ProFootball Weekly 2009 Preview... Jets dead last

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Psycho 78

    Psycho 78 New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    I'm certainly not thinking we got Joe Montana or beating my chest to rub it in LOL but you have to admit it was poetic justice in it's finest form for the Dolphins to get Pennington the way we did. The Jets obviously didn't want him because they chose the mighty Favre. Things worked out wonderful for Miami. To go up there and beat our enemy in their house. Sweet.

    Chad is a nice stop-gap fit for a team that desperetaly needed help at the position while Henne learns. Chad Henne will now learn from an extremely poised and smart veteran QB. I know you will say I hated Chad P before he came to Miami and it's true because the guy used to kill us. He never put it to us with a big arm just an extremely accurate one.

    You know what they say..... "One man's trash is another man's treasure"
  2. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I'm actually glad he managed to win the division. If it wasn't the Jets, it might as well be the Phins. As long as it wasn't the Pats. And the Bills? never a concern.

    You know you have to look at this point, as to why they got rid of him. He was injury prone and by all accounts, he wasn't really lighting it up in TC. Some say Favre was a PSL stunt, which I could see, but I also think they were tired of Chad's small game. He's really a single dimension QB. He's smart and accurate but he makes some moves that will drive ya friggin nuts sometimes. Most of us just feel he had run his course and hit a wall here, and who knows if it was true or not, but it was many years that we just squeaked by a winning season. It would have been nice to get over the hump.

    I think you guys really scored when you brought Parcells and Sporano in. That, in my opinion, was the best move of all. And Chad was a good move. You guys were hurting for a decent QB since Dan left, so it worked out well.

    I definitely see where you're coming from in regards to beating us in the way ya did, because we beat the Pats last year as well, and they pretty much have owned our asses. So yeah, I hear ya man.
  3. Psycho 78

    Psycho 78 New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    I understand your point on Pennington with the Jets. I think it definitely ran it's course and hit the wall. There comes a time when things get really stale and it is just time to move on. You guys jumped on the chance to land Brett and everyone including me thought it was a good move. I have to admit it scared the hell out of me, especially when you guys started off as strong as you did. Looking back either way it seemed like a good move on the field and a great way to put asses in the seats so to an extent it might have been a PSL stunt but not completely. I'm hoping Pennington does for us what Gannon did for the Raiders. Get to a SB late in his career.

    The Dolphins QB situation since Dan left has been a nightmare. You can probably understand why I was so happy when CP worked out. There was 17 years of Dan Marino then ten years of hell. I'm hoping that doesn't occur again and we end up in a bad situation with Henne. You never know with youngsters at the position hehe.
  4. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    You have such a f***ed up view of reality it's not even funny. How can you disregard the 100 mil in upgrades that were never done when Chad was the QB?
    #224 feelthepain, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  5. nyjcanada

    nyjcanada Active Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    coming from dolphinjeaux too, wow.
  6. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Yeah Dan was like our nemesis forever! I will never forget the fake spike, man. Brutal. Yeah you never do know with young guys, which is why I personally don't mind when teams trade away picks for proven players. Let someone else find out if their a bust. Yeah Brett is my all-time favorite, so it was very cool to see him on the Jets. Too bad it ended shitty haha!

    Man if Chad can get you guys a ring, holy crap that would be something to kick ourselves over. I think ultimately it comes from the top down. Good management and coaching will build a good team, and I think you guys have that now. I hope we have that with Ryan. We'll see.
  7. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Oh please, like you know anything. The jets had their moments. They had their chances. I'm not even sure it would have made a difference last year who was running this O. Our coach was a dumb ass and teams were passing on us like the fat chick at the bar. I think that's been pretty well documented. But hey, you know better.

    If you found your finger in a hole in the ground, you'd think it was your ass.
    #227 JohnnyJohnson, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  8. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    This is where Jets and Phins fans will disagree the most.

    To me, real poetic justice would have been if Chad went further with Miami than he did at any time with the Jets (or if he won a Superbowl) after we just dumped him. Except he didn't. In the grand scheme, Miami didn't win anything.

    You got the Division but then lost in the First Round of the Playoffs. Wait till that happens a few more times with Chad, and then you'll be singing the same tune that we're singing now; only, by that point, the Jets fans will have completely moved on.
  9. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Daaaamn straight.
  10. Psycho 78

    Psycho 78 New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    True in the grand scheme the Fins haven't done anything yet but come on man you have to understand where they game from. It was a ten game swing for us. To go from 1-15 to 11-5 is an amazing feat and Chad Pennington had a lot to do with that. Will he be able to do that again is up in the air with the brutal sked and all but this football team is a helluva' lot better than they were one year ago.

    I'll take them where I can get them considering the disaster that was '07. We have come a long way in a short period of time and are not going away anytime soon. The Dolphins are still being built as we speak.
  11. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    he trolled his own teams site too.

    what we can't know because we can't see posters in person is - are they really fake personas? Or are they "those fans" who we see in the stadium and are embarrassed that they root for the same team as we do.

    Its scary that we'll never know.
  12. Psycho 78

    Psycho 78 New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    We have the fake spike of course but your Jets have the Monday Night miracle.

    I'm still sitting on the couch with my jaw on the floor.
  13. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    This is a very reasonable prediction. I don't think the Bills will be near good enough for 9-7, and I don't think the Pats will go 13-3.
  14. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Well here's the difference. Chad helped a 1-15 team...a dvision rival nonetheless and helped them win 11 games a division title and a playiff berth. You then ignore how awful the oline played even thougth there is plenty of evidence the oline was dominated and you completely ignore that fact and say "see, Chad did the same thing in Miami". Well Chad wasn't the only player on the field and you completely refuse to understand that concept.

    When the Pats win, it's BB, it's Tom Brady, it's Randy Moss, it's Wes Welker it's their defense. When the Pats were dominated by the Giants and lost the SB after a 16 win season and a playoff game, it was the Pats Oline, it was the Giants Defense it was Eli Manning.

    BUT, When any team loses with Chad's all Chad Pennington, there are no Linemen to blame, no WR's no HC's or OC's no it's just Chad. Jet fans are utterly ridiculous, even when you know it wasn't just Chad losing big games you'll do everything in your power to avoid saying so.

    Everyone who watched the Ravens game knows Miami's Oline and Baltimores Dline were the 1) A and 1)B reasons the Dolphins lost that game, but not here in bizaro world, no Chad Pennington is the only player allowed to be blamed for losing according to some Jet fans.
  15. The GM

    The GM New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    I don't think that's it -- we've got one of the tougher schedules in the NFL and a likely starting rookie QB. Yes we have the pieces around him on offense to make his job rather simple, but not every rookie QB can be a Matt Ryan or Joe Flacco (Flacco is overrated). I can see us losing a few games by 6 points or less because Sanchez won't be able to orchestrate a final scoring drive - it'll happen, he's only going to be a rookie with little starting game experience (don't reference Matt Cassell, he had plenty of time getting NFL reps in practice and preseason to be comfortable with his offensive system and spent years in the league picking things up from Tom Brady).

    We are going to see more loaded boxes against the run this year so I think we will be less effective in that area -- a main reason why we drafted a RB early on in the draft, we're gonna need the bodies.
  16. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    What's with all this "we" and "us" stuff?.....this isn't an Atlanta Falcons board. Identity crisis?
  17. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I hear you, and I'm not discrediting or refusing to acknowledge what the Phins accomplished. But if, in the future, you think you're going to get anything different than what Chad gave you (in the Playoff loss) this year, you're in for a rude awakening.
  18. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Don't you find it a bit coincidental that every time Chad has lost in the Playoffs some 'other' aspect of the team has failed or was outplayed?

    That's right, because Tom Brady won 3 Championships and is one of the greatest and most clutch QBs to ever play; he has proven he can get it done. Chad still has yet to prove he can get past the the Second Round. The fact that Chad is being mentioned in the same breath as Brady is a joke.
  19. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    And why boys and gilrs? Because a bitter Jet fan says so, classic!
  20. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Don't you find it odd that the Jets went out and spent 100 mil dollars and brought in a HOF QB and couldn't even make the playoffs, let alone win one?....even without Chad to kick in the teeth?

    Don't you find it odd that everyone who understands this game understands it's a team effort that wins and loses games not individuals? Especially in the playoffs, but you aren't one of those who understands this? Tha's not odd to you? Want proof? Read your next line below.

    I hate to ruin your skewed view of reality, but Marino was a much better QB than Brady and he didn't win any SB Championships. When your perhaps "THE GREATEST" QB to ever play the game and you have unbelivable talent, but don't have any SB rings to show for it sorta tells you all you need to know about how one player, no matter hoiw good can win it all or lose it all alone.

    John Elway was a better QB than Brady and he only got his SB ring when all the pieces fell into place for him, he was fortunate enough to have thing go his way late in his career to finally get his rings.

    Oh and then there's Big Ben, perhaps no QB has done less in the SB than him, and yet he has 2 rings. Both SB's Big Ben played in were simply awful games statistically for him...if everyone is to believe some Jet fans opinions on what QB is rsponsible for! Yet he has two rings. If everyone is to believe as some Jet fans do that it's "ALL ABOUT THE QB" than why does Big Ben have 2 rings?

    He sure as hell wasn't the reason the Steelers have 2 SB rings in the last 4 years. But if everyone is to believe this idiotic notion that it's "ALL ABOUT THE QB" than Ben shouldn't have one ring much less 2. Obviously in Pittsburghs case and Denvers case it was a team effort that brought their teams SB titles, but not in Chads case, NO Chad is the only player in the NFL that is totally repsonsible for losing and has very little to do with winng, that is if everyone is dumb enough to believe the shit you're shoveling.
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