For the people that want to get in this. There's two spots left. Don't even ask cause I'm assuming its first come first serve. Just get ur ass on madden and get er done.
Come on guys, we need at least one more. I have a couple friends that would join. I know they'd play their games, but I'd like to get as many people from the board as we can.
good thing I never get tackled then. ever. seriously though, is it a virtual football game or some demented attempt at a video game. can u get 100 yards with a RB not named Adrian Peterson for instance? when u dump it off to your RB 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage and he has no one in front of him, does his momentum carry him out of bounds for no reason? is that type of stuff fixed? ..err realism
I got my friend to join, he's the Steelers. I'll probably start it up later tonight when I go on. I'm not sure if people can join after we start or not, but if so what do you guys think about that? Should I lock it and we just go with 8, or leave it open for stragglers?
Great. it says server was lost. for the record the score is 7-7 in the first. im gonna quit and retry the game.
I completely love the Panthers in this game. Their defense is serviceable, but deangelo and Smith are beast. They both have breakaway speed and the ability to take it to the house every time they touch the ball.
Yeah. I have them both in my franchise. That's why I like the Eagles. Just raw speed, and McNabb is good.
I tried to use them, Delhomme flat out sucked. I couldn't do shit with him. My favorite back in Madden has been Maurice Jones Drew by far. Dude is a beast.
Ok, Drew and Mack need to play their games against the CPU, and nyjets624 needs to play my friend. Hopefully we can get the first week advanced in the next couple of days. Just so people are aware, I may or may not have a problem with my Xbox. I got two red lights which usually means overheating. The thing is, the system hadn't been on for a couple hours prior to that and it happened immediately, and then it was off for well over 12 hours and it still wouldn't work. However, I just finished taking it apart, fiddling around with some stuff, and putting it back together and it started up fine. I'll try to actually play it tomorrow and see how it goes. The main point is, I can still access the franchise through the web, so if my console DOES go down I will just simulate my games so we can keep advancing until I get a new one.