17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Sure I knew of tix increase.but it took 3 separate calls about the contract and finally when I'm ready to drop the tix it was sent.PSL crap has been driving me nuts since last year and I think I have just about had it.I wish you all luck and congrats on your seats.I hope this thread has help people wth there seat selection.

    Believe me the jets would probably work wih me again I just don't give a shot anymore.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    That sounds about right since I am January 1, 1985 and they told me next Tuesday is D-Day.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Are you kidding me, man? This thread has helped EVERYONE who is in this predicament. Thanks for starting it and thanks for the great pics.

    It has even helped me with where I want to be (what sections), so I have a pretty good idea as of today as to where I want to be in the Uppers... I just have to hope something decent will present itself.

    I'm still not sure as to the trade off thing on going more toward the middle (and higher) vs. going lower but further from the 50. That's a big toss up for me right now. I know what it's like to sit near the 10 YL, for example, because that's where I've been, but I've been in Row 5 all this time, so I got to like being closer even though it was on the 10.

    I don't know... gonna have to wing it I suppose. When my Rep calls I want him to lay out the options for me and then I will probably make a decision right then and there while I'm on the phone and hope like hell that it's the right one. Seems like a shitty thing to do to a 24-year customer though, give him lousier options than he had for the last 24 years and put the fear of God into him that if you don't decide ASAP the seating will only get worse as the minutes pass by.

    My other problem too will be that I need 4. That's what I have now and that's what I want together in some form. So, my priorities will be 4 together in some configuration and then give me the choices I have - either closer to the 50 but higher or closer to the 10 and lower. Then I'll make a decision and have my Mastercard ready to go.
  4. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Get em so your sons can go together down the road when they get older. It ain't gonna burn buddy and come next year, all this bitching will be over and us fans will be pumped to open our new place
  5. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    You mean you are a real fan... cool
  6. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I would think the rate that they go through each year would have to increase over time. For one, the callers should get more efficient after having made the same speech over and over. Also, once the free uppers are gone, I think a large majority of folks will flat out say no without much pondering.

    Pure speculation by me, but I think they'll start motoring through these years pretty quickly once the free uppers finally go.

    We'll see. Maybe I'll just get Rutgers tickets :) I actually had them several years back when I lived down the road from the stadium, and had slowly moved up to the second best parking situation they have to offer. I gave up the tickets finally since I was missing a lot of games, then they actually became competitive (who woulda thunk?). Whoops.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This is a difficult process because I find myself vacilating on the PSLs every once in a while... yes, even yours truly, who has been the non-PSL advocate since, well... since the WSS days.

    It is tempting to try for a $4,000-$5,000 PSL, but I have to have 4 seats, that's what I want due to my two grandkids. So now I'd be looking at $16,000-$20,000 and then becoming an indentured servant and price hikes up the whazoo. And no freedom. Freedom of choice once the deal is done. Locked in, head in the fucking guillotine, pants pulled down and Woody standing behind me with one hand on the guillotine handle and the other hand on his Woody.

    I just don't want to be put in a position where they can (and they will) hike the prices through the roof and you have no recourse. Dead money tied up forever with no return and every time you don't go to that Preseason game that you paid dearly for and for which you know damned well you can't get $20 for at the gate, you're kicking yourself in the ass. I've given the NY Jets way too much money as it is over the years and eaten way too many fucking games to allow myself to get into an even tighter noose than I've been in.

    I have a friend who is a rabbid NY Yankees fan... will do anything to watch and spend any amount on tickets and even he said to me, "There is no way I'd give them that kind of money for PSLs. It's the principle of the thing."
  8. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Ya know, I have a feeling you're right on this one.

    Haha thats funny about RU. I had RU tickets too when my best buddy played there in the late 90's into 2000. Exactly, who woulda thunk this from Rutty Rutgers right? Unreal. lol
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Just think how you going to feel walking out of the stadium after a 9-6 loss to the Lions on a 42 degree drizzle day in early November with $20,000 invested for the right to pay $480 to watch this crap. And then its the ride home. I could not buy the PSL's knowing what an ass I feel like leaving that stadium after spending 8 hrs. preparing and tailgating and watching those types of games. If If paid the kind of dough people are paying l would feel like the biggest jerk in the world and please, I am not saying anyone is for doing so, I am saying how I would feel just like after the Bronco and Dolphin home games last year. WHY DO I WASTE MY TIME WITH THIS TEAM!!!! That's my Sunday night
    #1609 sec314, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  10. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    this thread has been VERY helpful Thx for creating it and all you input.
    I guess everyone has their breaking point and you reached yours. Cant find any fault in that.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    These are all valid points but let's take it one step further. I put both of my kids through college and today my daughter is a 1st Grade school teacher (and loves it) and my son works for Merrill Lynch. Both are married with one child each (so far) and are productive members of society and getting by as best they can during these times.

    Now I've promised myself that I want to see my grandkids graduate college also. If I have to pitch in to help my kids accomplish that, I want to be able to have the wherewithall to do that.

    So, for me, it goes even much further beyond the pain of a Jets loss and how I'll feel when we lose to the Lions and I forked out all that money. I try to look at the aggregate, the bigger picture. I can still be a Jets fan and maybe still go to games with them (if I can still get into the Uppers) and STILL have the $20,000 in my pocket or, better yet, in a Roth Educational IRA within Vanguard in their Vanguard 500 mutual fund and feel very good about the entire situation. Now I've got my cake and I can eat it too. The money I would have given Woody can go into the fund.

    I didn't get to where I am today by foolishly letting somebody like Woody pork me this bad. I'm going to explain this all to my Rep and throw myself at his mercy for the best seats he can get me in the Upper Deck. He'll be a bastard about it, I'm sure, but I'll hold my swearing and cursing for after I get off the phone or vent it here on the board.
  12. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    Sec 227, my personal preference is lower row further from 50, but to each his own.

    I too was going back and forth with 4 seats uppers vs. PSL mezz. But as I've discussed here before, the way I look at it, I am not looking at $16,000 up front cost. In my mind (and in my wallet) I am allocating it over 15 yrs.

    I was prepared to pay $125/seat for prime uppers. The mezz PSL is $346/yr, or $34.60/game. So the mezz seat will cost me $155/seat (120 + $34.60). Over the 15-yr period, I will pay $23,250 (1550 x 15 yrs) vs. $18,750 (1250 x 15 yrs). In my mind, its a really close call and I ultimately opted for the mezz. Obviously, the big issue with the mezz seats is the potential for crazy ticket price hikes and being an indentured servant to Woody. Perhaps I am naive or just hopeful, I just dont think it will happen in the mezz and not everywhere else in stadium, including the uppers.
  13. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    This process really put things into perspective to me. The minute I heard about these PSLs, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I love this team so much, and this is a total scam on people like us. I was until late lasts year targeting 40k in PSLs, then this spring down to 16K or 20K, and now zero. For guys like us, most of us not rich, how could we even THINK about spending that kind of scratch on JETS TICKETS.

    Seriously. Say it out loud a few times.

    I am about to buy a house. My down payment is likely to be 40K. I was thinking baout spending 40K on JETS TICKETS. 10 DAYS A YEAR, FOR 3 HOURS. That's not even counting the tickets themselves.

    I was looking at a Shelby GT500 that are now going for 40K. Again, I was thinking about JETS TICKETS. 10 DAYS A YEAR!!!!

    College? My entire Masters Degree at Union was less than 40K. Again, JETS TICKETS....were talking about that kind of money on JETS FUCKING TICKETS.

    Its fucking insane to spend that kind of money on A FOOTBALL GAME.

    I love the Jets, always will, and I will go see a game every year either way. But this is robbery of the devoted and when you really spell it out, how can you possibly spend the money!!!

  14. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    What a perfect way to put this whole scam in a nutshell. God I can still see the steam building up on the NJ Transit bus windows, as I'm soaking wet, leaving from that Bronco's disaster saying "WHY THE FUK DO I BOTHER???". Now I cannot imagine the feeling of utter depression that would set in, once I realize that not only have I wasted my day, and hypothermia is close to setting in...I'm out of pocket $15k (ONLY 2 seats) for this shit. Last row of the upper deck or bust for me. I can't justify this nonsense.
  15. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    psl or no psl the outcome and the quality of the football game remains the same. the nyjets havent won a dam thing in 40 years yet loyal fans like us have been paying through the ass. and whamo woody drops the psl bomb on us. insert a super bowl victory in say 2007 and i bet more of us would be more inclined to join the psl frenzy.
  16. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Thanks man, anyone that attended the Bronco game and was not under cover knows what we are talking about and I had more rain gear on then a Niagra Falls boat ride. I swear, as we were walking through the tunnel after the game, me and my buddies said can you imagine if we paid 5K in PSL's to sit through this crap and the $150 for the ticket and that's what we thought the uppers would be. That was my no way Jose PSL moment. We all have had the shitty what the hell am I wasting my time for moment many times over many seasons.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    But it already has, since Woody's purchase of the NY Jets. Since then, the Mezz has been hit with substantially higher percentage increases across the board than the rest of the stadium. Are you not aware of this after my 20 posts in this thread on this very subject? Where TF have you been? And arm Woody with a financially captive audience now. Got you by the balls with your silly, not-so-little PSL.

    Seriously, I feel like a guy who has been saying over and over again that it's dangerous to do an Evil Knievel motorcycle jump over some cars in Los
    Vegas and that you can experience injury, yet I've got people lining up to say that I'm full of shit, I'm over-concerned, and that it's really not that big a deal.

    Naive and hopeful? If you're already wondering, perhaps this is your future. Do it, man. Pay the PSL. We'll talk in 3-4 years. This is going to be interesting.
  18. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I WAS under cover and still got soaked just from getting inside since they won't let you carry in an umbrella. I too had that same PSL thought, and it's true. My days under an overhang are numbered (10)

    That day will live in infamy for many of us. To me it proved that Favre didn't really give a shit about us, and it was what I pointed to as a reason for the Jets to chase Cutler. He played well under those conditions and the game should have meant more to us than it did to them. We were all let down that day, and the season turned dramatically. That game was the 2008 version of the fake spike or the achillies tear - just not as dramatic.

    One last thought about that day for anyone who tried to tailgate - the entire lot looked like "Hooverville" Tent City! It was nuts.

    As I've mentioned before, aside from the lounges and the amenities for the wealthy, (I don't care about that) what bothers me most is that there was nothing in this stadium plan to make it better for US that I can see. More scoreboards and I suppose restrooms. Oh - and waterless urinals. That's it. There should have been more roof coverage than present - not less. Not for 1.8 Bil. Will it have the open concourses that the new ballparks have? I don't think so. At least then if it rains hard you can stand in the back and still watch.
  19. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I think that Broncos game was the worst weather I have ever been at for a Jets game. I will take cold and DRY over 33 and wet.

    I had full gear on but it didn't matter. My gloves werent waterproof and once they got soaked it was flipper hands. The whole row made fists and just put the glove over it. Miserable. I made it through 3 quarters.

    Definately a "why do I do this" moment for every fan. You all are right, think about paying 1000+ for that "experience". hahaha.
  20. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    the hefty psl fees should have resulted in a dome bro. im all for football being played in the elements but the taj mahal theory was already in motion here the roof should have been included.
    #1620 coorslightcans, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009

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