See post 660. I wonder if U just attempting to pull my chain. Also if U read my post carefully when I say nobody can stand up in front of U that would mean you are in the very 1st row of the UD All 8 of those seats had a 77 seniority. To mine & my sons knowledge I was not specially taken care of by the NYJs
What are you talking about? What did Woody do to you. Guys like you come late, leave early and miss games when the weather is not perfect. The best thing about the new place is pussies like you will be eliminated.
yeah i would say there will be more douchebags than there ever has been. its funny that you thanked woody for charging you 500 bucks per ticket as a pre payment for the year after next. its so fucking bad that you are thanking them for fucking you out of money,.. mere weeks after you just sent em your money for this coming year.
I am year 1985. You are ahead of me, I believe. Good luck with your selections. Man, this thread is heating up and guys are getting totally perturbed over seat assignments. Relax everyone. It's only a question of degree... some are being fucked slightly more or less than others, but we're all being fucked... make no mistake about that. And as far as thanking Woody.... no way. He should have left current ticketholders in their same positions and charged all newcomers up the ass if that's what he wanted to do. I would have supported my long-time loyal fans but gouged anyone else wanting to get on board now and not gouged everyone helter-skelter across the board. That's just the way I would have done it... give some credit to the long-standing people. That would have been the right thing to do.
True, except in the upper deck. That's gonna be great, all the real fans packed into one loccation. Its gonna rock. THe lower is going to be 1/2 empty and the Mezz is a small area so we are the place to be.
I don't blame the jets for getting a deposit for the Upper deckers, the PSL people have to give 10%. It goes towards next years payment, its not a biggie AT ALL
that would be a biggie to me. champ put out what 4k yesterday for those seats that he will not use for another year and a half. i would be more than happy to make 10% on that 4k over the next year and a half. instead woody will make 10% on it. the upper deck will surely be full of real jets fans. it will definitely be the place to be in the new stadium.
wow you could be such a douche bag. if i had read it i wouldnt have asked it. btw if you actually looked at my pictures you would see the first row of the upper deck reserved,is separated by an aisle from the prime or just elevated a bit higher so nobody would be in your way b/c of them standing. no i was not pulling your chain.
Outside of the 30s. From what the NYJ rep mentioned it seems that outside the 30s there were seats available. We were amazed that almost the same seats were available to us in the new stadium that we had in the old after 12 days by season tix holders that had picked before us
Trust me I knew exactly what U R saying/asking but I had clearly posted that they were 1st row upper deck PRIME seats Since U had a 6 day headstart on me U cud of easily snatched up my seats if you so desired
Yes true but OTH that 4Gs will be 4Gs less I have to pay next year so it is do U pay them now or pay them later
Well certainly I am glad U did not desire those seats leaving them available for me. As I said before I wish U also BOL with ur new seats next year
Yes I agree that the UD should be one rocking deck in the new stadium so long as travel agencies do not have seniority & can get non PSL seats there like the seats behind me in the old stadium. I think they own 12 seats but hopefully there seniority knocks them out of the UD
Funny you say that. The NFL owned 4 seats in front of us so it was 4 different people each week, always 30 something, dressed like yuppies, arriving 1st qtr. leaving 4th qtr., eating disugsting looking sausage or dogs, never watching the game. I am glad we are getting a new place just for the fact that those people will be sitting downstairs.... hopefully!!! BTW, me and my 2 friends, Dave and Rich, used to cut the smelliest farts to gross those people out and a couple of times people left.