So was Edwards the big new Kerry Rhoades wanted to share with us? 1. They are friends from their Michigan days. 2. Mangini has been willing to consider trading him since arriving in Cleveland. We all know Edwards isn't his "type of player.' And 3. Mysteriously, the Jets trade for the guy in week four when they can afford him. Our cap numbers were too tight to trade for him earlier this year (because of potential bonus payouts and our desire to keep our core guys -and their salaries). Could the move have been aborted earlier this year because of financial reasons? Did Kerry fall on his sword for the front office? We will never know, but I wonder..............
Rhodes and Edwards are friends, but it was about the JetBlue promotion and that is all. Rhodes wouldn't know about this weeks before both teams GMs, owners, coaches, and Edwards knew about it.
I'm sorry for stating Rhodes (notice the a is gone - a-hole) was from Michigan. Harris and Feely were sited as friends from Michigan. Rhodes was sited as a close friend. It just shows what they?re trying to do here,? said safety Kerry Rhodes, who is close friends with Edwards. ?They?re trying to win. We?re not trying to wait. We think we have a good chance to win now.? - As for the "he wouldn't know" line of crap.... I think it's very likely Edwards (thus Rhodes) had an idea he was being shipped to NY, especially if the deal was put on hold for finances. But I am wasting my time on idiots who would rather attack me for adding an "a" to Rhodes name than consider a theory (oh, that's where someone posses a possibility and people address the argument not the f@$%ing spelling.).
Are you talking about the "big news" he was talking about on Twitter before the regular season started? Because that was pretty much settled 2 days after he posted it with the whole JetBlue thing.
I don't believe. He was too hyped to start and faded to nothing. But liek I siad, we will never know.
He announced that it was what he was talking about. His teammates confirmed that it was what he was talking about. Then they held a press conference announcing the deal on the day he said there was going to be an announcement. Where is it unclear?