How the hell did Harvin win this shit? 214 total yards for a WR with 5 KR attempts is good but not impressive enough when you have a 144 yds runner on just 19 carries and 2 TDs. Not biased, but if anything, Greene should've won the Ground player award when he had 1 more TD than Benson on 18 less carries and 45 less yards. Small deal, just weekly awards, but the NFL fans, including Jets fans have let this one down.
Wow thats BS, Greene was a nomination for ground player of the week and i thought he was a lock to win rookie of the week! cmon
greene will have his chance to show the nation what he has against the fins this sunday. a great game and he will be in the spotlight
Who cares really? Isn't beating up on the Raiders already satisfying enough? We don't our rookies to win every player of the week award to know they played well.
Not biased, yes you are. benson had a monster day and probably should have gotten it over harvin, never mind green...
Harvin got it because he got his yards in a close game against a good team. Greene gained yards against a poor team in a non-competitive game.
Yes the Raiders suck and the Steelers don't. Harvin's a WR and he got 40 somewhat yards as a receiver and the rest came on special teams, so that argument of dominating a good defense is bull. I hardly find it overly impressive to gain 180 yards returning kicks on 5 attempts, where 20 yards per attempt is usually a freebie anyway. I don't see the bias in my argument. Just based on stats, Greene was far more efficient than Benson was. There's no bias if it's factual. It's not like he ran it on the '85 Bears. Benson and Harvin were also nominated for different awards so actually, you have two lines of nothing. I'm not naive enough to not expect people to come up with smart ass responses of "who the f cares, it's just a weekly award, greene got the win" I don't care how small the award is. All I'm saying is that these awards are usually carried by stats over the strength of opponents, and Greene should've won at least one of the two.