17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    If the Jets jack up ticket prices (and we all know they will) some people may not be able to afford it. Let's take one of these sideline PSLs for $15k. $1,402 a year in PSL payments assuming you do the 15 year plan plus $140 per game ticket. Obviously brokers won't be going for these tickets and let's be honest preseason games are worthless. For the 8 regular season games you're paying $350.25 per game! Right now 8 games is really costing you $131.25 ($1050 divided by 8 games).

    Let's be fair and say Woody only increases ticket prices by $10 a year (we all know it will be more). 5 years down the road the tickets are now $1900 a year plus $1,402 in PSL payments. That's now $412.50 a ticket per game.

    There will be people who just cannot afford the ticket increases on top of the annual payments and those will hit the markets. I may be wrong for saying they will be flooded but there will be a significant amount available.

    I also believe that the PSLs in these areas won't sell out which means either drop PSL prices, sell full or half season plans per year, or sell individual game tickets. Assuming there is a 20% markup on individual game tickets in 2010 that $140 ticket costs me $168 vs the $350 the PSL holder is paying for that seat.

    I want to be a season ticket holder and I hope to go to the upper deck but my point is that the people buying these $10,$15,$20 k PSLs will be paying a fortune just to say their a season ticket holder.
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    time will tell man, i feel for you that you spent all that money on a football team that really has absolutely no loyalty to you. as they have proven time and time again the last few months/years. good luck

    on a side note its interesting that you now have a first right of refusal for postseason..... hasnt it always been if you dont buy post season you lose your season tickets. yeah i am pretty sure thats what its been. interesting change.
    #2582 alleycat9, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  3. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    you dont have to buy postseason never have and you never will. its in the PSL contract. only the 10 home games you have to pay for.
  4. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Sorry if I sounded a bit frustrated but its tough to have paid all that money for the PSLs and then hear everyone say they will go for much less the second people can re-sell their PSLs in 2011. I still think that I made a good investment, I got row 2 seats on the Jets sideline($15K PSLs) with 1980 seniority (actually my dad's but I promised I would pay after I graduate).
    If you guys are right then I hope the only seats that goes down in value are the PSLs in the back row. But like alleycat9 says, only time will tell.
  5. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    No..There has never been a requirement at Shea or the current Stadium that you needed to buy post-season tickets in order to keep your season ticket rights for the following year.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    interesting, i could swear i had a convo on here a few years ago and people were telling me that if you turned down the postseasons that you lost your seats. i very well may be wrong.
  7. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Problem is there are no other events offered with those seats. No concerts or any other event. If you have the cash and want to spend it on that then all the power to you. If it's an investment I wish you lots of luck. There is no guarantee of what ticket prices will be in 2011 which can screw you royally. On the other hand if you bought $4k mez row 1 PSLs I'd say MAYBE they would increase in value but $15k is a HUGE bullet to bite.
  8. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I think someone brought up the Carolina Panthers and some kind of issue with PSLs and some people didn't pay for postseason.

    The Jets definitely don't do that. If they did that then 85% of the stadium would have turned over after 2002. I was one of the few who sent in my playoff money that year but there were TONS who didn't and waited on line for hours to get tickets.
  9. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I don't plan on ever selling these seats. If someone wants to look at this as a investment, then $30k isn't a big investment at all. As I said there are only 37,500 seats and the rest are either non-PSLs or club seats. We can't under-estimate the amount of people that can afford these seats. There are millions of people that can't afford $30k, let alone $4k-8k. But there are a lot that can, and the Jets just need about 50,000 of them to buy PSLs and 20,000 for the expensive ones over $15k. It might seem like the demand for these seats are very low but its because the rich folks don't go wondering in these message boards. We need to remember the Jets has fan bases in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. I'm sure if there are any seats left, then Woody's Johnson buddy's would be more then happy to help.
  10. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Man oh man, you are in total denial.

    Let me correct you about "rich folks". I was called early on the first day (May 4th) and got decent seats (non-psl's of course--i'm not stupid). I've never been on another Jets message board, but am grateful to 17A for this thread, so I post here. This thread is a service to all the die hard Jets fans, rich and poor.

    You said you are young. So you don't know about all the heartache that goes along with being a fan. Now the loyal fans are getting totally screwed by a moronic owner who gives Dolan a run for the money. Your investment of $15K is now worth zero. Please come back to this board and acknowledge it when you realize it.

    You may realize it when

    1) 2009 isn't sold out

    2) the Jets are 1-3 and not looking good

    3) The jets realize that have no talented wide receivers to catch sanchez passes

    4) YOU find out that only half the new stadium seats have been sold.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    the shame of it huskies is that there will be no fans who arent part of those 37500 who can afford those seats. its a shame to see so many kids these days who have never been to a professional sporting event of any kind. anytime i go to any event i find someone in my neighborhood who has never been and could probably not be able to go until they are grown and hopefully lucky enough to be like you and afford dropping 30k on football.

    the shame is that kids, young kids are giving less and less of a shit about the big sports every single year, kids dont give a shit about baseball or football or basketball anymore. why you ask? because they cant go and see the games. instead they get involved in these x games type bullshit activities.

    meanwhile we grown adults just continue on our merry way watching the greed of douchebags undermine something that we love that has been around for decades. that will end up gone because it will become something that only the small few can afford.

    i LOVE football, but even i at 33 years old regularly question why the fuck i bother with these douchebags and lining their pockets.
  12. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    There aren't as many Jets fans as you think. There are 4 types of fans in the tri-state area. 1. Giants fans 2. Jets fan 3. Giants/Jets fans/casual football fans and 4. fans of teams from other areas.

    I'd be willing to bet that in the past 30% of our stadium was the #3 listed above. These people will not pay that kind of money. Not many from #2 will either. The problem is the Giants winning a Super Bowl took a lot of casual fans and made them now into Giants fans.

    You are younger so you have more income to spend. I'm 29 and in the past I thought maybe I would get a cheap PSL but the more I looked into it no F'ing way.

    There are not many rich people in general and the ones that are sure as hell don't want to say to their friends "oh hey I got Jets season tickets." The rich ones I know (ie doctors, lawyers, etc) are either going for the upper deck or a $4k PSL if they have lousy seniority.

    Just because there are rich people doesn't mean they justify spending their money on this kind of thing.
  13. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I'm sorry but it sounds like you're the one that is in denial. You're hoping for the Jets and the people that paid money for these PSLs to get screwed... I'm not saying for certain that the Jets aren't going to have problems in the future but I think I took a very acceptable risk here. I don't think its nearly as bad as you guys claim it to be. I could have went to the upper deck as well but I decided not to mainly because they aren't transferable and I would like to pass these tickets down. If my PSLs are actual worth ZERO in a few years then I'll move on but I'll still support the team and attend the games.
  14. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Same goes for you. Hell when I wear any Jets gear out, I get people saying Go Jets to me all the time, complete strangers. Guy owns a deli by me in PA and talks to me all the time after seeing me wearing a Martin jersey. He is a lifelong fan, they are all over.
  15. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Actually I believe the correct term is "realistic".

    Only thing i'm hoping for is some good football. But what do I know? I'm a Jets fan. I've been thru walton, kotite, coslet, the bills-jets wildcard game at shea, the gastineau roughing the passer, the heartbreak of watching the smartest man in football (tuna Parcells) take the Jets from the worst to the brink of a super bowl in only a single season only to have victor green whiff on a desperate bomb by Elway. etc etc etc

    Face it junior, it is what it is.
  16. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    to a certain extent i DO hope that those who paid all this money for football tickets do get screwed. that is the only way that tickets will become affordable again.

    the problem with the transfer situation is that the psl is only for this stadium, once this stadium has lived its life in 20-30 years it will be time to re-up. bye bye transfers back into the shitstorm that we see again.

    i am all for supporting my team but throwing my money at a man who is blatantly lying and taking advantage of people who are overly attached to a team is a shame and not something many are going to fall for.

    it KILLS some of these guys to get rid of their lower deck seats and go upstairs, or get rid of their seats all together absolutely kills them. there is NO loyalty to the fanbase and people are sick of getting fucked.
  17. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    Yes, there may be some attrition year over year , but I would think it would be even less than today. These are the financially strapped or those with life changing events ( marriage/divorce/death/baby/college funds etc...). My theory is many of those people will have already dropped.

    People who have PSL's either have them because they love going to the games or they bought them with a thought they may be an investment, either group will certainly not sell for a discount . So that leaves the high end club PSL's which everyone agrees will largely be held by corporate owners - this is a group who have no reason to sell and even if they did - there's not much of a market for these higher end seats.

    Bottom line is I just don't see the forecasted turnover or massive availability of tickets post 2010. The only market I can see is the long-timers who ditch their uppers because of the nosebleed effect .

    IMO fans buy PSL's because they love the Jets/game experience and for many its their entertainment outlet. How many here wouldn't buy a PSL but would plunk down a few grand on a vacation without blinking an eye. Again not defending Woody or the Jets management because I think 99.9% would prefer no PSL's and I 'm certainly not in that .1 % . Hell I'd love to go to the games for free , but I love the Jets and the live gameday experience so I'll choose to pay.
  18. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Enjoy the tickets man. Every person has different financial situation. With that being said, people will spend their money on different things. Like you said earlier, you dont plan on selling the tickets, so who cares. Go the games, enjoy the games, and that is that. Have fun
  19. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Correct, and I was one of those. Had to take a day off work to wait it out on line at Ticketmaster. Ended up with playoff tickets for the historic Colt-thrashing that were better than my usual season seats.

    Trust me. Playoff tickets have never been an obligation for season ticket holders.
  20. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    How much are your game tickets? The PSL is only half the battle. If the PSLs were 10k and I could still pay a 85 - 100 a seat, I might just do it but I just can't see paying over a bill for this team. At least not for 20 tickets a year (I have 2 seats).

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