What would you have done if you were the Jets and one of your star players stirred the fan base with hope of a trade you couldn't deliver? You'd pull the first plausible deliverable off the shelf. Let me ask this... You are the Jets and you are about to announce some stupid $12 flights to celebrate the naming of your stadium. Would you ask Kerry Rhodes to promo the thing on Twitter? If not, do you really think Rhodes was excited enough about the Jet Blue deal that he tweeted about it? I know I am an easy target here, but all I am asking is for you to consider the possibility. As for me, I can't see Kerry getting excited about Jet Blue.
kherry rhodes needs to understand we dont give a shit about his good looks or his this and his that, i care about what he does on sunday afternoons.
Can you see the organization getting excited about Jet Blue? Can you see the organization asking Kerry to promote it so they actually get people to care about their "stupid 12 dollar flights". Who would have even cared about that announcement had Kerry not done a good job of building the anticipation.
You've already built a fence around the site and posted it "post and we'll pounce on you." Go back to posting your "Gholston sucks" and "Sanchez is the savior" crap. Keep telling us how this Jets team is the "same old Jets" every time they lose. I know I'll be interested to hear your original thoughts....or not. No wonder people think Jets fans are assh0les.
No...your reasoning didn't make too much sense. The timing of Rhodes tweets was wrong and you can be sure they would have coached him through his follow-up. I do recognize you are the only person who considered the premise. But I am comfortable letting this die. Although, I'd be interested to hear what others in PR think.
listen up.tanny and his coharts.rarely make a mistake in trading for talent.the jets are loaded with first round talent.in other wordsthere is no where to go but up.
No. I didn't want to elaborate, but it said my post was too short. The twitter thing was about the Jet blue promotion, and Rhodes went to Louisville as several others have pointed out. Your post is possibly one of the most incorrect posts I've ever seen in my life.
Rhodes wasn't hyped, the morons following him on twitter were and they built it up into something it never was.
incorrectly stating "facts" - CHECK poor grammar - CHECK retarded concept for thread - CHECK yep, this thread earns the title "fail."
ok just so this is clear.you think tanny went out and pulled this trade because k.r. spouted off on his twitter account about a possible trade for a wr.what color is the sky in the world you live in?i bet its pretty special