Yeah, I'm good with waiting until the weekend to see if I can get more than 4 human players to play against.
I'm in - St. Louis Rams. I already made a few moves if that's okay...proposed some trades and picked up some role players.
Scik re-did the league. Some aren't even aware what has transpired in the last 24 hours, but these teams have already been chosen. We're just waiting for everyone to re-join the new league. Same league name, same password for those of you just tuning in.
My first game is against Jduds (San Diego) so we're lucky there.....C'mon Mountie, lets get this on!!
Nat 2.......signal strength is never under 62%. lol, blows that theory outta the water. Any other ideas??
Dude, u didn't!...Please tell me u didn't really pick the Jets? If u did, there's nothing u can do now. Scik is gonna have to kick u out and then u're gonna have to re-join and pick a new team.
Yes. Just choose to leave the franchise and pick a team that isn't on the list on the first post. W1TA5, aka ganggreen51 has the Jets.... Im pretty sure I dont need to kick someone out, just leave the franchise and rejoin.
I hate you all. Taking advantage of me trying to make sure everything is organized. I ripped out the last of my hair yesterday, so there isn't anything left to alleviate my
Stop fucking complaning. You love the attention you attention-whore. Y else would u volunteer urself for the last 2 years to continue running this campaign.