I finally got the game today - let me know if you guys still have a few teams open...I've been really, really busy lately, but I'll be able to play in this league no doubt.
I want in! I love my Dolphins. Is there any chance for me to get in to a league? I can run with another team if needed. GT=Miafins57
I vote to let this guy above in. I also think if we give it a few days I might be able to fill another spot of two. Scik....ahaque isn't in...SHAHEED is on the fence.....he needs to know if he can join another franchise if he joins ours. UglyOrphan is waiting for the game to come from eBay.
Haha. Gus is with the Ra%ders now? wtf? I wanna get this league cracking already. Scik...u dirty mexican...u and me...Week 3. I'm gonna shit all over you and I'm not gonna let up.
Yeah cmon Scik, send me the invite at "Jam1278" I'm ready to get the Texans and roll to the playoffs!
I want to get this league started too but right now 12 of my 16 opponents are the computer. I don't know if this makes it easier or harder for me but I would rather play some more real people. But hey, maybe I shouldn't be complaining and should take the games against the computer.
I dont need to invite you. You can search for the league under the name that I gave everyone here in this thread, and then join yourself. Inviting people merely makes it easier for the lazy people to join in the league.
shaheed can join as many franchises as he wants, as long as he can play his games. I prefer to get the games done asap so we dont spend 17 weeks playing the season. I want to be able to play this shit in less then 2 months so we can enjoy the perks of an offseason. We are playing a franchise, after all..
Im as eager as the next guy, but I really want this league to be a success. Lets wait it out until saturday if your opponent isnt a human yet. Lots of people still need to join.
I really hope this league is a success. Im tired of playing online with all these fucking douchebag cheaters who run the same play over and over. I just want to lose to a legit fucking player, is that too much to ask. FUCK!
I will say it again, I hate playing the Raiders D. You called a good game there on D. I could run at will, but couldn't pass for shit. That was the worst I have ever done throwing. But then again, when I run for 240 yards, I should win. I have alot of work to do. Perhaps we can get another scrimmage tonight if I have time. I have to setup for my daughter's birthday party. Seems Madden makes the Raiders impossible to throw on. CB plays five yards off, I throw the comeback, interception, every damn time. Sucks.
The Raiders are the only team I have a legitimate loss to online. My other two were BS disconnections in games I was tied or winning. They ARE a PIA. The guy actually crushed me with them and he's the only one that could even beat me. I didn't score a single point on him, and may have got 3 first downs all game. Tough D.
Gringo? You've posted more spanish shit on this message board that I do. Half the time I gotta whip out my Spanee to Englee dictionary. You're a dirty mexican. Admit it.
Gus the hus-tla. I seen this scenario play out before in a movie called "White Men Can't Jump". I'm on to you Gus.