Got my call and tix today. I had 2000 seniority. Decided to go with the Mezz , took 2 in row 21 of Sect 250b. Could have had lower down , but decided to take advantage of the overhang and coverage as my wife often goes with me and we're used to the coverage today we get in Sect 139. I did ask about upper availability, as I was contemplating taking an additional 2 in the uppers. Didn't get specific sections/rows but was told most of sdieline was gone with the exception of very high rows. More availability in EZ's and corners but decided to just stick with my two in the Mezz.
Actually correction, with the new Cowboys Stadium, Dallas now has the (insanely) highest average ticket price in the NFL: fci 2009.pdf
Hey bigmel thanks for the update. If there up to 2000 seniority that means there getting very close to me and i still might have a shot at uppers. enjoy your ticks!
Well daddy helped you out with your PSL for now. Most of us don't have that luxury. I would have done things much differently if I were Woody. I would have just increased ticket prices. No public backlash at all. If he said the $15 k seats will now cost $200 people would be upset but they would more likely pay it. Based on your hunting comment I'm going to guess you had it good as a kid (well you still are a kid). Living in Yuppyville I mean CT and daddy paying for all your stuff. You probably couldn't handle the uppers because it's not high class enough for you.
1995, but we missed a couple days. We got a call on Tuesday, and called twice yesterday with nothing and today we finally got them.
for what it's worth.. as of 7PM tonight there are still sideline upper deck higher rows towards the corners and EZ upperdeck primarily row 8 and up available..
just got 2 in Sec 301 Row 26.. there were lower rows available, but i wanted back row.. i also asked if us non-PSL'ers would be in the lottery when we make the SB and was told that decision will be made as we get closer to the '10 season.. 2000 seniority BTW..
On the 3D seat view there is no row 26, are you sure you have th right info or is that viewer incorrect?
yeah, i confirmed w/ her a couple times.. i believe the viewer might be off.. it only goes up to 22..
Cool- That thing is BS anyway, every view it gives looks like the best seat in the house, lol. How many rows are in the UD?
i'm the last row at 26.. so maybe 26? i read somewhere on here that the rows start at 5 though so i'm not sure..
the sidelines have higher rows.if you look it bows in at the top of the stadium in the endzones.all the reason there start with row 5 in the endzones is b/c those 4 rows thta are prime are actually lower on the sidelines. row 5 is the same level completely around the stadium.
I got the call this morning, asked if there were any upstairs seats left and she said there were. I still think I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. If I had a crystal ball I'd have done the same for this season and not had to buy the pre-season.
Oh that's real nice. One more thing they're dangling now to try to push the PSLs... leave people in the dark over whether they get a shot at the SB if they don't pay the PSL. Lovely. First the parking non-commitment, now SB tickets. "We don't know yet." What bullshit. Another ploy on Woody's part. I've lost total respect for this owner.
pretty sure all '09 season ticket holders get thrown into a lottery.. no clue on how many would be awarded though..