ProFootball Weekly 2009 Preview... Jets dead last

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I didn't miss your point, I'm simply saying that Miami and NE's shcdules were bascially the same. Very little difference in whos schedule was tougher. And BTW, NE was coming off a season in which they won all 16 regular season games and they are awarded nearly as soft a schdule as the Dolphins who were coming off a 1 win season. I think NE was given a gift of enorumus proportion. But you go ahead and focus on how NE was eliminated by such an insignificant margin.
    #681 feelthepain, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  2. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    As do you.
  3. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    4 WC teams all at home vs all on the road for both NE and the Jets. The schedules were not basically the same they were basically skewed in favor of Miami.
  4. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I guess, but NE was coming off 16 win season and nearly a perfect season and the Jets spent 100 mil dollars in the off season in upgrades. Miami had the worst record in the NFL just the season before. If the schedules were "EXACTLY" the same would that have been fair to everyone? Besides name one WC team played in 08 that Miami didn't play on the WC that was worth a damn?
  5. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    i don't give a shit what you said back then.....

    Come to think of it....i don't really care what you say in this thread either....because it's meaningless and inaccurate.

    watching you eat dog shit entertains me though.
  6. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    So basically you just have issues you can't overcome.
  7. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    if you call "issues" - watching you embarrass yourself on this messageboard on a daily basis....then I guess I'm guilty as charged.
  8. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    So in some Jet fans opinion on a Jets board you think I'm embarrasing myself? Well whoopdy frikin doo!

    I could care less what you think of me, much of that opinion is rival hate, which basically has ZERO value.

    I guess to make some Jet fans happy everyone needs to walk around telling you how great your teams is, otherwise you're unhappy, will good luck with that.
  9. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Awesome thread.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    So you will never bend or break by telling us how great our team is correct? Close the thread because I for one believed it was coming.

    Do you think the Dolphins will fudge around with the wildcat this year? Or will they continue to use it until the rest of the league catches on to having your qb lining up wide left.

    I was reading an article where someone on the Dolphins..and unnamed source of course, was quoted as saying they plan to use it 93% of the time this year. Hope not..because that would be really bad news for the rest of the NFL. Can you confirm that rumor? Just wondering.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Gutless is having 2 teams, gutless is ripping Jets players & coaches that were excellent players & coaches for us and classy representing my team the right way.

    Fans like you are why jet fans have such a bad reputation even though the jets are your second team:rolleyes: although they were probably your first team in '98, '01, '02 and '04.

    It is whining when your team had 2 1/2 qtrs to overcome that play and it never happens if our K doesn't get hurt.

    I agree there. It's asinine to complain about the teams each team played since every division plays all but 2 games against the same teams. Miami did a great job beating teams like Seattle, SF and Oakland while we lost to all 3 of those terrible teams.

    We played all the same teams except for 2. Oak won 1 home game all year outside of the Jet game, SF won 3(including SL and Det), Sea won 1(the other team being SL). We should have beaten those teams anywhere we played. We got Den, Ari, SL, KC at home and Miami got those teams on the road. We lost to Den at home and they beat them on the road and they beat SL and KC. Miami EARNED the div title.
  12. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The reason you are gutless is you can't defend an argument unless you feel you're backed by a crowd. In this case calling me the bad fan while you are the deserving good fan.

    Facts it's your poor over all argument and lack of guts that makes you resort to this type of argument.

    Facts your use of smile's and attempts at laughing or nulifying any argument that doesn't conform to your way of thinking is covering for a basic personal insecurity at your own argument.

    Facts you called Miami fans whiney when your entire argument of good fans vs. bad fans is childish at best.

    Facts it ain't your team.

    Facts you have been a complete suck up to both Herm and Chad for years and instead of arguing facts you break it down to good fans and bad fans smilley faces and laughing faces.

    Facts you can't even admit that playing WC teams on the road vs. playing them at home is a huge disadvantage for East Coast teams proven by stats and the reason you can't admit it is because you are a Chad suck up.

    Facts Herm took a very good team loaded with talent and left them ruined and took a good team and killed it in two years. Underachieved and fired twice.
    #692 winstonbiggs, Jun 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  13. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    This is such a dead on post..but the bolded paragraphs are fact Junc should just cut you a check and it would save him years of pysch. bills.

    Juncs defense of Herm is one reason he should thank God he lives in a country where anyone with half a brain can make ridiculous/absurd/childish/hopefully taunting comments and still wake up the next day....alive...and be able to head to a keyboard and do it all over again. Thats my main problem with the internet...that self absorbed nutjobs are allowed to commit crimes on a daily basis. (report button is in the you didnt already know that :wink:)

    For the rest of society..its draining.
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Yeah, it's like saying 2 missed kicks lost us that playoff game against the Steelers.
  15. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I never understood why Junc praised Herm so much. Sure he led us to the Playoffs, but he clearly isn't a good coach as evidenced by the way he left this team, along with his recent stint in KC, which also resulted in his termination; however, I'm sure there are plenty of excuses as to why Herm didn't succeed in KC, none of them being his fault whatsoever.

    And here we are again: Junc saying that last year, it wasn't the coaching that led to our collapse, but mostly Favre ("and not his injury"). Well now, like Herm, Mangini will have a chance to prove with another team just how good of a Head Coach he really is.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Backed by a crowd? are you serious?:rofl2: We can end this right now, I am attacked more than anyone and I will stand up to a million posters and back up my argument w/ FACTS(something you rarely do).

    I use smileys so I am insecure?:rofl2:

    suck up top both Herm and Chad? the facts are that they both did very good jobs for us but "fans" like you(who have 2 teams) can't seem to figure that out despite all the facts being on their side.

    We play nearly identical scheds. That is such a weak excuse. How come NE didn't have any problems in Sea, SF or Oak? I already showed you the amount of games those awful teams won besides the Jet games. You are latching on to a pathetic excuse to try to knock Miami.

    Oak at home 2008:

    Atlanta beat them 24-0
    Carolina beat them 17-6
    NE beat them 49-26

    The only Eastern team they beat? The New York Jets

    SF at home 2008:

    NE beat them 30-21
    Philly beat them 40-26
    Wash beat them 27-24

    The only eastern team they beat? The New York Jets

    Seattle at home 2008:

    Philly beat them 26-7
    Wash beat them 20-17
    NE beat them 24-21

    The only Eastern team they beat? The New York Jets

    Noticing a trend? and looking at these #s you would think you'd like Herm a little more as we were 4-1 on the WC under Herm. Now explain to me how w/ such a crappy coach we managed to go 4-1 on the WC where supposedly it is so difficult to win?

    The facts are Herm took over a team in DECLINE, a team that made ONE postseason app in the previous 9 years, a team, that had missed the postseason 2 straight years inclduing a collapse the year before he got here. he took over a team in a division w/ a DYNASTY team yet still led us to only our 2nd EVER AFC East Title.

    Those are Facts and the Jets didn't fire him.

    So you are saying had our K made one of those 2 makeable kicks we wouldn't have won?

    The facts back up the fact that herm did a very good job for us. People forget that no one wanted to coach us back then. We had basically 4 coaches say no thanks to us- Belichick, Parcells, Groh and Dom Capers. 4 coaches walk out on that great talent we supposedly had- I don't think so.

    He was never great but he did a very GOOD job for us. It's funny how we collapsed in 1997, collapsed in 2000 then collapsed in 2008. How come we never collapsed from 2001-2005?

    I don't want to get into another long Herm debate b/c the proof was in the results.
  17. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Yeah, we've been down this road plenty of times. Herm was good for us ***when compared to the history of the franchise. But that doesn't mean he's a good Head Coach. He made mindboggling in-game decisions; made questionable decisions with players' playing-time, and usually played passive 'not-to-lose' ball. In that one thread a couple months back, I posted his record alongside other GOOD coaches' records - including Playoff trips and how far they advanced - over the same time period, and it showed how mediocre Herm was. In the end, his record was average. Then he went to KC where he sunk that ship, and in this Offseason, none of the teams with coaching vacancies wanted to hire him, which is why he's working in the studio, using his blather for entertainment purposes. Why could that be?

    I know you've criticized some of Mangini's decisions throughout his tenure here, but you also said that last year's collapse wasn't a result of the coaching. Well if Mangini got a raw deal, and he's a good Head Coach, I guess that'll be proven in Cleveland. So far, he's not off to the best start, as the players and media know of his history here, and they're now experiencing him firsthand, and the reaction hasn't been very positive.
  18. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Herm Edwards was thrown out the door by the Jets and Fired by the Chiefs. He took over a loaded team with the Jets including 4 first round draft picks in year 2 which included a franchise QB without an injured shoulder that he left on the bench to long. He also had Coles, Martin a top OL and a Top DL day one walking in the door. He left the team with no QB, no OL, a DL in decline a week secondary and WR corp and no running back. Total carnage with a 500 record a lossing record in the playoffs and no big run.

    After weaseling his way out he went to the Chiefs a good team in a though division got a playoff birth with the same record the team achieved the year before and shat the bed in the playoffs as usuall and turned the team into a bottom feeding turd over night.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have NEVER said Herm was a great HC, I simply stated the facts of the good job he did for us.

    I also never said mangini didn't deserve blame last year. The guy who deserved it most was Favre but it was more than just him and Mangini deserves his share just like Herm deserves his share for Pitt '04.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    A team so loaded that FOUR Hcs walked out on us.

    Bill Parcells: was dying for another winner but walked out on that "loaded team"

    Bill Belichick: had one more chance as a HC but walked out on our "loaded team" for a team in steep decline in NE.

    Al Groh: waited 20 years for a chance and walked out on our "loaded team" after one year to coach a mid of the pack ACC team.

    Dom Capers: Desperate for a 2nd job, declined to even be offered the job w/ our "loaded team" and instead chose to coach an expansion team and now he'll never be a HC again in the NFL

    If our team was so loaded why did all these coaches walk out on us(decline the offer in Capers case)?

    Was Herm the GM?

    The Chiefs were a good team? How come that team w/ vermeil missed 2 straight postseasons and hadn't won a playoff game since 1993? They also lost alot of talent the offseason herm took olver but that is glossed over and didn't they make the postseason for the first time in 3 years? Herm wasn't the GM, that stooge Carl Peterson was and they went into full rebuilding mode in 2007. I don't care what happened in KC, I care what he did here and he did a very good job here.
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