17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    sounds like I am keeping my seats in 2011, if enough people like woody in the uppper deck sideline bail I can move over. if not I am bailing too. UD EZ is going to get old real quick.
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    From What I Hear You Can Upgrade From Upper To Psl Seat But Not Upper End Zone To Upper Sidelines In 2011 .b/c Everyone In The End Zone Would Want To Keep Moving To The Sidelines.

    Just Rumor Of Course. They Havent Even Thought That Far Ahead.
  3. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    The whole UD makes no sense. There still is a waiting list for instance. So in 2011 will the Jets just sell UD sideline to new people on waiting list or let existing UD EZ people move over?

    I would not be suprised if Jets PSL'd UD Sideline for 1K like Giants and then as people give up seats just sell them and keep us EZ suckers on the side or throw us a bone and let us have first dibs on a 1k PSL.
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    who is an ud end zone sucker??? knowing im the 3rd row in my section now even though im the #10th row, i feel much better.and im two sections over from someone who is paying $10 more per ticket than me.

    if it sucks im gone no worries.yea i wish i could sit mezz row 1 on the 50 but they are scum and they wont get my money,
  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I am also an UD EZ person. At 95 a seat with no PSL we are the lowest profitable customer. Plus we are the highest to eat and drink in parking lot or at Penn station before we jump on train.

    People like us they will want to convert us to more expensive seats or nail us on parking. They may get stuck with us but I have a feeling if they run out of something like parking spots it will be the $95 dollar people who get nailed.

    I am betting down the road Jets PSL UD. A lot of people will bail as this is the whole crowd who turned down concept of PSL. If I get offered first dibs on a 1K PSL before general public I will take it if I can get better seats.

    I also hope PSLs do not sell out and Jets offer deals. The first people they will try to convince is us UD free riders. Maybe I get a 5K psl with one year free tickets?

    You and me buddy are like the guy who walks into the chevy dealer and gets the cheapest model with a stick, no AC and no floormats. The guy who bought the loaded caddie is always going to come first, not us.
  6. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    One other thing I didn't consider before. With a PSL you actually have a contract for the seat and location, with the Non-PSL's you don't . Its not out of the question if many people bail from the UD after year 1, the JETS don't just reassign people withiin the UD.
  7. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Is this really possible? I didn't think the FO would be able to do this but I guess I have been naive.
  8. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    It is going to be musical chairs in Upper Deck for a few years. Lots of people including me are trying it for a year after being relocated for lower sideline or mezz. People paying $105 a year to sit in first ten rows lower sideline now who will be paying $105 next year for last row upper deck sideline may not stick around, even more so if Jets start losing. I am stuck in UD EZ Corner seats. Most likely if I am stuck with them again in 2011 and Jets are so so I am bye bye.

    We have not bought a seat, we can be moved around or we could be forced to buy a PSL if Jets are great. We are renters upstairs.
  9. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    My friend is right in front of you and I'm 8 rows in front of you. Welcome to section 346
  10. JetsFanSec129

    JetsFanSec129 New Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Here's my take on the situation......coming from a long time Jets fan and new season ticket holder as of this season.

    Now, I'm only 37-years old so I can't say I've been going to Jets games since the 60's but I have been a Jets fan since the Shea Stadium days. My Pop brought us to many games at Shea (yeah, I remember the last game when people were tearing out seats and sod and selling it in the parking lot) and our family had season tickets at the Meadowlands when I was younger too (tickets are long gone now as he gave them up a while ago.) Ever since then I've wanted to be a season ticket holder because I'm a JETS fan. Bottom line.....love football, love the NFL and we're die hard Jets fans.

    To me the PSL is my entry fee into being a Jets season ticket holder. I know many old timers (and many new guys too) are against PSL's and I respect that however there are a LOT of people like me who want to be at these games and want to be a part of the Jets. Would I rather pay no PSL? Sure.....but I also want decent seats (which is my decision) so I opted for the lower endzones which will run me some decent cash. My decision (well, our decision as wife stamped the approval thankfully) and I'm happy with it and can't wait for the opening game next season when that stadium is rockin' and rollin'.

    See, for me I don't see this as filling Woody's pockets. I see it as the price I have to pay after many years of waiting to finally enter the stadium as a JETS SEASON TICKET HOLDER. That means a lot to me.

    my 2-cents.
  11. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    ^ 129 welcome aboard. I've stated from the beginning that PSL's may mean that more true Jet fans are now going to be ticket holders. Gone are the days when Giant fans or ticket brokers hold tickets due to the price of doing business with the PSL. Its a steep price to pay - I admit but if the stadium is filled with Jet fans it will a special place.
  12. NewStadiumSec101

    NewStadiumSec101 New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Rodimus - Given your long tenure of sitting in the EZ do you think row 17 is too low; i.e. will I be able to see anything that happens on the far side of the field? Interested in pluses/minuses. thx.
  13. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I love the view, getting down the other end it does get tough. I got good vision, lol.

    But you can see every play develop and it's great. Coming toward your EZ the view is the best in sports.

    Row 17 sounds like the perfect height, in the current one were in the 20's.

    In the new one we got row 5, I might miss out on the other end a bit more but I wanted to be down there.

    My Father would've rather had your row area.
  14. longsufferingjetsfan

    May 18, 2009
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    I've been in lower end zone for 44 years -- row 1 at Shea and row 5 in the Meadowlands now, row 11 next year in the new stadium. There's no better seat when the action is coming out you. You have the QB and MLB view of the field. You can see fine for 60 yards thru the opponent's 40. Then I use my binoculars and radio headphones. I enjoy a different game day experience than I would get watching on TV.
  15. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I see your opinion and we all have ours. Me personally I'm 29 and will be closing on a condo in 2 weeks. My dad put me on the waiting list for season tickets when I was 8 and got them when I was 11. So for 2/3 of my life I've been going to Jets games every Sunday sat there to break the NFL record for most no shows and all those other games.

    If the PSL gave me something besides an entry I would be ok. I see what you say as it's an entry but then I should be guaranteed that my ticket prices won't increase from $120 to $200 in one year. If the PSLs were kept at $1k-$5k with a price lock I think most people would have moaned a bit but paid it.

    Me personally I have 3 seats. I had to decide $12k on the mezanine or use that toward a down payment. If the PSL was $1k it would be a whole different story.

    The stadium will over a long period of time have more "Jets fans" but a lot of diehards have also been priced out. When $95 is considered the "cheap seat" it's hard for people to keep going. The other disaster will be if we do not sell out. You will see those $140 sideline seats on ticketmaster being gobbled up by opposing team fans that had a $15k PSL price tag. That could be the real embarassment.
  16. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    That's what I want to know: who is buying those seats right now ?

    What do those seats (for the Giants, but you can do the math for the Jets too) cost per game if you amortize the PSL over 30 years ? And what do they cost now ?

    I would guess most of these lower-bowl seats cost, what, for a Giants game -- $200 ? So now the cost is going to $500 - $700 ? Use the lower figure, but then it's another $67 per ticket per game (including preseason) over 30 years.

    Basically, your seat prices tripled.
  17. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    I think it's because so many Giant fans have had tickets for GENERATIONS that they are mentally amortizing the cost of the PSL's over 30 years and basically it's another 10-30% additional cost of the ticket on a per game basis.

    Figure you'll use most of the seats/games/tix. If you sell any, you can probably get FV or more for the next 5 years or so since the Giants will be pretty good with Eli.

    That's how my Giant fans are explaining their rationale for paying up. Alot of them had told me years ago they'd never do it. Most are -- but none have anteed up more than $5,000 for a PSL and it's each person doing 1 seat. I don't know anybody who had multiple tickets at Giants Stadium who would have had to buy multiple PSL's in the new place. It's mostly groups of guys, each of whom buys their own.
  18. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The Giants definitely have the larger fanbase. I know one of my friends whose family had 8 tickets on the 50. Now they have 4 in the UD, they've been going for 40 years, so they have some similar situations too.

    I wish we finally broke free from the Giants but in the long run it most likely kept costs much lower for a NY NFL team.
  19. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Is anyone from 2009 still getting called? Have they contacted every current season ticket holder? Wondering if they reached the end and still have UD tickets left.
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Why Jets PSL sales Tactics are sleezy.

    Jets have a blue collar fan base that seems to be made up largely of married men who attend games with out their spouse. That is who Jets PSL team is targeting.

    Lets take Joe Six Pack who has two sideline Jets tickets today. When he renewed in 2009 he committed his family to one season of tickets which are $2,100 for tickets with $200 for parking

    Joe Six Pack wants to keep his two sideline tickets for 2010. Jets email him a PSL form, he signs and returns it with small deposit and does not tell wife full details. He bleeds gang green and wants to stay in good seats.

    Well when Joe Six pack renewed he committed to 30K of PSLs, 18K of interest plus buying 15 years of seats at $140 a ticket with $250 parking the new total is over the next 15 years he will pay $78,750 for tickets. Joe Six pack who may be unemployed have bills up the ying-yang just blew $78,750 without telling his wife.

    Even the sleezy time share industry requires the wife to be there for the presentation, sign the contract and the time share place does a credit check to see if you can actually pay off the loan.

    Don't get me wrong if you are a big Jet fan, have the money to buy the PSL and still max out your 401K, save for your kids college and have a steady good earning job go for it.

    But the Jets are not looking for that critieria they are just looking to get people to sign a form regardless of whether spouse knows of financial committment or they can afford it. Plenty a man is being set up for financial ruin or divorce.

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