20% off season tickets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hofstra Jet, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i hadnt thought of that hcubed. very good point.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's unconscionable that a guy who has been loyal to the Jets and has been going to games for 24 years and who has owned his own season tickets for 11 years should be shut out.

    I just can't believe it has come to that. This stadium was to have been a "shared expense" to keep the costs down so that no one who still wants to go and is willing to pay a reasonable increase gets shut out.

    Okay, no one thought that the new stadium would come without SOME kind of price increase, but most ticketholders had every right to expect that they'd remain in comparable seats and also expected the "shared stadium" bullshit to help defray costs enough so that they'd have a reasonable increase.

    For me, a PSL of $30,000 and a ticket increase from $120 to $400 does not constitute "reasonable." But at least I got to go into the Upper Deck, although my seats are far worse than the ones I've had for 25 years. In CBG's case, he doesn't even have that option. He's basically out the door.

    This is something that is going to sit in many Jets fans' craw for decades to come. I don't know about anyone else, but I'll personally never forgive Woody Johnson for this. Absulutely unconscionable what he's done. No one can tell me there weren't many other options for him to explore that would have enabled guys like CBG to remain and to make the whole Jets thing affordable still.

    But I do understand the greed. The raw truth is, Woody doesn't want guys like me and 17a and 314 and CBG and all of you others who loved to go to games and tailgate. He doesn't want you at the games anymore. You (we) don't spend enough money.

    You think he wants a guy like 314 showing up with his pork in the parking lot, feeding all his friends and making sandwiches to bring into the stadium, then once he's in there (by his own admission), he doesn't even need to buy a bottle of water?

    No, Woody certainly doesn't need guys like that or me or any of you others who love to tailgate. You don't spend enough money. He wants a new crowd now, a younger crowd that can't be bothered with tailgating and finds it more convenient to go inside, no matter what the cost, and drop $50-$60 on food and beverage. And this, after paying huge up-front costs for the PSL and much higher ticket prices.

    I just wonder what will be left when the smoke clears. Not many loyal fans in the stands, I'm afraid. Just a bunch of corporate yuppies and no-shows when the weather gets bad. Then we'll see how busy those high-priced food concessions are when no one shows up for the games. The irony of all this is that Woody is creating a self-defeating prophesy for himself. By charging a lot more for everything, he'll ultimately be driving away attendance. And by driving away attendance, his food concessions won't be busy and his revenues will suffer.

    Way to go Woody. Sounds pretty stupid to me. Talk about killing the goose that lays the golden egg.
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 good post------this is just crazy what the Jets are doing and have done! In all likelyhood I think I will be offered seats for 2010,if not it simplified things even more,, that is if they ever get around to calling me. The problem is I hated sitting in the upper endzone when I first got season tix, I hated the view and it was just too far away,,,,now in this new place the seats will be even higher just about everywhere upstairs! I say no thanks to the PSL and no thanks to seats I will not be happy with,,,and believe me I NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS THOUGHT I COULD FEEL THIS WAY and actually be able to live with the decision of turning them down . I have gone on road trips in years past--- and this year I was planning to go down to Miami for the Monday niter but this has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I have decided not to make the trip this year-----I will watch it on my new TV in the mancave!!!!!
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Listen man, don't think for a moment that you are alone with this. I never, EVER thought I'd be feeling the same way, but now I am. And I'm behind my family with these thoughts, meaning, they're sort of against me. I'm the one who is still, "Well, at least we've still got the Uppers," etc. And my wife is like, "Well, I'm really irritated with the Jets over this. If you want to go to the games, I'll still go, but I think this whole thing stinks." She's really pissed.

    My kids are like, "Dad, I hope you don't buy his PSLs. I wouldn't pay that kind of money to go to a Jets game." My PSL was going to be $30,000 ($7500 X 4) and my seat prices were going to be $400 per ticket ($1600 per game to take my family). So even my own family is against this cockamamie bullshit and I feel like I'm the only holdout.

    After awhile, I'm asking myself, "WTF is wrong with you? Your own family is telling you this is all wrong. And you're so much of a fucking stubborn die-hard Jets fan that you let all that team "loyalty" cloud your thinking as to the real ass-fucking you're getting from Woody Johnson." The whole thing is disgusting. Woody Johnson should be terribly ashamed of himself. It didn't have to be this way. He could have been better than this, much better. He could have put himself above this and tried to explore better options for his "Jets Family."

    Instead, he sends out hypocritical letters saying how much this new "state-of-the-art" stadium will mean to all the fans and in the meantime, he knows how much he is fucking them. The man is dispiccable.
  5. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 your wife (and mine ) are RIGHT! The Jet organization could care less about us! They really screwed up by giving people ( at least myself ) time to think about this, I mean if they had asked me for less PSL money or any money at the very beginning of this "PROCESS " they would have gotten it from me----THANK GOD they gave me all this time to think about it and collect my thoughts, weigh the options and very important------>read the info on this site!!!!!!!!!
    227 the dynamics of going to games has already changed for me, my tailgate is much different the past 2 years and next year it would not only be different but TOTALLY NEW with a brand new cast of characters . The people that I have grown fond of that sit around me in my section are already gone as I moved downstairs as many of them did this year. I am sure the uppers will indeed ROCK next year as it will hold the TRUE JET FANS, and most loyal , I can imagine it being very much like MSG was 20 years ago when the BLUE SEATS were the place to be and they would chant "RED SEATS SUCK" --this from an Islander fan ) I will bet money that the chants in the new place that rain down from the upper deck will be PRICELESS!!! I will make my final decision when they finally call me but I am really leaning towards taking a PASS and just purchasing some games on stubhub or from a broker, it will still be way way cheaper than the money the Jets are trying to extort from us now.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The only reason I'm still a ticketholder in 2010 is because of the PSL-free Uppers. Had I not been able to get in up there, I was gone. I thought long and hard about it back in early June, and when my call date came on the 16th, I was ready.

    My answer was "No" to the PSLs, period. If I could have a fairly decent seat in the Uppers, I was going to take it. If not, I was walking. So the agony of the decision was long gone when the call finally came. It was a relief, actually. Because when the rep called I was short and to the point, I simply told him I could not afford any of the PSLs, period, "So now, what's available Buddy?"

    But what's interesting in what you are saying is, I felt the same way as you do after I had time to really sleep on it for several weeks and even months. The irony of it is, had they approached me earlier (or had they approached me with slightly more reaonable PSLs), I probably would have done it (And had buyer's remorse afterward, but WTF).

    In other owrds, had they offered me PSLs right where I was sitting for, say, $3,000-$4,000 per ticket instead of $7500, and had they said that my seat prices would be $200 instead of $120 (and guaranteed that price for several years), I probably would have bit at it and been sitting in the Mezz still.

    Then, afterward, I would have been asking myself, "WTF did you just do? This is STILL EXPENSIVE AS HELL!" I'm SO GLAD that Woody chose to be SO greedy, because it sent me over the edge. Now my 2010 seats in the Uppers are less money than my seats are this year and I dodged the bullet on any PSL whatsoever.

    Screw Woody Johnson.... forever.
  7. steviep

    steviep Active Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    TV Blackouts and This Seasons' Tickets

    I looked for articles on this subject and didnt see any.

    How many tickets are avaialable for this season?

    Are home TV blackouts a possibility? (For those of you who dont recall -- it was RARE to see a home game from Shea). Have the Jets said that they would make sure that there are no blackouts?
  8. pantograph3

    pantograph3 New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    I don't know about that - I have season tix in the mezzanine. Does that make me anything less than a loyal fan?
  9. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    That is completely the OPPOSITE of what you should be thinking. You'll never get the ticket price back, but you can resell your PSL. It's like buying versus renting. Yes, it's a diminishing asset if they build a new stadium again in 30 years, but it should hold its value pretty well especially if it's only 3-4K. I would probably pay a $10K PSL if tickets were $100 or less
  10. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Discount PSL

    I would not be suprised if they don't sell all the PSLs we can rent our seats for next year.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    rather than a personal seat license they will start selling personal seat leases. then they will come out with certified pre owned seat licenses.
  12. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    looks like season tickets may get sold out after all, there's almost no inventory left
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Section 227, Row 5

    Hey Section 227, Row 5 I am going to the Jets/Eagles game in my new seats, Secition 228, Row One. Are the seats good up by you. I couldn't go to the first preseason game so I have no clue what the seats are like.
  14. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Did everyone else get the email with the discount code for individual Jets tickets?
  15. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    If I see an email from the Jets in my inbox, I automatically delete it now. You really got an email with a DISCOUNT CODE for tickets??? Love to hear the details if you can post them. This shit is driving me crazy!!
  16. Big Poppa Naich

    Big Poppa Naich Active Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    so how is it that they can justify selling discount tickets when we've already all paid full price? Freaking makes me even angrier than I am about moving upstairs next year.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Oh, you're going to love those seats. Row 1? Doesn't get any better than that!
  18. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Individual Ticket Sales

    Guys, go to ticketmaster they have the Falcons game and the Jaguars game up there from the box office. Yea there is a plum code to get a discount.

    Glad to hear my section 228 row one seats are good. I am in the seats towards section 229 so I hope that is at least the ten yard line.
  19. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest


    BTW what is the code for the discount?
  20. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    You got a glimpse of what is to come a couple of years ago when there were 50 or 60,000 empty seats at the end of the year. Now when the season seems lost everybody will just stop going. Who cares? The chances of seeing the same person next to you from one week to the next is remote anyway.

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