I just played Clowney on Madden on Xbox Live. It was awesome. He tweeted about being in the Madden lobbies and I was on so I checked it out. Found him, sent him a message and me and him were exchanging messages. We ran a game, I was the Jets he was the Skins. His defense is actually really good. I'm usually able to throw the ball freely, I couldn't get anything going. He picked me off once, and digital Clowney made the tackle, haha. In the end, I controlled the ball the entire 4th quarter and scored to break the tie with 20 seconds left. Dude's got game. On a funny note, I almost broke off a TD with him at the end of the game. He was like "I couldn't imagine telling everyone that I scored a TD on myself to lose the game." He was really cool, though. We were BSing the entire game. Mad cool experience.
You could understand what he was saying enough to create responses? You are the man! Haha. That is awesome though. :up: Here is a tweet: davidclowneyYou 2 cuz RT @andrewmarchese: madden nfl 10... jets (@drewfosho) 21... redskins (@davidclowney) 14. good game man.
I really wanted to pass it to him at the goal line but I had to play it smart and just ran it with Jones.