If Sanchez Can't Pass in Wind and Rain...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ThunderbirdJet, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    good call by the OP

    except it wasnt ugly-it was a fiasco
  2. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    It was Sanchez, and only Sanchez. Not the coaching, not the team, not the weather, not the defense. It was Sanchez.
  3. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Can you tell me next weeks lottery #'s?
  4. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Is too late for Woody to add a roof onto the new stadium? I'm sure Eli wouldn't mind either.
  5. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Hey Tbird Jet? A couple of things. Number one, you were absolutely right about Sanchez and the wind and the rain. All that crap we heard in the preseason was obviously wrong. He can't throw in the Meadowlands right now. Number two, he absolutely cost us that game. He was brutally horrible yesterday. The single worst QB performance I've seen from the Jets.

    You were dead on with this thread, and I was dead wrong.

    Having said that, you can go fuck yourself with this "flaky QB" and "California beach boy" bullshit. You don't know the first thing about this kid, where he comes from, or his family. You don't know about his work ethic, or how fucking hard he's worked ever since he was a kid in EVERYTHING he does. You compare him to a fucking sad sack glory boy in Matt Leinart who has been a prick since his high school days at Mater Dei? Fuck you.

    He was garbage yesterday. He was garbage against the Saints. I will gladly give you that. I will also gladly give you that he has a lot to work on when it comes to throwing the ball in the Meadowlands. However, you'd better damned be sure he's going to work on it. There is no fucking quit in that family. They are strong and they are proud and they are behind him 100%, and that's a huge advantage at a time like this. The next time you attack who he is instead of how he played, you might want to remember that.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    To this day Vinny Testeverde remains the only Jet QB who could play well and throw the ball in all Meadowlands weather.
  7. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You've hated Sanchez ever since you made the snap judgment on him being careless in the times they showed him at the combine. Your opinion on Mark Sanchez is negligible to me, because it is completely non-objective.
  8. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    We shouldda drafted someone from Western PA. instead of this GQ California surfing dude. :)
  9. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    he will learn. It's what his second game in weather? Chad had a shit arm and could still complete 60% in the wind. Sanchez will learn - remember this guy should be a senior at USC right now.
  10. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Tell me how you really feel. You are clueless, to be as kind as possible.

    You think I made ANY reference whatsoever to Sanchez's character? Show me where. What I did say was that most, if not all college QB's from southern California don't translate their college success into the NFL. The list of NFL failures from CA colleges is long. The list of successful NFL QB's from southern CA is VERY short. It is this fact that I was against the Sanchez draft pick, and this reason alone.

    On a personal level, I like the kid. I know his background, how he comes from a poor hard working immigrant family. All of that is fine. But this is the NFL. It's a rough game on and off the field. He looked completely out of it when he was on the bench, practically in shock. Dazed and confused. He should have been pulled.

    People want to blame Schottenhiemer for the play calling, and to me, that holds no water. Sanchez as the QB can check down instead of going deep. He failed to do that. It was one of the worst QB performances the NFL has ever seen. The only fault I find with Schottenheimer is his failure to take the kid out.

    You and others seem to think you know what I think. You don't. Once the pick for Sanchez was made, I became a Mark Sanchez fan. I'm rooting for him. I still have high hopes he will develop into a QB that can play NFL football in the northeast.

    Fuck me? I'll give you an opportunity to apologize and show some class here. I will not respond in kind. That sort of stuff is school ground stuff, not an exchange of opinions between adults, which is my prefered method of communication.

    Look, I'm as disappointed and frustrated as any Jets fan could be, but attacking other Jets fans serves little purpose. Sanchez was historically awful yesterday. It did not surprise me... I thought it might happen, but I surely was hoping I was dead wrong. I took some of my frustration out on Sanchez here. There was a good reason for that... his development has cost the Jets yet another season.
  11. XxAlbert84xX

    XxAlbert84xX New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    weather is just a lousy excuse, this guy practices outside in this weather. You mean to tell me that never in his life he has played in bad weather, that there is always sun shining whenever he plays. Weather is just a cop out. Weather didn't cause him to be retarded and make stupid decisions with the football. That's called being retarded. Weather can excuse one or two, but not 5!
  12. TunaTime7

    TunaTime7 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Sanchez will be a good QB intime..I have said this in all my posts here. He has a great arm and accuracy. He is not affraid to throw deep or take chances and shit happens so give it time. He is a rook and only played 1 year in college. I sure wont be looking forward to playing against him(the phins).
  13. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Let's get this out of the way first. I will not resort to that again. I received a very well deserved warning. I was tired of coming on here and seeing people gloating and genuinely happy to see him fail. When I saw him attacked for who he IS and now simply how he PLAYED, I blew up.

    However, I will not apologize. I still maintain it was merited. If anything, it was mild compared to this gem:

    On second thought, I do apologize. Seems prudent. I'd rather not be told what to do with a bottle in this forum. Now that we have that out of the way...on to the rest.

    Thank you for the exchange of opinions between adults. The huge and bolded SUCKS was quite mature as well, BTW.

    I must have missed the part in which "flaky" was used to describe a QB's style of play, rather than his personality. Describing him as another "beach boy QB" paints a picture of him as a laid back, careless type. Once again, I'm not sure how you could intend that as a description of his playing style. It most certainly does go against who he is as a hard working young man.

    As far as the other QBs you compared him to? That's nothing short of insulting. Losman was a selfish, me-first player who forced his way out of UCLA because he wasn't named the starter as a true freshman. That's how he ended up at Tulane. Contrast that with Mark, who waited for a chance to start and was nothing but gracious while at USC.

    As for Leinart, I know dozens of people who will tell you all about their days at Mater Dei with the primadonna known as Matt Leinart. He's been a dick his entire life. You compare him to Mark Sanchez, a guy who has maintained close contact with his 4th grade teacher because of the impact on his life and visits her class and students every year.

    I notice you didn't include Carson Palmer on that list. Why is that? He's perhaps the best comparison. Unlike the others, Mark and Carson attended high school in the same area (the same school for Mark's freshman year at SMCHS). Both came from devoted families, both worked heavily with Bob Johnson during their high school years, and both have always devoted themselves to their craft and their team 100%.

    No, you decided to group Mark in with those other two not because of similar skills or styles but because of locale and a perceived stereotype that they were "flaky" "beach boys". Venice, BTW, sure as hell ain't Mission Viejo. As for the rest, Mark Sanchez is about as far from the stereotype as you can get. Losman, Leinart, Rob Johnson, these guys fit. Sanchez is a more talented Trent Edwards or Steve Stenstrom, devoted if less talented players you also left off your list.

    Bullshit you know his background, then. His family was modest at worst. RSM and MV aren't the ghetto, and his dad's not an immigrant. He's a fire fighter, which is hardly an impoverished field. Mark's 3rd generation.

    As I said before, all of this is correct. All of it. And I applauded you for it.

    All I know is what you typed and what I read. There is no way you can spin that to be anything but an attack on HIM and not on how he played.

    Gloating over our QB's failures yesterday serves even less purpose. It's his fault he's an unpolished rookie? How many rookies can you name who won the Super Bowl? Guess what? They knew he had to be developed when they drafted him, and so did everyone on this board.
  14. FinFan4Ever

    FinFan4Ever Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    I know this guy doesn't cover the Jets but with the Fins were on a Bye. Thought this was an interesting entry.

    Armando Salguero
  15. topofthemark

    topofthemark New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    If Sanchez stinks up the joint against the Raiders next week, we have a serious problem on hand.
  16. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    guys i didnt like the pick. i have gone over why in the past. i havent been a dick about his struggles and have applauded him for his successes. i think i have really tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because of how against his pick i was.

    dave krieg was a good qb, i would say above average but he had very very small hands and fumbled the ball regularly, often it would just fall out of his hand.

    sancheese (its a nickname it does not mean i dont like him!) has had a propensity for putting the ball on the ground, as a matter of fact after week 3 it was one of the only things people could complain about. i think it was a valid point and had nothing to do with whether i liked or didnt like the pick.

    he actually had one that simply fell out of his hand... which i dont understand because i have read he has pretty large hands. its tough when you arent used to playing in elements like that, i can only hope he will get better playing in the elements.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i disagree, they have one of the best cover corners in the league.. we still have injuries in the wr position and the raiders rush has been hot and cold. i could see him having a tough day the key with the raiders is that their offense is worse than the bills.

    im not going to freak out if he has a decent or below average game.
  18. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It would be nice if Sanchez breaks the 200yd barrier this week too..
  19. Verde

    Verde New Member

    Oct 19, 2009
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    On week 8 Sanchez will be sandwiched by Taylor, Porter, and Wake play after play after play. :beer:

    Oct 23, 2005
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    Another soft surfer boy qb from cali,who's #1 priority in life is catching big waves on his surf-board,and laying out on the sand,instead of being a good qb. He's rob johnson part 2(but worse),this is all IMO.

    You guys had your moment this year,you guys were the september superbowl champions.

    Imagine in foxborough later in the year if mark molechez
    is in a rain or snow storm,WOW-JUST WOW.

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