This can go either of 2 ways. Either this team just suprised a few teams early and are not that good. Or,this loss was a wake up call and they become pissed off and build on it. I guess as fans all we can do is watch and see what happens. Cause regardless,were all jackasses that will be in front of the TV or at the game every Sunday no matter what we threaten to do.
OP has been around for a while....just don't post as much as used to. The losses to good teams don't bother me....but if we loses to the bad ones do.
Dude, the lesson you're teaching in invaluable.... It's ok to constantly take it up the ass even though you don't like it. as long as it's from someone you love....:smile: Well, at least that's what 17a says this BS feels like year in and year'd have to ask him... Me? It's about sticking with your guns and going through the ups the Downs and the BS that comes along with it.
I woke up today feeling the same way. Usually I am over my Jets hangovers in less than 24 hours. By Monday afternoon I'm feeling relatively sane again and realizing that "it's just a game" and it really shouldn't have any real impact on my life. Well, this morning I'm still feeling that "dark cloud" from the loss this week. I don't know why this one hurts so much. Because it was Miami? Because it was on National TV? It's weird because I really did see it coming but that doesn't change the fact that it sucks that we lost. Even though I've been pretty good about not buying into the hype after 3-0, I still let myself believe that maybe the Jets were going to make some noise this year. But back to reality - this is a relatively young team with a rookie QB and a rookie HC. It's really unrealistic to think championship this year. Best case scenario is for Sanchez to learn and develop, for Ryan to make a few mistakes and learn from them and for the Jets to make a run next year with pretty much the same roster but a bit more depth at certain positions.
The one that hurts the most in your signature picture is the Mud Bowl, I'll never get over that game, Todd was garbage in that game, we lost to David Woodley
"Whats wrong with me"?! I ask that question all the time. In years past I would just expect something Horrible to happen in a Jets game . Its funny how we always get fooled. Either we underachieve and we all start screaming doom and gloom or we over achieve and get fooled into believing that the team is better and more in sync then they really are. The Offense came through in a loosing effort and the Defense just wasn't prepared for what they had to handle. Its just another episode of The New York Jets. Tune in next week as the Jets take on the Buffalo Bill !!!!!!!!
I was about 9 when I really started caring for the Jets and my dad literally gave me fair warning that they would break my heart more often than not. If you warn your son with that verbal mantra, you'll have no guilt. It also went a long way for bonding (commiserating) with the old man the past 25 years. Without the shared pain of the Jets (and the lone joy of the '86 Mets) - we hardly had much in common, and he still ended up one of my best friends.
Really? 3rd or 4th most painful? Over the past few years, yes, but if you've forgotten some of the ones from the past three decades, you are a lucky man. I'd say, off the top of my head, that the following losses were more painful: Fake Spike Game 1981 playoff loss against Buffalo Mud Bowl Denver 1998 Detroit 1997 HB Pass Game Cleveland 1986
if we ever win another super bowl, think of the insane things that will happen in new york and the host city of the game. lives would be changed forever. it would be the greatest spectacle in all of sports. im glad that when it happens ill be on the right side of it.:beer::jets:
Whats wrong with you is you are an overly melodramatic pussy. Its only a game. It just happened that the better team Monday night wasn't the one you root for. Get over it already. I swear when the Jets look great you make these burning-down-the-house-flaming posts about how not to get excited. Then when they fulfill your low expectations, you post how hurt you are. Grow a fucking pair already and enjoy the game.
I was born in 79. 2, 3, and 6 couldn't have had the same impact on me as I was too young at the time. 4, 5, and Steelers 04 postseason were the other games I was referring to. I haven't forgotten about the fake spike game, and the impact was certainly bigger. Monday's game will likely drop a bit more, but I'm acting on emotion right now.