On the game we have a pretty good o-line as far as rating goes but when actually in the game it seems like I never get protection. I find myself in shotgun most of the game and tossing it over to Washington because it feels I'm being constantly blitzed. Does anybody else feel this way?
I know, it sucks. D'Brick gets beaten almost every time in pass blocking and it's impossible to run through the middle as Mangold gets raped 1-on-1 by the opposing DT every fucking time. Totally unrealistic. That's one of the reasons why I have ditched the Jets playing online.
Mangold and Faneca for some reason on all madden get romped on every play. For some reason in year 2 of my franchise its stopped though. Don't really understand why. Oh and by the way year 2 sanchez is fucking nasty. Really really good. The first year was rough goings plus he got hurt for 8 games and I had to use kellen (ewwww) but at least in my league Sanny went from an 81 to an 88
I dont have that problem I get superb protection all game long... bricks is a beast on toss and sweeps... dont run on his side to much though
Everyone gets romped on all-madden. It must lower the ratings, I play at above all madden...and it's amazing, I still win a good amount of the games but I routinely fumble it 4 times a game and never recover them, it's amazing. There are also a ton of dropped passed, especially on third down, surprise surprise.