I really think Rex should name the starting QB right now. The offence needs to gel with the guy that will be leading the offence, whoever that guy will be. At this point, I think Sanchez has shown enough to lead this team. After yesterday's game, some are down on Sanchez, but I think that was the best thing that could happen for his progress and i.m.o. he will only get better.
Vinnie! Vinnie! Vinnie! He really does need to name someone soon. I don't really give a fuck who it is at this point, but they need there reps.
I agree with you there. Splitting the reps like that is a detriment to the entire offense, not just the eventual starting QB. I have a feeling it will be before the Giants game, though.
i think he'll do it in the middle of the week. Or he'll pull a Raheem Morris and need another week to decide.
They were off today. I am sure he will be asked tomorrow and it will be awkward not to have an answer then.
I think he wants to, but how can he so far? I think Sanchez bouncing back from that INT was great, but lets not forget a couple of things, Sanchez SHOULD have thrown back to back pick 6s if it wasn't for Ray Lewis dropping his, so how would he have bounced back from that. Second, lets not forget that Sanchez's "TD Drive" was really a Leon Washington TD drive capped by a nice Sanchez throw at the very end. Plus 2 delay of game penalties. I can't see Sanchez starting for us right now, Clemens has a better grasp of what's going on. Ryan is in a difficult spot, how can you give Sanchez the job at this stage and say with a straight face that it was a fair competition? He needs to see what happens in the Giants game.
He can because he layed out the caveat long ago that said his decision will be based on the total body of work and not just one game. Sanchez has been better in camp.
i agree he needs to , but the problem is, who should he name? neither have dominated practice/preseason enough to warrant a clear start at this point, and if he has to, i feel he would go with clemens based on the experience.
Camp doesn't mean anything. You can have a camp superstar that crumbles in a live game, how can you name him the starter? Sanchez was clearly lost last night for the most part. He needs the Giants game to see for sure, right now if you give Sanchez the job you basically spit in Clemens face.
Sanchez can throw some TDs man, He threw 2 yesterday. Too bad He threw one to the Ravens. Look the only QB who shows he deserves to be the starter is Erik Anige against the second units. Please let us wait
Had KC NOT thrown that TD pass to Clowney, I think it would have been wrapped up. Ryan now has a nice headache
99% of Jet fans know it is going to be Sanchez. Really, Rex should name Mark the starter so Mark can practice fully with the 1's tomorrow and Thursday and play with the 1's for the FULL 2 and a half or 3 quarters on Saturday night.
sanchez showed he's not ready for prime time. he playing against defense's that are even in regular season mode. clemens is probably the better choice so it will give sanchez more time to get comfortable with the offensive scheme, while clemens runs the team in the power running mode rexy wants.
This is actually really simple for Ryan at this point. Clemens clearly has not proven that he is ready to step in and grab the QB job away from Mark Sanchez. He's had an up and down camp and preseason at this point and he only looks moderately less confused than Sanchez out there at the moment. This despite the fact that he has about 1,000 more reps at the pro level than Sanchez does. In his 4th training camp he still hasn't demonstrated that he's NFL QB material. I mean he might be, but we're kind of deep in his career for "might be" to represent where he's at. I think the Jets should cut Clemens and give the job to Sanchez with Ainge as the backup. I think that's the clearest way to make sure the job is handed to Sanchez smoothly and it is the ONLY way to guarantee no QB controversy at this point if Sanchez gets off to the normal shaky rookie start. I supported Clemens all through 2007 and I thought he got a raw deal in 2008. But this is 2009 and our QB of the future is definitely not Kellen Clemens and keeping him around isn't going to help us very much. If Sanchez goes down then Ainge will play. Based on what we know right now there's just as much chance that Ainge will catch fire in that situation and lead the Jets as that Clemens would.
Clemens is done like the dishes at age 26. Give me Sanchez, let's see if he's got it or not right now, baptism by fire. If he can't take starting as a rookie, he can't take nyc period.
FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY another jets fan that hasnt let man love cloud his vision of what is going on. i couldnt agree with any of your posts in this thread more. they were all SPOT ON.
He'll name a starter before the next game. Why not let the guys try to battle for a few more days? See if Sanchez (the prospective favorite) gets complacent or if he keeps battling.