just wanted to bump my question again.. for people who bought UD seats in the new stadium... Were you offered parking pases as well?
Sorry, I don't get around here as much as I like so missed it the first time. When I spoke with the rep about my upper deckers, there was no real discussion about parking. He mentioned something about the details still being worked out. At this point, I just had to put up the $2000 down payment for my 4 seats. When the time comes to provide final payment I'm sure there will be added fees for parking in Siberia, but at this point I was given no specifics...
Not brought up at all. The reps had no clue when I dealt with them. I think I asked and he said, "we don't have the details worked out yet. No info on the parking lots"
parking Now that i think of it, why would they need passes once the current stadium is down? There'll be more parking than before. The reason they have passes is because of the reduced spots because of the construction site. They may just have "passes" for the close lots for the PSL people. Steerage class, like me, will be GA near the bodies in the swamps.
I have the same thing to report... no mention of parking passes at this time, nor did I bother to ask. Parking passes are usually part of ticket sales every year. They really would have nothing to do with any discussions with reps about PSLs or non-PSLs. They go hand-in-hand with the actually ticket purchase and I'm pretty certain they'll be offered for purchase at the same time you receive your invoice for 2010.
There has been no info on the parking lots because the FO initially created the intentional impression that Upper Deck parking would inconveniently be in OshKosh, and they don't want anything to interfere with that scare tactic. The whole idea from Day One has been to create the fear that you'll have to walk miles to the stadium and be inconvenienced beyong belief if you don't purchase a PSL. Of course, purchase a PSL and everything will be rosy as far as parking. Then we come to learn that the Giants have used no such tactics and that they know exactly where their Upper Deck people will park, and lo and behold, it ain't that bad! Why, how bizarre! How would one team not know where you are going to park if you're in the Upper Deck and the other team have definite plans and specific lots? Hmmm..... Fuck you, Woody Johnson.
In reality once the stadium sells everyone will be treated equally. If anything the upper deck will have more perks since they still have 1/3 of the stadium they want to keep sold out. Some of you might think I'm crazy for saying that but once the PSL money is in the bank Woody will be screwing all the other 55,000.
The UD will have no perks, no access to any other level, no places to sit down and eat and parking further away from the Stadium then any other level. Where do you get your information or is this just your opinion? BTW, I am ok with nothing inside the stadium and I already park on the North side of the Izod so Woody ain't hurting me
Special parking perks don't come with PSL's you can purchase special access or club seats. It was my understanding that unless you get on of the two options parking will be what it used to be. Drive up, pay and park. Giants Stadium will be a parking lot next summer. Is that not how it works? They're going to continue with this prepaid pass thing?
I don't know, 314, he might have something here. Hear me out... Once the stadium sells out completely (and it will), the PSL people are pretty much owned. Not so with the non-PSL people, who can walk at any time. I'm quite sure Woody doesn't want a lot of turnover and constantyl having to resell the Upper seats over and over again. Not only that, but it looks bad from a publicity standpoint. So maybe 337 has something here. I'm not saying "the upper deck will have more perks," but I don't think the parking locations will be as far away as people have been led to believe early on by the Jets, or that we'll be completely void of amenities. But even if we have to park a little further, so be it. It's probably a blessing in disquise anyway, since most of us are tailgaters and don't want to be harrasses by the tailgate police anyway. Hopefully they'll leave is alone and say, "Oh, it's those Upper people out there in the far corner doing their tailgate thing... leave them alone."
i saw the parking plans. 3 parking waves or rings around the new stadium. suites have free parking and the closests. psl club seats(sidelines) are next and $45 next are psl parking(end zones) $35 last will be lots 18,17,13 Izod and behind the racetrack upper deckers (no Psl) $20
This is all my opinion. We won't have any perks inside. I just think that parking will be all club/suite seats up front and after that is all $4k, $5k, $10k, $15k PSLs parking together. I park in lot 13B now so for me it's no big deal. Does anyone know if anything regarding parking is specified in the contract?
Premier Parking is extra, buying just the PSL alone doesn't come with benefits. I believe you get offered closer parking at a extra cost.
$45 for parking? That's retarded, you can park anywhere in manhattan for less than that for a whole day
its a goddamn shame isnt it gordon. i didnt realize how much they were going to try and charge for parking on top of the other bullshit.
The new state-of-the-art pay toilets are next. You swipe your credit card before entering the stall and then it automatically senses whether you take a dump or urinate. Number 2 is $1.00 and number 1 is $.50, but you get a package deal if you do both ($1.25). Not bad, eh?
Woody mentioned something about a per turd surcharge, I think the rate schedule will be released shortly
That's a bargain compared to other team's rates. If you've been to NE or Miami for away game, you'd already know that. The Pats charge insane amounts to park in the stadium lots. It's the teams way of getting a piece of the tailgate action. Believe it or not, we are lucky here. (Hope Wood-Yi doesn't read this post)
you're on a roll! - new meaning to personal seat license - how much for Woody to come wipe our asses?!