17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Why are people interested on what yard line they are? Outside the 30s is where they are & I guess the rest is up to your imagination
  2. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Different strokes for different folks, as they say. Or to each, his or her own.

    I remember Madden saying way back that he likes being between the 20 and the end zone. Yes, you give up good views when the ball is on the other side of the field, but he said the best football is played in that red zone, so getting to see that awesome red zone play when it's on your side makes up for the bad views when the ball is on the other side.

    I'm struggling to construct proper English sentences today. Hopefully that made at least a small amount of sense. If not, it's Madden, so....boom! Favre!

  3. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    The last couple of years I've bought a season ticket from my friend who has endzone seats in the upper deck. I love them. Like you said, it kind of sucks when the action is on the other end of the field, but I like them because you can see everything as it's developing. You can see the holes that the RB's aren't hitting in the OL and stuff like that.

    If there are any tickets left by the time they get to my friend or to me on the waitlist, I wouldn't have a huge problem with the endzone seats in the upper deck provided they aren't eye-level to a blimp.
  4. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I am not sure how to take you. I thought the point of continuing this thread is to track what's available for the next guy, you know, your Jet buddy. Why can't you give your exact location? Are you being an ass hole? Trust me , I don't care about you, I care about what seats are left. Once this is over, I will never bother with you again. You are above me because you were part of 69!!!
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    All I know is, with all that farting going on in your section, I want to be upwind, so please let me know what section you get so I can inform my rep to put me on the west side of you. The wind predominantly blows from the west out there, so I need you east of me.

    What the hell are you guys ingesting in the parking lot anyway, Pulled Pork with Sauerkraut and Lima Beans?
  6. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    I got my seat relocation on 5/12 Tues. I was in Sec 228 now I have moved to Sec 334 prime upper deck. I am in the first group and I was surprised at how many of the upper deck seats are already filled. If you want to be on the 30-40 yr line you have to go at least 10-15 rows up.
    Point of in formation: There is a 10 foot concrete wall that separates the prime 4 rows from rows 5-26 in the upper deck. I think this stadium was planned very poorly for the fans.
    The sales reps final words before I hung up were "you know you have no rights with these seats". He seemed to imply that the Jets could take my seats anytime since I don't have a PSL. I have had tix since 1966 and I expect to be in my new seats till i die.
    I did not appreciate the tone he used. He was trying to make me rethink Psl seats. Sorry I didn't bite.
    I am not happy that I had to move but there is no way I was going to spent $400/ tix. I have 7 seats that would have been $28,000 /yr without the seat licence.
    This whole process is very disturbing and it makes going to the game less joyful. I hope my new seats are good and I hope there are seats for everybody. Jetmike sec228/334p
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Thanks for the info Mike. I know what you mean about the reps. You're talking to some snot-nosed little punk who probably doesn't even work for the Jets, he just goes around the country phone-merchandising shit like this on the phone. He probably isn't even in the area now, now that the "tours" are over with. He's calling from his home base in Des Moines somewhere.

    My rep pulled the same thing on me the first time around... trying to use scare tactics. I'd love to tell the little bastard what I really think of his attitude and sales tactics. They actually think they can intimidate you into going for an expensive PSL. You feel like saying, "Listen, you little JO, just give me the best Uppers and shut your mouth," but then you know he's going to cop an attitude and give you the worst he's got.

    My turn is coming in several weeks. I'm so screwed it's pathetic. Been going to the games since I came home from 'Nam in January of 1970 and was rooting before that even. Finally got my tickets in 1985 but even that doesn't qualify me for anything near what I'm giving up.

    I can't stand it when I hear people saying, "Well maybe Woody isn't so bad after all... at least I got such-and-such." Screw that, I was all for this guy as an owner for many, many years. Now he's dead to me.

    "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."
  8. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Gee whisker U may get an A in farting but in my book U sure get a D in common sense. Must be all that bad air U R pumping out. I made it very, very clear that I got 8 front seats in the UD. That is not row 5 as someone else thought that is it is row 1. I said they were outside the 30 that means they are either in the EZ or between the EZ & the 29 yard line. Now I posted what the rep mentioned to us about the seat situation between the 30s right? Do you think the rep volunteered any other info to us like how many seats were still available in the UD, How many season tix holders they still had to call before they reach ur year or 227 year. Well if U did U R dead wrong. I passed along all the info they gave me plus how I made out. That is all I know except we were quite suprised that there 8 1st row UD seats available when they reached me
    #708 championjets69, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  9. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Interesting what ur rep told U since I was also 05/12 & my rep told us the 1st 20 rows between the 30 were all filled up
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well in my case when U wind up more/less with the same seats U were in in the old stadium & except for the hefty price hike that will take effect next year all things are equal that equates out at least in my case having to say that I came out OK under Woody right? Going to be in a "state of the art' stadium supposedly 1/2 owned by the NYJs, did not have to pay a PSL for it vs the NYG fan having my seat having to pay 5Gs as a PSL for his seat. If they take back my tix after 1 year then so be it all it cost us was the difference in the seat between this year & next
  11. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    My seats are on the 10 yrd line. My rep told me that all the seats in prime were gone. The first sec available was 334. I think the Jets should have charged a $1000 PSL for the upper deck prime so there would be more available for more people.
  12. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I just got my e-mail and my date is May 29 and I have a 1980 seniority date. I now have seats in 309 row 5, which is about the 20 yard line. I am not sure what I am going to do at this point.

    The whole thing sucks in my eyes. I would have paid a small PSL to sit in the better uppers and, for that reason, the Giants plan is better. It appears that, by the time they get to me, my choice is going to be high in the upper deck between the 30's, middle rows of the upper deck in the corners, or low upper deck in the end zone. I have a serious problem paying 50% more for a ticket and having to move higher and toward the end zone after 30 years of enjoying my seats.

    I am thinking about dropping down from 4 to 2 seats and taking the $4000 PSLs in the end zone, but have some doubts about the view from there after being on the sideline for 30 years.

    Right now, I am just confused and unhappy with the whole situation.

    Let me ask a question to those who have their seats. Did your rep give you an idea of what was available before your "date." How long do you have before you make your decision and how much information do you get? Should I be calling now to find out what is available?
  13. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    People are only interested because they want to know where they stand when their date comes up. There is a big difference between first row on the 30 and first row in the end zone. The yard line means more to some people than the row, because it changes the view from sideline or corner to end zone. That is all. People are just anxious for information as we all go through this new, mysterious, confusing, and somewhat awful process. Will you help out and tell us the yard line or section?
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    chicken wings, dogs, pork, cuban sandwiches, sirlon, cutlets, soup, garlic potatoes and italian hero's inside. My friends bag of food is so big it looks like body parts. You would not want to smell our farts but you would love to share our food. Its nuts how much food my buddy Rich brings. His appertizer is 2 sirloins with carmalized onions. Rich is a member here, not sure of his name. The non-psl people are gonna be pushed outside of the stadium lot, you guys should tailgate with us. north side of the Iz0d, its a 10 min walk but there is tons of room to tailgate and there is a service road to fly out of there. Let me know before the season, I could tell you exactly where we are. We park in a corner which is a dead area for parked cars so I say we have 40 x 40 to tailagate, tables, grills, chairs and coolers. fuck the PSL people, UD unite
    #714 sec314, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Thanks. Sorry, I don't have the time to piece all the posts together. I am 1981, I am hoping for 15-goal line, row 1-10. What can i tell you, I am anxious as hell. I want at least what I have now which is row 9, goal line.
  16. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    The rep gave very little information until they spoke to me last Tues. I wish you good luck. I think most people are moving to the upper deck. I am in 334p which is around the 10 yd line and I picked last Tues. My rep didn't rush me with my pick. had time to call other members of the family. If I am unhappy with the seats then I will only go to a few games and let my family go to the rest. My early years at Shea I sat in the last row of the upper deck,1966-74. These seats have to be better.
  17. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    i just called my brother in law about this rep business. he claims to be playing phone tag with the guy. we agreed to stay in the uppers currently we are in 339 row 26 end zone area. if they move us any higher im out id rather sit and watch from home. bro in law has been a holder since 1992 its not looking good he says. dammit to hell
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I understand U R anxious. We were to but until they call & U R on the clock will U know what they have to offer. To speculate is really quite silly since nobody knows really knows what will be there when they reach U. The exact same goes for 227. The only thing for sure that was confirmed by a other poster is that between the 30s the seats are all taken up to row 15 or 20. You can also surmise since I had to split up my seats that the at least the very 1st row of the upper prime is taken since otherwise I would not had to split up my seats. Anybody already contacted have no idea how many seats still have to be spoken for from the 77,78,79,80 & maybe 81s who are before U. Another poster mentioned that he moved upstairs from downstairs so somebody down the line will be SOL who now has UD seats. In my case I had UD seats so I am exactly where I was before this all started so I displaced no one from the UD since I was not moving up from downstairs
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Nah sorry I do not think what U posted is valid. I am ONLY 1 season tix holder that has 8 seats so how will that factor into anybody elses thinking since no one knows how many others they have to contact & how many seats those people represent. If U look at the book the NYJs sent U U will clearly see that upper primes that I secured are not in the EZ which means they have to be on the sideline right?. The working of the procedure is really easy. First & foremost make sure U have a credit card that will accept the amount U will be charging. As a example my total was 4Gs & we had double confirmed we could trigger that amount on that credit card. Next just wait until U receive the Email or phone call for the day they will be calling U. MAKE SURE U are available then because if U R not they will pass U by & go on to the next person & I think if they miss U U go to the back of the wait list. Once they contact U they will tell U what is availble in the non PSL section & if U do not want there spiel start out the converstaion by telling hem U are only interested in non PSL seats. From there they will give U the options U will pick one then U will give them ur credit card # & the transaction will be completed when they send U the confirming Email with ur seats & how much they triggered ur credit card for. Really quite simple if U are willing to await there call. As another example my friend has 83 circa seats & he has not yet been advised of what date they will be contacting him. If ur year is after 83 your contact date will be farther away from his date. If U hold an earlier date then ur contact date will be earlier then my friends 83 circa
  20. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    If U call them they will tell U U have to await ur date. We actually called them on OUR date since we did not want to sit in the house & were told very nicely just wait for us to get to U. I THINK repeat THINK that they have a calling list with the person with the highest pecking order call #1 & the person with the least amount of seniority at the bottom of that list

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