Did Pace really say this???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by John127, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. ebozzz

    ebozzz Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    But, it's garbage according to Pace. Why would the Jets use garbage? Furthermore, if the Wildcat is such a gimmick as you and Calvin seem to believe, there should have been no problems shutting it down, right? Maybe you need to be banned....
  2. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    He's talking about the fact that there were extra linemen, not TEs, on the field in most WC formations.

    Look, it's not a gimmick until someone figures it out. Having said that, teams made the version of the WC you ran last year less effective as the season wore on. The coaching staff spent the offseason building in a new form. In all likelihood, DCs will start to figure out how to limit that as well. Until then, however, I'm not calling it a gimmick. A college offense, sure, but not a gimmick.
  3. dubagedi

    dubagedi New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    That stupid forward pass is the biggest newfangled gimmick I have ever seen and will be gone within two seasons.
  4. XxAlbert84xX

    XxAlbert84xX New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    ..... Definition of Gimmick:

    a gimmick is a quirky feature that distinguishes a product or service without adding any obvious function or value. Thus, a gimmick sells solely on the basis of distinctiveness and may not appeal to the more savvy or shrewd customer.

    Is a fake punt distinguishable if everyone does it............
  5. ebozzz

    ebozzz Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Good one! :grin:
  6. XxAlbert84xX

    XxAlbert84xX New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    My saying you should be banned is because you said running one play means Sanchez blows. I think pace is a moron, but the wild cat is a gimmick as i have already proven by telling you many teams that don't do it. Please read and comprehend, it's good for the soul
  7. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    How about "Hey Calvin, this is the NFL, where you're a professional and shouldn't be gettign exploited by stuff that is 'nonsense'!!"

    Seriously. It is a legal formation and they were effective at it, so man up Pace. He's probably just still fuming. Also, he didn't play well. He missed 3 important tackles in the first half where Ricky Williams ran through his arm tackle then gained alot.

    After a while yesterday, I sort of wanted to see Gholston finish the game, that's how bad Pace looked to me. He did martial arts to stay in shape for 4 weeks? I should have been hitting the weights after practice to build up as much power as possible and take advantage of blockers who have 4 weeks of wear and tear already.

    Also, Calvin must have missed our 2 fake punts.
  8. ebozzz

    ebozzz Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    I got ya! :grin:
  9. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Last year we were truly putting an unbalanced line in there. Jake Long was moving clear over to the right side. I just watched the game highlights and can't say i once saw an unbalanced line. There was always guard/tackle on left, and guard/tackle on the right on the LINE. I saw once where they had two tight ends on the right but they were not on the line proper. (this was the long completion that burnt Revis). On the goal line they just went all beef up front but not unbalanced.
  10. PaFinsFan

    PaFinsFan New Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    First off lemmie say that these Miami/NY monday nighters are unbelieveable games. Most are instant classics and should be scheduled every year IMO. Hell, I can remember the Marino/O'Brien 47-45 shootouts... but I wouldn't panic, the Jets are a good team and Sanchez is impressive, you'll win alot more games this year.

    Couple observations - I for one loved seeing Crowder getting lit up by Washington. I had to replay that one a few times. I'm a dolphins fan but Crowder's mouth is bigger than his play, he needed to get hammered. He shut up after that and actually played better...

    Speaking of mouths, Pace should zip-it for his own good. The Wildcat formations are a part of Miami's offense, period. Until it's stopped, they will run it and they run it well. Besides, I don't remember his name being called much... he was gettin run over all night by the o line.

    Sanchez is tough, damn, can't believe he's a rookie.

    Neither team got alot of pressure on the QB's... surprising..

    Joey Porter (insert hype here...) - 0 tackles, 0 assists, 0 sacks. Cam Wake should be playing in his spot!

    Henne's a keeper - canon for an arm, good decisions.

    The ref's made some bad calls both ways that were big - the pass interference call on Fins, the no-call int'l grounding on Henne.

    Fins safety's still can't cover anyone.

    Miami's O line is beastly!!

    Looking forward to meeting again in a few weeks!

    Edwards catches......unreal... Another dagger for poor Cleveland fans...
  11. ebozzz

    ebozzz Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    I never said that Sanchez blows. What I said was that if I used the same logic that the person I quoted used, Sanchez must not be any good either because the Jets ran the wildcat. Oh yeah, that gimmick only accounted for 107 yards of offense. Henne killed ya on the rest..... :grin:
  12. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    I didn't know Webster made a football dictionary too. How can you say at this point the Wildcat isn't distinguishable? Its name is probably as well known to the casual fan as being in the Shotgun is now.
  13. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Well, down play the Wildcat however you like.......I hope every team in the league downplays it just like you guys did last night.
    DC's will not find a way to stop it if you have capable intelligent ball handlers. Also if your team can play base Offense AND a couple of other formations why would you NOT do it? I promise you right now the DC over at the saints is trying to figure out how to stop it. He is also spending time in practice going over the formations that we have shown. Our coach has eluded to the fact that there is much much more to it....so i think once people figure out one aspect of it, we will change it up and show something new.(like bring the pass back out to Fasano, we did that in week FOUR last year against the pats and have not seen it since until last night)
  14. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    I don't care what you call it, run it enough and defensive coordinators around the league will learn to defeat it . Its like the Bears great 4-6 defense , when it was new it looked unbeatable - then offenses learned how to exploit it .

    Trust me next time around and its only 4 weeks - Rex/Pettine will have a better answer then they had last night.
  15. ebozzz

    ebozzz Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Thank You!
  16. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I'm with you. It's ridiculous to say something like "that isn't real football". If it isn't good enough for the NFL then you should have been all over it, not getting manhandled and physically dominated.

    I think these words came mostly from the sting of losing and were an emotional reaction, however.

    It reminds me of that prime idiot Romanowski saying something similar about the Jets' "empty nest" formation in the 2000 season. He said it wasn't real football. What he meant was "we couldn't defend that and it's not fair, boo-hoo."

    Pace was badly off the... pace yesterday and should keep quiet for a few days.
  17. XxAlbert84xX

    XxAlbert84xX New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    OH MY GOD!!!! READ!!!! Fake Punt, not distinguishable!!!!
  18. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    gim⋅mick  /ˈgɪmɪk/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gim-ik] Show IPA
    1. an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, esp. one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.
    2. a concealed, usually devious aspect or feature of something, as a plan or deal: An offer that good must have a gimmick in it somewhere.
    3. a hidden mechanical device by which a magician works a trick or a gambler controls a game of chance.

    We did not HIDE or CONCEAL anything, it was all out there for everyone to see. It's not novel, it really GETS us yardage.(almost equal to the entire NFL's rushing total)
  19. ebozzz

    ebozzz Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't the Jets defense based on the 46? :grin:

    The Wildcat is not our base offense. When we ran our base offense, I think that we performed pretty well against the Jets. The Cat was just a little extra that we put on ya. Teams may find a way to better defense it. But, we might also find ways to better exploit the effort of those teams....
  20. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    My point is that we will not be doing the exact same thing next time we see you guys.....we make small changes. For instance last night: i was telling a buddy that they NEVER hand it off the Ricky when he comes sweeping from left to right and that i thought we WOULD start to hand off to him. Sure enough they did and he made some good runs off that sweep. I would guess that they ran that same type sweep motion 10 times and handed to Ricky maybe once out of those ten times, then last night they began giving it to him because folks had to keep an eye on Ronnie.

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