Stupid argument, most fans do the same, not just "fairweather fans", what is ther to talk about when you're 1-15? Should we come and and say oh please tells what we already know? I don't see you telling us we're as good as our record shows after last year, but we're supposed to come here so you can tell us we're as bad as our record shows in 07? Try using a little common sense! Really? Maybe you should learn to read, cause I've never made it sound like Chad is the only reason we've imporved...EVER! But hey, if you couldn't make things up you wouldn't be a jet fan, right? I see so you make the rules on what can and can't be siad and why? OK I'll listen to you and your rules, never.
And yet here you are trying to justify something. In your own mind of course. I believe Chad will be a better QB as a Dolphin, you can agree or disagree, either way it's simply an opinion nothing more nothing less. Deal with that.
My post has nothing to do with what you believe or what I believe. Are you ignoring the issue because you know you're wrong or are you unable to understand? Feel free to think he'll be a better QB as a Dolphin, I don't care. I won't argue with you about it.
you must've started watching football for the first time in 2008.....aside from being the biggest "idiot stick" this side of TBJF....that's the only explanation I can attribute your consistent drivel to.
Hahaha. Maybe it was Pennington who drove Junc to where he is now: a hermit in the woods, remaining far away from TGG.
oh really? here is a quote from your post. you tell me how you never made it sound like chad was the whole team.... Chad went to NY in just his first season as a member of another team and beat the Jets in their own house to win the division, not only did they beat the Jets to win the division and make the playoffs, but they also prevented the Pats from making the playoffs for the first time in what 6 years....all that with Chad as their QB. those are your exact words. you gloating about how he is the savior. you are a retard. maybe you can get down with TBJF crew and spit some wack 16's too you fuckin loser
Umm, what part of the words THEY & TEAM don't you understand? Calling people a loser and you can't even read.
No, I think you don't understand. Try to keep up, you're the only one so far who can't seem to follow the subject matter.
They (pronounced /?eɪ/) is a third-person, personal pronoun (subject case) in Modern English. i know what it means jerkoff. and we all know that football is a team game. but if you actually read what you wrote, you would realize that the whole time you are glorifying chad, not the team. just because you wanna change the meaning of what you wrote after you said it doesnt mean thats what you meant. chad is the subject of your sentence is you really wanna get technical. you might as well quit cuz you have no chance arguing with any of us
So only Jet fans can speak of a QB as a leader of a team or the failure of a team everyone else has to check with Jet fans in order to speak of the QB position in any capacity to prevent Jet fans from getting a knot in their panties? Seems to me you getting mighty picky about every single word an opsing fans says. Oh and BTW, If I was intending to make Chad the only reason we imporved why would I use the words "team, they and their"? It would seem to me you're simply trying to create whatever it is, YOU want to read.
hey man, im just repeating what you said, literally. you are the one who wants to change what it means for each person you argue with. besides, we all know you come here just to be a nuisance cuz you have nothing better to do and no real fans to discuss football with. you know, since most dolphin fans (yourself included) have zero football knowledge. i do give you credit though, at least you keep fighting, even though your arguments are retarded and you consistently contradict yourself.
this is annoying... i'm sick of thris thread being at the top of the MB... dolphin guy, just go away, we'd rather you weren't here, this is old news now and an old argument. argue about dolphin shit on the dolphin board if thats what gets you going. thanks.
my question, ftp, is why do you now keep going back and editing your old posts to make it seem as if your arguments are better suited to what we say? little strange that you change your previous comments after we answer the unedited versions dont you think? seriously get a life bro.