17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    One of my friends at work bought tickets to two Giants games downstairs, I think 12th row in one case, last week during the sale.

    It is crazy what's going on. Essentially, the Jets have no waiting list and need to hope they sell out from year to year at this point. I was on that stupid waiting list for like 11 years. Even paid money to stay on it for a while. What the f???
  2. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    The Jets really f****d themselves with how they did this process. They did that brochure and the phone calls in February and March for club seats. It turned into a total disaster and they already then were saying hey you might have to buy a PSL to a lot of people. Instead a lot of people said you know what f you I'm not even going to bother coming back this season. They should have just begun seat assignments then and gone through the list. Instead this has come back to bite.

    I know I've said this before but from 2007 to 2008 the Jets lost 7,000 people. 2007 was an awful season and the fans were pissed about a ticket price increase which has been happening for years. Every year it's been $5-$10. Everyone here has complained about PSL prices and not wanting a PSL but for 2010 the cheapest ticket is $95! Fortunately there are diehards like us that will do it. $95 for end zones is more than a 20% increase in price from last and this season. All of us here are diehards and will pay it in the uppers for a year but I don't think a lot of us will pay $120, $130, $150 for uppers in 2011.
  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    the fact that we are coming up on the 6 month anniversary of this thread?

    hehe this is the greatest thread EVER.

    woody johnson is becoming the biggest tool ever.
  4. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    i wonder if someone called and said, sell me the tickets now, or i am not buying them n the future, what would happen. it's getting old right now, this whole "people on vacation" business. why should fans who were soon to get a call (me) be playing the waiting game. i wanted my seats, get it done already. but i wonder if i call today, and say "sell em to me now, 5 psl mezz endzone seats, or take my name off the list" what would happen?
  5. TheSnake71

    TheSnake71 Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    If you wanted PSLs I bet they would sell them to you in a heartbeat...

    If you wanted uppers... you'd be told you have to wait.

    That's my guess.
  6. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I'm surprised this is happening.

    For years I hear of Jet fans dieing for Season Tickets and now is your chance.
    There are ads and banners all over the sports internet, I'm a little embarrassed actually that this is happening.

    People can only have so many hobbies and if your a die-hard Jet fan how could you pass this up??

    I hope they win a Championship this year and I think they have a chance. Might think I'm crazy but isn't that the point of being a fan (fanatic)??

  7. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    for years 8 of em i believe at this point the fans have taken it in the ass from the douchebag in charge. he has gone to a burlap condom over the past year and it appears he has been taken extenze as well.

    its easy to pass it up. its easy to not have loyalty to a team that has proven it has NO loyalty to you.

    besides the fact that people really dont have a couple grand to throw around on their hobby which really isnt even that its simply something you do 10 times a year.

    being a fanatic is a very very dangerous thing. i enjoy football but would not call myself a fanatic by any stretch of the imagination. i could walk away from the jets and the nfl tomorrow if i had to. i just havent been put in that situation yet. when they start charging me for to watch the games i will be gone.
  8. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    That was really it for me...10 days a year.

    I originally was going to get PSLs, and I was talking to a female friend of mine about the amount I was going to drop, and for why. She said "what are you crazy?". I said "Its the Jets". Then I explained how PSLs really made sense if you consider spreading the damage out over 20 years. She goes "but you pay it all up front, right?".


    "Sounds like you are getting fucked to me!" haha.

    So I choose to upgrade my house instead...for 365 days a year. Not 10.

    You really have to have a TON of expendable income to pay THAT kind of money for JETS TICKETS. Its insane. Its totally insane. I'm glad I checked TGG after a long time off to see that I am not the only one who thought this was a complete shit deal.

    I'm saying it again...next year you will be able to get PSLs for nothing once the aftermarket hits. And maybe, just maybe, the Jets will have to lower prices when they get their first blackouts...which would be the best thing to ever happen to the Jets. I really hope it happens.

    And I feel AWFUL for the Jets fans who are suckered into PSLs right now, because seriously there is no demand for it and the value of the PSLs can't possible stay high. They are the equivalent of dudes who buy a fancy IPOD the day they come out....again, you just have to have ridiculous income for it.

    Whatever. I am going to enjoy this season, see what I get for next season, and enjoy it for what it is.
  9. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I could never give up going. I know a few people who just have had it with Woody and stay in the parking lot. They like being around other Jets fans and tailgating but just the price of tickets have become too much.

    Opening day this year for the Yankees I didn't have tickets and refused to pay the kind of money tickets were gonig for. Went to the stadium tailgate before the game and then went to one of the bars across the street. Obivoulsy there isn't a bar right next to the stadium but you can still hear the fans and be around other fans. On Opening day there must have been 10,000 fans walking the streets the entire game who didn't have seats.

    I'm just hoping that in 2010 the fans that get shut out will still come to the lots although I know it's a long shot.
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thats interesting. i am not sure if it was you that talked about going but not going in earlier. i never even would have thought of doing that. it makes sense for the guys who love to tailgate.

    i was never a huge tailgate person and the ride just wouldnt be worth sitting outside watching on a tv in the cold/hot.

    definitely take a leak on the parking lot every single time you are there for the rest of us :)
  11. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Do you feel awful for the suckers that buy a BMW over a Hyundai? Both get you from point a to point b. Right? I wouldnt be calling people who are buying psl's suckers. They just have the money for them, and choose to spend it the way the please. I am glad you are upgrading your house, and thats pretty cool, but there are people in this world who have money to upgrade their house, and buy a psl. If its something you love, then go ahead and do it. Some people are buying PSL's to sit in the stadium for the life of it, and not going to even think about selling it.
  12. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    when they cant afford the payment in the 3rd year. or lose their job and cant afford it. or when they realize that it costs 200 bucks to get a tail light replaced. when they get in an accident and didnt have gap insurance.

    when its not quite new anymore and they still have 4 more years of payments left.

    i also sympathize with them due to the fact that they could have used that money in a much better fashion but were too concerned about their image or their wants and didnt bother to think about the needs of others. that is EXACTLY what the real issue is.
  13. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    you're forgetting the people that actually still arent affected by all of that. There are people that have multiple BMW's, and Mercedes'. PSL's arent for everyone, and neither are luxury cars. No one is forcing you to buy the tickets, nor the car. There are alternatives to both. I just dont consider people suckers for buying a PSL.
  14. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Everyone has their own way to spend their money. If I somehow benefitted from buying a PSL I would do it. I get nothing except a stadium that doesn't stay Giants Stadium. If this stadium was domed I would probably have coughed up $1-2k for an upper PSL or $4k for the mezanine PSL. At least I'm getting something out of it. Other people see it differently.

    My concern is what will ticket prices be in 2011. Woody can take that $120 mez A ticket and now make it $500 if he wants there's nothing in the contract to state otherwise.

    My other concern is once Woody sells PSLs will he still try to field a winning team. After the 2002 he was a little cheap with the JetSkins situation and the same with Pete Kendall. It wasn't until last year when they announced PSLs that he got into spending some more on players. I'm just concerned that once he has PSL money he's gonna say ok I've got everyone where I want em I'm happy to field a 4-12 team for the next 15 years.
  15. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I don't know of anybody that is getting a PSL that can really afford it. The three groups that are getting mezz seats all took the money off their home equity lines to pay for it. One guy put the down payment on his credit card. I'm sorry, but for 10 games a year, that is just crazy.

    And by suckers I mean they OVERPAID for what will be much cheaper. I garauntee it. This is supply and demand. Imagine how that one fellow that bid a gazillion dollars for the coaches club seats? Did you read about that guy? This was during the auction...he was like the only one that bid more than 25,000. Again, that is a sucker....I don't know how much he makes or whether he even cares he got taken, but he got taken.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    All excellent points and I agree with all of them. For me, had there been several different scenarios or offerings by the Jets to sweeten the packages, I might have spent the money on a PSL. Any one (or combination) of the following would have gotten my attention real quick:

    1) A buy-back (or partial buy-back) guarantee on the PSL (a buyer's remorse condition, if you will) for a period of one or two years after purchase. If these PSLs are such a hot commodity, they supposedly would have had no trouble whatsoever peddling them to someone else who had been shut out.

    2) A guarantee by the Jets that my ticket prices would not increase for a specifed period of time, or at least a guarantee that there would only be an X-number of dollar increase or percentage increase over a specified period of time.

    3) A dome

    4) A "right of first refusal" for my seats for any concerts, rodeos, monster truck shows, other venues, etc.

    5) A better, more fan-friendly view of the field for most sections. The architect/designer or originator of this building model should be publicly hung on the 50-YL on opening day. The stadium is seriously lacking close views for all but 20% of the most expensive seats in the house. I understand the spread-out, pancake-like construction enabled them to install all their cockamamie, 5-star nonsense, but it necessitated the spreading out of the seating and worse, the lack of cover for 80% of the seats. Insane, IMO.

    6) Interest-free PSL payments.

    7) A different pecking order for the call-ups that would have involved BOTH the Seniority Factor AS WELL AS a Current Seating Factor. Computers can do this, it's not so complicated. Instead of pure seniority, they should have also factored in and given weight to where the current ticketholder is sitting.

    Any one of the above or some combination of the above in some fashion would have gone a long way in making me swallow a $30,000 PSL for my 4 current Mezz Sideline seats. Instead there were no incentives whatsoever. Take it or leave it. I left it, and by the way, "Fuck You" Woody.
  17. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    $90 for a pizza and $66 for a six-pack of Bud sounds reasonable, but I'm sure Woody can find a way to top that.

    I'm thinking $45 for a hot dog and if you want mustard and kraut on it, add another $10. Laughable what they're doing to fans these days. No wonder HDTV sales are up.
  19. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    with the new jets screwjob, i am re-thinking my psl stance. I was set to purchase 5 psl mezz endzone seats. After hearing/seeing the 20 percent discount, i will not be moving foward with that decision anymore
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I wonder if Woody Johnson will be cruising the parking lot this year on one of his idiotic "Meet and Greet the Fans" tours?

    Hahahahahahaaaa...... Oh, I can't wait for that one.

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