Schein does a great job here. Rex Ryan is great for the Jets, the division and the entire league. Ryan has managed to infuriate Bill Belichick, Channing Crowder and legions of fans who root for the other clubs. And that's a good thing. When was the last time you took the Jets seriously (and really, how seriously did we really take the Jets last year, coming off a 4-12 season, with Brett Favre)? When was the last time you circled the Jets on your schedule? When was the last time the Dolphins, Bills and Pats all wanted to destroy New York? And the Jets have the running attack and defense to back up their loudmouth coach. After Eric Mangini denied the Jets players and staff their First Amendment rights and sucked the life out of the organization, the loquacious Ryan gives this team hope and an attitude. The Jets were miserable and flat last year and their play mirrored the old coach's demeanor at the end of last season, tuning out the soon-to-be-fired Mangini during an epic collapse. So Ryan comes in, rightly declares the Jets a playoff team that will have a KILL mentality. And Ryan has the defensive r?sum? to support the chatter. He will maximize Kerrry Rhodes and David Harris. Bart Scott, who comes over to join his old coordinator in Baltimore, adds pop on the field and in the locker room. Love him or loathe him, Rex has changed the culture in N.Y.'s-Nine:-For-subplots,-AFC-East-is-NFL's-best
That's funny, I was listening to BB on the radio 2 days ago and he was asked about Rex' comments and he honestly didn't sound like he even cared.
I would really like for the culture to change. I hope Rex sees this opportunity to really start something great here. He's got some players to work with. On the other hand, I hope he can back up the trash talk. Nothing like a punk who is all talk. I am buying into it. I see this board is beginning to buy in as well.
I don't think there is any punk in Ryan. All somebody needs to do is walk up to him and call him on it if they think there is. It's not the right comparison for what he is doing.
BB is most definitely infuriated. Absolutely. He lives and breaths FB, and when the jets of all teams calls him out, it's on. It's very much on. Anyone who doesn't think so knows absolutely zero about craft, BB, and history of the nfl.
You are deluded. BB is the most focused football coach out there. He cares about the jets exactly two weeks of the year. The only time he cares about the Jets is if we are playing the opener against him.
He does. These analysts must really work hard, because they don't care about their personal appearance much. Look at this classic hairstyle rocked by Mel Kiper.
I am not calling Rex a punk Don, just don't want the team to play like crap to make it seem like he is all talk and no action.
Anybody ever notice how much Mel Kiper looks like Elvis Presley after facial reconstruction surgery? What year did Kiper suddenly show up after apparently not existing previously?
Imperious Rex! Namor The Sub-Mariner used this motto ever time he kicked the dog crap out anyone he went to battle with in the old Marvel Comics. He went to war with countries, civilizations and groups like The Avengers,Shield,Fantastic Four,Xmen and individuals like The Hulk,Silver Surfer and Thor and beat them all. "Imperious Rex!" was his battle cry.