Rules: 1) This is a dictatorship. I will only accept people in the league I believe I can trust to be serious and finish the season. I reserve the right to kick anyone out of the league at any time too, so don't be a dick. 2) You must be serious about playing the entire season. 3) No cheese dick players that continuously run one play, go for it every fourth down, quit games, and whatever else I decide is gay. The terms of this can change at any time but I will offer 1 warning per player before kicking them out. 4) Random team selection. 5) Stock Rosters. 6) 5 minute quarters, all-madden level, no rewinds or other bullshit, trade deadline, salary cap, injuries on. 7) The preseason will be simulated with injuries on. 8) This is for fun, so let's not get into fights over it. I'll kick your ass out for that if I feel like it too. 9) You MUST be able to play at least one game a week. Things like vacations, emergencies or whatever come up from time to time so we can make exceptions, but for the most part you must be prepared to play one game a week. Leave your 360 gamer tag here if you're interested. Consider this your application. So if you are a r'tard and just respond with something like "I'm in" and don't put your gamer tag, I probably won't let you in the league. People who can't follow simple directions piss me off. Who wants in? Applicants: Code: 1. ace_o_spades - [COLOR="Red"]fail[/COLOR] 2. IBLEEDGREEN17 - IBLEEDGREEN17 3. jgangstahippie7:18 - jangstahippie 4. nyjets624 - nyjet624 5. rillo561 - rillo 6. swifty1021 - [COLOR="Red"]fail[/COLOR] 7. rillo's friend - EmZONE 85 8. Drew - drewfoshooo 9. ukilledkenny - foxhuntseals 10. devilonthetownhallroof - Beelzebot44 11. xXAlbert84Xx - Albert84 * 12. dubiousboutthat - dubiousboutthat * 13. mj2sexay - mjjets * 14. jetfanmack - MackNova 15. dino26 - CM DiNo 16. jetsflyinginjersey - JT MON3YBAGS 17. JeTerps - Dislocater5150 18. UncleTomNYJ - [color="red"]fail[/color]
At school my roommate has a 360 and I play it whenever. I'm moving in about 2 weeks, can I join then? I can def. play a game/week once the semester starts I won't know for sure cus he may not have Live or may not wanna get 10 but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to
I want to join but my 360 broke so whenever SI sends madden with my subscription I'm gonna buy another and I'll join, but if it takes too long and I guess I won't join. My gamertag is - IBLEEDGREEN17
I'm interested ,but I am going away to school in two weeks and since I am an incoming Frosh I don't it my dorm has wifi and supports live. I have live at home though so\ sn: jgangstahippie
you mean buy an overpriced console that is inferior to the 360 in every sense other than blue ray, which I could buy separately with a 360 and still save money? No thanks.
gamertag-nyjet624 (not nyjets) and please ban no going for it on 4th down or onside kicks unless reasonable...
No thanks, I rather play games. I'm down rillo561, damn All-madden setting? I gotta get my game up. I may have two friends that want to get in too, any rule on that? I'll let them know the rules. Freakin Franchise Nazi :rofl:
Quick question, do we have to use the playbook of our randomly selected team or can we use any playbook?
Is there going to be a fantasy draft? Because if it's random team selection some people are going to get fucked over and stuck with like the Lions.
I'll probably remove the best 5 and worst 5 teams or something of that nature. What do you all think about that?
Yes that is a good idea. 1st Patriots 93 2nd Steelers 92 3rd Giants 89 4th Chargers 88 5th Eagles 88 28th Chiefs 69 29th Browns 68 30th Bengals 67 31st Rams 66 32nd Lions 65 (not 100% positive this is legit I didn't's according to