A lot of this has already been discussed but I thought the bit about the WR was especially interesting. Who do you guys think he could be referring to? Huey Whittaker? Marcus Henry? Mario Urrutia?
Michael Vick as a WR. ugh. ok that sounds terrible. I honestly think we are going to make a play for Brandon Marshall, but thats just me.
I would give up a 1st round draft pick for Brandon Marshall in a split second, we may even have to throw in an extra 5th round draft pick, but I would pull the trigger in a split second on a talent like this. Chances are...The Jets could be drafting a WR with our 1st round pick to begin with, so why not just get it over and done with and swap a 1st round pick for an A+ type of #1 WR with natural size and Randy Moss type of speed?
It's gotta be Pernell Whitaker or Urethra. There were some good things said about them in OTA's. So, it's probably one or the other.
He says : "Clearly on the roster, we'll see." Are you sure that doesnt mean that we'll see if they are currently on the roster? Thats what it sounds like to me. Badly worded to interpret in a transcript....
And he follows by saying ?I could be wrong, that?s why I?m not going to say the name right now in case he can?t catch when the pads are on, we don?t want him.? as if to imply that this person impressed him in OTA's.
I have a feeling he could be talking about Marcus Henery, a 6'4, 212 pound WR that ran a 4.5 40 yard dash coming out of college, which is pretty damn fast for a WR that size-Really fast actually. He's now in his 2nd year this season and who knows? Maybe the coaching staff spots Henry as a nartural talent and thats something us fans know nothing about as of right now. I do remember Marcus Henry having an impressive East-West shrine game heading into the draft though.
That entire statement didn't make much sense or left it wide-open for speculation. I get what you're saying. And to add to that later on he said, "I?m not going to say the name right now in case he can?t catch when the pads are on, we don?t want him.? We don't want him? Is that to mean...if he can't're gonna cut him? Or you won't sign him? Before/Around TC, teams start bringing in prospects for drills before offering them a contract. So I also don't know how to take the statement he made with regards to the WR position.
I disagree, I think he was quite clear he was talking about someone who impressed him in OTA's. There are plenty of guys who shine without pads on but don't do anything once they do go on. I think that's a perfectly valid statement by Rex.
That makes sense. He does imply that he has already seen this player without pads and wants to see how he performs with them on, so, yeah, ur probably correct. I don't know why I thought he was trying to imply that we might bring Burress in for a workout during TC. Maybe it was just wishful thinking and that they know something we don't about his legal situation.
Rex meant someone on the 80 man roster right now, who, if they can't catch with pads on and contact, will not make the roster.
Meatloaf will be the mystery Wide receiver. It has to be someone he's seen in OTA otherwise the catching in pads thing is irrelevant.