like I said time for the offense to step up on our side. Good play call it was what like 11 running plays in a row? good offensive game plan by the phins tonight. Time for us to step up on offense sustain a drive ourselves. Get Leon the ball and move it ourselves.
this jets defense is getting humiliated, its officially not up there with the elites in the league, hopefully that talk will end
Pathetic defense today, we need a spark. Come on offense, put a TD drive together without any fake punt help!
Well we had a nice one going and Shotty decided to call a fukin draw.....again. 2 weeks in a row he has totally called this fuk of a game and needs to open this shit up WHAT IS HE SCARED OF!!!??
Time for Sanchez to wake the fuck up and complete a pass. March down the field and take the wind out of their sails. Where is Keller tonight? Miami's been terrible vs. TE's this season and he hasn't done anything.