Easily worse? If his defense was easily worse he'd be a DH somewhere. Abreu and Swisher's defense would cancel each other out, but even then Abreu's cannon arm makes him more worthy of an outfield spot over Swisher's. What is this OPS+ garbage you always refer to? Abreu's OBP is .414 and avg .317 compared to Swisher's .367 OBP .239 avg. That's a big difference to me, and obviously the 5 pt difference in OPS+ is a bigger difference than what you make it out to be. I don't think there's any question as to who is the better hitter of the two.
His what?! :lol: OPS = OBP + SLG OPS+ = Normalized OPS, where 100 is league average. An OPS of 120 means that a hitter is 20% better than the average player in the league. This accounts for the fact that a player in the 60's might have a low-ish OPS as an absolute value by today's standards (e.g. Hank Aaron's 1968 season), but compared to the rest of the league, he was still performing at an elite level. 1968 was a ridiculous year for pitching. But, yeah... call it garbage. It can make you feel better about that which you don't understand. The value of a batter can be discovered by asking the following: What is the point of baseball? Answer: To score runs on offense, and prevent them on defense. It doesn't get any simpler than that. How are runs produced by a hitter? It is a product of being on base, and driving in runs. A high OBP means you are more likely to score a lot of runs. A high SLG means you are likely to drive in more runs. This is somewhat oversimplified, but suits our purposes here.
Haha fuck you're an argumentative prick. Whatever buddy. SLG is skewed by HR number. Abreu's SLG would be way higher at Yankee Stadium, that's pretty obvious. If you want a guy who strikes out like it's a bodily function over an established disciplined hitter, I guess you must be pretty happy. I much rather value OBP over SLG... and just so you know I have a dictionary within my household so further definition won't be necessary. If Nady was healthy, Swisher would be coming off the bench. Also, Swisher has a .479 SLG and Abreu a .445 yet Abreu has more RBI's. Based on the MLB dictionary and according to you Swisher should have driven in more runs. I guess it's not that simple.
Abreu bats 3rd. Swisher usually bats 8th or somewhere down in the order. Swish doesn't have as many chances to drive in runs. And Swisher's value is also largely based on walks and home run power. If he's not walking or hitting a home run, he's not particularly useful. Abreu hits for a higher average, so he gets more hits which drive in more runs.
This thread is cracking me up. Swisher sucks. Make up whatever arguments you want to, the guy is a liability who wouldn't be playing if we had Nady and Gardner healthy.
Hopefully everybody now sees the stupidity of using Rivera on Wednesday and not Hughes or Coke although I wouldn't expect any of you to admit it. Another one of Girardi's finest. Oh, and so much for stretching Hughes out. He gives up the tying and winning runs even though one may not have been his fault. Of course if he struck him out....
Yes, shame on Hughes for not being absolutely perfect. As for not "admitting" anything, there's nothing to "admit" Don. You're just wrong. True. Girardi probably should have put him in for the ninth.
1. SOP is that you don't use your closer in a tie game on the road, although I wouldn't expect you to know that. 2. Girardi is perfectly willing to use Mo back to back days, although I wouldn't expect you to realize that. What do you mean "So much for stretching Hughes out"? He pitched into his third inning. Seems like they were trying to stretch him out to me. But yeah, I guess Hughes sucks, huh, Don?
No. See, this is the thing -- I am not the one "making up arguments." I'm relying on what's out there. A liability wouldn't have a WAR of +1.6... which is already higher than what Abreu did for the team last year, at +1.2, and higher than anything Nady has put up in his career, with the exception of last year's extreme outlier. (That was for you, talisaynon.)
Of course it's not that simple. Gee, maybe that's why I said my example was somewhat oversimplified. If you'd prefer a more accurate and nuanced description, I'd be happy to give it to you, but it didn't seem appropriate given that you didn't even know what OPS+ is.
It's nothing more than a hunch but something tells me that we're going to be pleased we have Swisher when October rolls around. For all his shenanigans in the field and on the bases, I just have a feeling he's going to play a big role come playoff time. We'll see.
Yeah, spare me the OPS+ and other unheard of, useless statistics. There's a reason why Abreu hits third and Swisher hits eighth. I don't think Swisher is a bad player, I just think he needs to pull his head out of his ass.
Just because you don't/can't understand something, doesn't mean it's useless. The funny thing is, OPS+ should be EASIER for you to understand and see the value in, since it normalizes a hitter's performance across eras. The fact that you think it's unheard of doesn't demean the value of the metric. It just shows your ignorance. And there are several reasons why Abreu hits third and Swisher hits eighth. One has to do with talent level of their respective teams. Abreu wouldn't be hitting third on this Yankee club. He'd probably be hitting sixth. The other has to do with his past performance. Abreu was an elite hitter. Now he's just a good/very good hitter.
Everybody is ignorant to you because they don't care about OPS+. Swisher was never an elite hitter, he's not even a good/very good hitter, he's an average hitter regardless of what your OPS+ bible tells you.
Of course I'm not wrong. It was plain stupid to use Rivera on Wednesday. Last night when they should have been using him he was obviously not available.
swisher is a great right fielder cappy arent you they guy who said swish plays a better rf then nady? UZR is a buch of bull, i dont need to look at a stat to see whos better, i watch the games. Swisher is a hot dog in rf when he misplays a ball he will like flip over or something to make it look alot more difficult then it really was. He is so dramatic with his plays, it actually annoys me more when he pulls that shit in rf then when joba pumps his fist after a big out, and then annoys me too.