17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    what makes you guys think there wont be tickets available for the 2010 season? please explain this one. because your vast ticket knowledge is obviously the point of this discussion. im sick and tired of fans who think they know it all when it comes to tickets and they basically know jack shit.

    it is what is. either pay the psl fee for decent seats or sit in the nose bleeds and bitch the entire season. the choice is yours dudes.
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    holy shit your row 16 of 342??? when i folded again and just got uppers for 2010 i was offered sect 342 row 14 aisle or sect 347 row 10 aisle. i balked at first and called back 2 hours later and the 342 row 14 was gone it was now 342 row 16 aisle and 347 row 10 aisle. so i went with the lower row to sideline view.

    so there was a chance we would have been in the same section same row????
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It was you who told me about the 342 opening. I had been zeroing in on the visitor's side of the stadium anyway and looking on either side of the 50 in the Uppers.

    So when you told me about your call and 342, it was several days later and I was making my rep go back and forth with 342 and some others. Finally he came up with 4 on the 50-YL side of 342 (I could have had a row lower but on the EZ side of the section, so I took the seats in row 16 that are closer to the aisle and near the tunnel. It was the best I could get out of him, so I just jumped on them and gave him my CC. Done deal.

    Like White Shoes, I'm gonna play it by ear and see how I like the whole thing. If my family is good with them, fine. If not, I can walk. That's the beauty of not having the PSL.
  4. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Here's the deal. The Jets are selling the seats for 2010 now, not next year. They are doing it in order of seniority for current season ticket holders. At some point, the stadium will sell out before they get through the season ticket list or they will move past the season ticket list to the waiting list and then ,if seats are still available, to the general public. If your desire is to have season tickets in the new stadium, your best bet to get better seats, or seats at all, is to be a season ticket holder. The 2009 season ticket holders will be called to select seats before those who, like you right now, do not have seats.

    So the bottom line is this. By choosing to decline 2009 seats, you moved further down the list for seat selection for 2010. You now have to hope that the current season ticket holders don't buy up the new stadium. If they don't, all that will be left for you are the worst seats in the house at each price level.

    I doubt there will be any upper deck seats left at all. Nobody is going to give up their 2010 seats after having paid 50% of the price already. I also doubt there will be end zone mezzanine PSLs. You might be able to obtain the $10,000- $20,000 PSLs because of the price, but if you had bought 2009 seats, you would be able to choose your seats in these areas before those that are not current STHs.

    The only thing you did by passing on 2009 seats was deprive yourself of seats for this year, save money on 2009 seats, and move down the list for 2010 selection. For these reasons, those of us who have studied and been through this process find your decision to be a bit baffling.

    So what is so hard to understand? And why knock those of us who have had seats for years or decades and have participated in this link to provide, obtain, and share information and experiences?
  5. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    spoke with my boy from the jets sales team. i had sent him an email again.he then called me about my email and trying for a lower row aisle sideline. still nothing. they have been stuck on 1990 b/c they took a break from calling out for the new stadium and trying to back fill this years season.

    he said in a typical year the jets lose 3% of season tix holders. this year was 4%. i called it bullshit and it was more like 10%. we both laughed. he is pretty cool and we where talking about this years team and such.he asked if i needed any parking passes etc.also do i tailgate and where.i invited him to hang out and tailgate b/c he said he will be going to the games. but they may also have him working the games too.
    we seem to have built a bond here.and it doesnt hurt to have some pull in the tix department.

    btw he said coorslightcans is fucked.
  6. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    He probably has you on speed dial by now.
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    17a works for the jets and has setup us all up. Look who started this post, look who was Mr. Anti PSL, look who bought a PSL, look who bagged his tickets, look who changed his mind and got 2009 tickets and I can't even remember what he's doing for 2010. Probably gonna sit next to Woody or Fireman Eddie. Hang out with the enemy, a car salesman, for your 2009 tailgate. Dude...... I am busting... can you get me extra parking passes?????
  8. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I am 1993 and have been waiting for the return from the "break".

    I had originally been told my call date was to be July 21st.

    I was then told that it has been moved by to July 28th.

    Then I found out the PSL Sales Team has stopped the 2010 PSL Sales process and have been reassigned to calling waitlisters to sell 2009 Season Tickets.

    Given this change, I wrote to ask what my new date was and was told that everything has been pushed back....no new call dates for 2010 have yet to be established...

    and I should look for a resumption of 2010 PSL Sales in SEPTEMBER.
  9. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    ha ha he called me.

    no lie i have been talking to him for like a year and a half. since he was assigned to me as my rep and have talked about 100 times. i even met him when i went on the tour.
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    no i didnt bag my 2009 tix i bagged the PSL 3rd row aisle right behind the goalpost.
    2 weeks later after my kid gave me the guilt trip and a little help and encouragement of 227 i called back and got uppers for the 2010 and beyond seasons.

    i am constantly working them for better seats. and i know if they lower PSL prices i will be informed.

    so kiss my hairy bean bag 314 lol
  11. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Can you give me some pointers on how schmooze my sales rep Larry Fitzgerald, you know some inside info like what kind of cologne he wears:rofl:
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Ass kisser!
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    theres another nice kick in the balls.

    its almost like they think they are going to outlast the recession. something is really fucked with the management in jetsland.

  14. TOON88FAN

    TOON88FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    Great Picture..
  15. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Wow! Larry took time off from the Cardinals to make calls??
  16. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    What do you guys make of the 2009 issue? Is it people just figuring I am not paying the 2010 PSL so " F" 2009?
  17. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    In a nutshell...YES. Everyone that I personally know who is not renewing their 2009 season tix, is ANGRY. FUK Woody, FUK the drive, FUK the traffic, FUK the $9 beers, FUK EVERYTHING!! I'm staying in for 2009 in section 225, and hoping to have a GREAT year...I'm out for 2010 though. But I will be buying half price tix on Ebay for 2010.
  18. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Not sure if you guys heard about that guy making that "fanumentary" last year about PSLs. He had some kind of rally before the Jets Giants preseason game last year. He's a prime example of someone who as soon as PSLs were announced said F this and left. People were pissed from 2007 going into 2008 with the price increases after a lousy season and dropped. Some article said we lost 7,000 seats last year. I'd be willing to bet we lost 10,000 maybe 12,000 this year. I know of 12 seats personally that were given up because of the PSL situation. Not only that if you lost your job and have a 2000 seniority give or take why buy this year? I know people in that kind of boat and I'm sure the rest of us do as well.
  19. bsaeagle64

    bsaeagle64 New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    I've read just about every post on this thread (and a few other threads regarding tickets/PSLs) and appreciated all the info everyone has brought forth.

    When I initially posted information about my tickets (as a NE Patriots Sesson Ticket Holder going on 18 years), I was told that my Patriots tickets were highly inflated and Mr Kraft was, in effect, charging us PSLs by raising ticket prices over the years to the level they are now. I was ridiculed (probably because I'm a NE Patriots fan to begin with and I can understand that) when I stated that when Gillette Stadium was built in 2001 there were no PSLs, and still are none today. Mr Kraft and his family were the owners but were also fans, having been STHs for the past 40 years or so. Jon Kraft stated that being a fan and not just an owner looking to make a buck, he appreciated those fans who attended games year after year, through good weather and bad and thru the few and far between successful seasons and all of the disasterous ones of Patriots football.

    I can't understand why you owner thinks he can gouge fans with PSLs and the high prices of tickets, thereby hurting the most loyal fans who have been following the team for years and years. I guess having never been a 'fan' of the JETS, but only the owner, doesn't allow him to look at the situation the same way the Kraft family has been able to. Being a Patriots fan in particular, but an NFL fan in general, no fans deserve to be treated the way you folks have been, but there is nothing the NFL or even you fans can do about it, except for providing the JETS ownership with more than a few unsold seats every game. Buying seats and not attending the games will only hurt ownership at the overpriced coincessions and the parking fees. Once the tickets are sold the cash is in your owner's coffers whether you attend the games or not.

    Say everything negative you want about the Patriots organization, the players and the fans like me, but the Krafts did what they had to do. Built a new Stadium from their own funds, didn't charge PSLs and found other revenue sources to foot the bill.

    Good luck to all JETS fans and hopefully you can find a way to teach your owner a thing or two about appreciating what he has and 'how to win friends and influence people'.
  20. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    trust me, i and probably most guys around here have no problem with patriots fans like you. the ones that drive us nuts are the ones that dont know who john hannah, andre tippett or mosi tatupu are. heck they dont even know anything about the team from the 90s.

    its an absolute shame what the owners and nfl are doing to the fans of both new york teams and dallas. the out of control greed and greater than thou bullshit this league is growing into will be its demise.


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