That's why!! :lol: Lucky? Fukin YES!!!! I think Girardi is thinkin ahead and trying not to overuse any 1 guy
so the game is tied now? cause mauer scored after his Ground rule double? Wow.. only the yankees would get that kind of call.
Fuck that. They had bases loaded, nobody out and didn't cash in. Nobody to blame but themselves. Silly chowder.
wow what a fucking great game... But seriously, I really feel just AWEFUL for the Twins team. I think Mauer is the best player in the game, their coach is a great guy, they have gutsy players on that team. I feel bad that this didnt happen to a team like the red sux or angels...The twinkies are a good franchise. Also sad to see that guy kinda cry at the fact he threw Tex the game winner. Lets get the next win though, there is no time for letting in here.
There is an unwritten law that the Yankees will never lose a playoff game in the new stadium..not ever..and the umps have signed up for it too. Live with it.