STFU Bart Scott

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by PJ4Ever, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Bart Scotts comments were not that bad. His point was that they dominated the whole game but like he said "but with that being said Ted Ginn made some great plays and they were very effective". His comments were not that bad.

    I think the Jets were probably sick of hearing about how disrespected the Dolphins felt after the first game these two teams played so Scott was being sarcastic. Its really not a big deal.
  2. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Dead on, Sir. I just think people are just to sensitive for this kind of stuff. Dolphin fans/players are apparently very sensitive, goodness, I think they need to start acting like men.
  3. DMSMaven

    DMSMaven Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Oh yeah !!! Much rather he is with us and not against us ...

    In 7 of our 8 games the "D" has be GREAT ... The "D" held the Saints "O" to what 10 points ?, they absolutley shut down the DOLFAGS this time ... Bart and the "D" have been doing everything they can to WIN ... 6 INT's vs the Bills, 2 or 3 TD's by the Saints against the offense, 2 KO returns and a fumble return against the ST and the Offense ... The "D" can't make those plays when they aren't on the field ...

    I haven't added it up, but I think the ST and offensive teams have given up almost as many points as our DEFENSE has ...
  4. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I agree just STFU and win a game
  5. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    I guess he's frustrated because the Miami offense will take credit for beating the Jets defense, even though that's the opposite of what happened. It doesn't matter anyway, the TEAM lost and ST is part of that team. I can understand his frustration though. Its hard taking a loss when you handled your business. Its kind of the opposite of the first Miami game. The offense did their job and the defense was a letdown.

    He should have just kept quiet and take out his frustration in the weight room or something. But it was funny.
  6. Fin-atic

    Fin-atic New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Youre kidding right? First of all the whole Mud Bowl Tarp incident is nothing but Urban Legend based on what Jet Coach Walt Michaels believed. There is nothing to prove it and the Fins still played on the same slopy field as the Jets. The whole Noll steroid comment is so ridiculous I almost didn't respond. This was the symptom of an era and not a coach or a team.

    Dude, I know you are pissed because you got swept but you are really reaching on this stuff. Less than 24 hours after your loss I have heard Scott's comments criticized by Dungy, Ditka and Mike and Mike in the morning. You are getting a reputation of being a punk team that can't back up its big talk.

    Look Scott could have been angry and said a lot of things about playing better in all aspects of the game, and making stops when they needed them, and getting more turnovers on defense. He looks like an ass when he poor mouths the other team who swept them. Its pretty fucking simple. If you are better than win. If you don't then shut the fuck up and take it like a man.

  7. Fin-atic

    Fin-atic New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    By the way here are a couple of stats that should be looked at:

    Jets defense= 0 takeaways.

    Jets rushing offense=127 yards

    Those two items played as much of a role as anything. The Jets are use to winning the turnover battle and I think this was a big factor. Also having no ability to run the ball in a dominant fashion forces the rookie QB to win the game. That is a lot of pressure to put on someone even as talented as Sanchez. I think that even some of the big pass plays were awesome amazing catches by Edwards and Keller and Sanchez got great help on them. So in the end the Jets had to have Sanchez win the game and he didn't.

    This does not take away from the two special teams TDs. They were huge and they were the biggest difference. But there was more to the game then those two plays.

  8. YankeeRacers

    YankeeRacers Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I liked what he had to say. Then again I'm an asshole who is highly competitive and hates to lose. Which is what I assume Bart Scott is too, so welcome to the club Bart. Our D played great and the Dolphins did not. The respectful crap you guys like to hear that gets repeated over and over is just that crap. They are sound bites that everyone has memorized and my eyes glaze over when I see "they showed up and we didn't, you gotta give them credit." Go blow it out your ass because Miami only showed up for special teams, if that.
  9. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I applaud you, sir.
  10. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Don't you want to say the ONLY difference. Without those you lose and you know it.
  11. Fin-atic

    Fin-atic New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    I can play could have, would have, should have all day. IF we don't fumble a punt you guys are down that TD. IF Keller doesn't make a miracle catch you are down that TD. Come on bro you're grasping here. Fact is that special teams are part of the game. Those scores count just the same as if we drove it 90 yards and scored. You guys are more than happy to count all of Leon Washington's return TDs and soak up how "good your team is". Well they count for Miami too. The point of my post is you guys make it sound like you were perfect other than those kicks. Well you weren't. Your defense didn't take the ball away and you couldn't run the ball. Two of your biggest trademarks.
  12. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    The Dolphins are normally very good at defending the run, allowing 86 yards rushing per game before the Jets game. We rushed for 127 yards. You state 127 yards as if that is a failure. It is a pretty good effort. Not great, but not bad either. Most teams would be quite happy with 127 yards per game. Only 8 teams in the NFL average more than that per game. Its also not 300 yards, but that would be a completely unfair measuring stick. The disappointing part is the yards per carry. Despite that, we still ran the ball pretty well. Certainly not a failure in the run game.

    This is not to say in some weird way that the Jets won. They lost on the scoreboard and that's all that mattered. Special teams are part of the team. Not to forget, we lost a fumble for a TD and we lost by less than that TD, so that decided the game also. However, our running game did not lose that game for us and our defense certainly didn't. Not winning the turnover battle is more a credit to Miami's offense being conservative. I think it is inaccurate to say that the running game in any way played a role in us losing when they had a solid game.
    #112 bojanglesman, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    David Harris is certainly better than Scott, but Scott is far from garbage. David Harris plays the freelancing role that Lewis plays in Baltimore, has only been in the system for half a season and is already a monster in this defense. Bart Scott turned in a 7-tackle-1-sack performance yesterday, that's some hot garbage.
  14. jcjet

    jcjet Member

    Feb 22, 2003
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    I love hi attitude! He speaks the truth!
  15. Clown

    Clown New Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    No you STFU!
  16. Fin-atic

    Fin-atic New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    First of all I respect the hell out of your post. Thoughtful and not full o F bombs. I like to talk football and am happy to have good discssion.

    My point about the running game is that number is way below half of your average. Every team has a scheme that has to work for them. By not being able to run the ball well, you had to put it on Sanchez's shoulder. That is not your game. It didn't lose the game for you, it is just what you needed to win.

    I can't get into all of the "what if's" because fact is our DB dropped a sure pick six on the goal line that would have gone 100 yrds the other way. What IF Bess doesn't fumble that punt or Keller doesn't make that amazng catch two inches off the turf.

  17. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Oh sure. Bart Scott should we can go back to being the same old spineless Jets we've been for the last 40 F-ing years!!! Personally, I'm glad to hear someone with a little moxie telling it like it is. The Jets are far better than their record indicates. Anyone who has WATCHED the games can see that. Yeah, it's the scoreboard that counts at the end of the game...I know that, everyone knows that, but I'd rather have my team playing with a little PASSION and PRIDE in being a Jet. We've kept our mouths shut for too many seasons, a little trash talking shows you have some damn HEART. Keep talking Bart...I'm with you.
  18. Fin-atic

    Fin-atic New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Talking shit doesn't make you great. Winning makes you great. This new "attitude" you guys think is so great has you no better off than last year. 2008 when you were 8 weeks into the season guess what your record was? 4-3.

    Win then talk.

  19. thejetsaddict

    thejetsaddict New Member

    Nov 4, 2004
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    once he stops mouthing off we should be worried...........until then it shows he cares and is upset with what is going on. Yes we lost the game today but he did his job and so did the rest of the D, and O for that matter. We held them to 9 F-in points, 9! And we scored 25. He can talk all the shit he wants cause we just proved that they have what it takes (without Jenkins) to destroy the wildcat. PERIOD!
  20. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    127 yards rushing may be below the Jets season average, but it is by no means a poor showing, nor is it "what we needed to win." What we needed to win was a ST tackle in the 3rd quarter...that's it...just one tackle...End of story.

    And the turnover stat is misleading too. I mean, how could Henne throw a pick when he was on his back half the time? And the Jets did recover Bess' muffed punt. Oh, and the non fumble call in 4th quarter, which replay showed was a fumble.

    Also, Jets had almost 400 yards of what, passing yards don't count?

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