&M, 911 Mississippi State, 911 Washington State, 916 Michigan State, 917 Nationwide, football players average 220 points lower on the SAT than their classmates — and men’s basketball players average seven points less than football players. Those figures come from an Atlanta Journal-Constitution study of 54 public universities, including the members of the six major Bowl Championship Series conferences and other schools whose teams finished the 2007-08 season ranked among the football or men’s basketball top 25. While it’s commonly known that admission standards are different for athletes, the AJC study quantifies how wide the gap is between athletes and the general student body at major universities.
So, I wasn't wrong with what I said. It's not like I even questioned his ability on the field. I take issue with any school that lowers it's standards that much for STUDENT-athletes. I don't really understand why you wasted time calling me out nearly a full month later, but alright Yis.
Right. So your issue is not with Tebow. It's with the system. Your frustration with the system would extend to all the athletes, not Tebow. and yeah, the banned guy bumped the thread