17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think you're right that it's the $400/seat and up seats that will be hard to sell, but remember - that's the ENTIRE mezzanine except for the endzone - http://www.newjetsstadium.com/seating-chart.html

    I still think those are too pricey except for a few very rich people and companies, so I still think, unless there's a big turnaround, that we'll have those two T's of sparsely populated seats (30-30 in the lower levels, and the entire sides of the mezzanines).
  2. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Someone posted a link and story above that the Giants exhausted their entire waiting list, and I know for a fact that folks on the waiting list less than 10 years bought $5k PSL seats (one cousin of mine bought 4 and another bought 2). I don't see why it would be any different for the Jets, especially considering we have/had a much shorter waiting list. Yes, this economy sucks (though I keep hearing people say there are small signs we may be at or near the bottom and that things may finally start getting better).
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    That was me. 140,000 waiting list for the giants. we are 10k. Big difference and they actually like there team and owner. We are not the giants.
  4. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    the jets and giants draw from the same area. the economy has hit many tri state area fans hard. take notice to yankee stadium on any given night the house that ruth built is not packed.
  5. Stanesq

    Stanesq New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    thanks for the pics, they are awesome
  6. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Jets PSL's

    What really sucks in this whole process is that the Jets are not being honest in their assigning of seats by "seniority".
    I have had seats since Shea, over 28 Years, and have not been called yet to select my seats in the New Building.
    Yet someone I know, who has only 3 or 4 years of seniority, already has assigned seats in the Upper Sideline, 30 yardline area.
    What kind of crap is that. I'm really pissed off, as I thought I was going to have a shot at some decent seats.
    Woody, you really know how to run a fan-friendly business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    im not at all surprised by this practice of assigning and selling seats and psls.i would call the ticket office in the morning and ask to speak with a supervisor. let us know the outcome.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    ill be honest. i HOPE THEY FAIL. i hope they dont sell out. i hope that woody takes it directly in the ass and the entire mezz and sidelines are completely fucking empty. fuckin greedy scumbags.

    and to be honest fuck those that are spending 30k on seats to a simple fucking football game. there are just too many more important things than watching grown men run around in tights for 30k.

    ok now that i got that off my chest. :)
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've been smelling a rat for months and I always knew my suspicions would be confirmed. Anyone with any inside access to Woody Johnson or the Jets organization got first dibs on the Sideline Uppers long before ticketholder Number One was even called.

    In fact, I'm now thinking the entire 1977 bullshit was fabricated. What I am saying is, the Jets conveniently "lost" the records prior to 1977 and lumped everyone prior to that year (no matter if you were with them since the Titans) into "January 1, 1977." Well, how convenient is that if you want to play this little game that they're playing now?

    If you had actual dates (or allowed your ticketholders to come forward with any type of proof that they had been ticketholders since before 1977), they could have still prioritized dates prior to 1977. But no, because that would mean there would be no explanation for what is going on now.

    How could they hve a guy who was legitimately from 1964 getting anything but front row 50YL Uppers? They'd have some explaining to do and or this guy would be rinning to the Daily News, Star-Ledger, etc with his "The Jets Fucked Me" story.

    So no, what we'll do is thell everyone we're sorry but we "lost" the records in our computer prior to 1977 and everyone prior is lumped willy-nilly into that one year. Now you can go ahead and give out thousands of front row seats to anybody and everybody who has any pull whatsoever with the Jets or Woody... cheaufers, gardeners, barbers, family doctors, ball boys, prior players, etc. regardless if they've even got one day of "seniority" or not. Seniority my ass. This entire process has been dispicable.
    #629 Section 227. Row 5, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Ha! Good one! A lot of good that would do!

    I don't know of anyone on the board who has earlier seniority than 17a and he was on the phone with them non stop to the point of stalking/harrassment. If you read between the lines in many of his posts throughout the entire winter, he was in constant contact with his rep, either incessantly kissing their ass or alternately reaming them out verbally.

    And where did it get him? Front row, mid-section Uppers? "Sorry, all gone! You can sit higher, or here's some nice End Zone seats in the 3rd Row." BFD. With his seniority he should have been on the 50. But no, even he gets screwed out of contention because of all the cronyism going on.

    And I won't even be half as lucky. ""Premium" Mezz seats since 1985... pretty good combination of seniority and seat location, correct? One might think it earns me at least something in the lower rows of the Upper, right? No way. In fact, I'll be lucky to get anything in the Uppers by the time I'm called.

    One word of advice for Woody Johnson: I wouldn't be going on any of your parking lot "tours" anytime soon without an entourage of bodyguards the size of Kris Jenkins. And don't plan on greeting people on your ridiculous "red carpet" on opening day either, because the conversation may go something like this:

    Woody: "Hey 227, how do the like the new stadium?"

    227: "Listen, you insignificant little sniveling pile of parrot droppings, I was sitting in games in the snow and rain out at Shea when you were still licking Mommy's silver spoon. I don't know how you sleep at night after fucking all your loyal fans this way. You have zero respect from us now, get it? ZERO.

    And by the way, I'm no longer in 227. In fact, I no longer have any seats at all thanks to you. Now go back inside and sit with your little ass-kissing maggot friends and you'd better enjoy it while you can, because there's eventually a place in hell for scumbag douchebags like you."
  11. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Do they have PSL's in hell? What are you gonna to do if you don't get uppers or all that is left is 25th row? Yeah, 1985 means 25th year coming up and they make you feel like your a newbie. They tore the fan base apart going to NJ because the Queens fans could not take the traffic, now this stuff will finish the job. I am telling you now guys, before you invest in PSL's think long and hard , because when its all said in done, the atmosphere at the games might not resemble a Jet game so it might be one and done for some of us. Does anyone remember what Shea was like in the early 80's rockin fans, no fluff. Now think about what's its like today, people getting there middle 1st qtr. leaving early, seats empty all over. Women and kids did not come to Jet games after September back in the day. Its was a football place. And with the size and distance from the field, the crowd sound will be swallowed up.
  12. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    my hopes are they dont sell the sideline seats.maybe ill be offered an upgrade to the sidelines being i already committed to a PSL.of course i would never pay anything more than what im paying now.$400 a ticket is rediculous.
  13. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I think that poster with the 28 years seniority did not do his math nor sorry to say did U. Right now they are doing 77s (no matter from what the actual year was) that would be 32 years seniority & in fact as a 77 guy my day is tomorrow. Then come the 78 guys, then the 79 guys then the 80 guys & finally that poster with his 28 years of seniority like 314 I think. As for Woodys lackeys getting 1st dibs if that poster has FIRM proof not heresay then we can start a class action suit against Woody & the NYJs. Even if he has firm proof I think since Woody owns the team he can do whatever he wants with the seats so the lawsuit may have little chance of succeeding
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Sorry I disagree with Ur "tearing the fan base apart" comment since I lived @ exit 117 of the GSP & used to go to EVERY game at Shea Stadium which is exactly the same commute somebody from Queens/LI had when then moved to the M/lands. The way I see it those Queens/LI fans who gave up there seats were less then faithful NYJ fans. BTW when I moved from Rockaway Queens to exit 117 of the GSP all I did with the NYJs is change my address not cancel my season tix
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    $400 a ticket is absurd. Section 227 will become Section 235 and that's what the seats will cost. The PSL for me is $7,500. Even if I wanted to plunk down the $30,000 for the 4 PSLs, the ticket price is the killer. Paying $1600 to go to a game is nonsense, especially since my two kids have brand new babies of their own now and they're struggling like all young couples are today.

    I wanted to be able to eventually take my new grandchildren to some of the games with "Grandma" and "Grampa," but there's no way I can justify committing to that kind of expenditure on a football game when there are many other priorities.

    The best I can hope for now is something in the Uppers or some sort of price reduction on the PSLs/Seat Prices across the board, but I don't see that happening. If they were considering doing that, the time is running out on that now. Slashing prices would mean a huge backlash from those who already committed and would probably result in refunds to them. I don't see them taking that step. They'd rather open up in 2011 with 62% capacity and let the stadium slowly fill up over time (or continue at less than full capacity).

    Owning teams has nothing to do with football anymore. Take it a step further even. It doesn't even have anything to do with winning championships. It's only about revenue and money. If you can make good money even with a losing franchise, you do it and there's no incentive to strive for winning seasons.

    That's why its foolish to link this new stadium to any new hopes of winning a SB. These robust off-season moves have ONLY been made to spark enough hope to entice fools to buy the cockamamie PSLs, period. If the moves generate a SB, all the better for Woody, but you can bet your ass that's not been his primary reason for his interest of late and for opening his wallet. The entire road show has been to get the PSLs sold. I'm afraid once that goal is reasonably achieved, you're not going to see the same kind of energetic off-season efforts to improve the product.

    If that happens and the Jets go into decline again, the fans will be absolutely furious. But by then it'll be way too late, because they'll already have committed to making high monthly payments for PSLs and extraordinarily overpriced tickets only to go to games and root for a team with a 3-11 record. You want to see some pissed off people?
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Please keep us posted after tomorrow on things such as to how they present seat options to you, how much time they give you to decide, how much pressure they put on buying the PSLs as opposed to getting the Uppers, etc. I'd be particularly interested in knowing if they offer you lousy seats in teh Uppers on purpose in order to entice you to cave and go for the End Zones.

    As for what really happened to the 1977 Clusterf*ck, we'll never know. And anyway, a Class-action at this point would have to have more merit than just, "I was way earlier than 1977 and never got offered front row Uppers." The Jets never specifically promised anyone front row seats, period. Their defense (they don't even need one, really) is to say that they have certain "business relationships and obligations" that they need to address.

    When I was in business we used to advertise with the (then) Newark Star Ledger. My advertising rep used to get front row tickets to Giants and Jets games and I know the Ledger had at least 30 seats or so which they used as perks. I'm sure those things haven't changed, so by the time all was said and done, every single one of those front row seats (and probably as far back as 3-4 rows) were gone before a single ticketholder was called, I don't care how early his "seniority" was.
    #636 Section 227. Row 5, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  17. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Where were your old seats? Were you in the lower bowl or the upper deck?
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I am saying that the RIGHT THING for the Jets to do would have been to attempt as best they can to straighten out THEIR OWN MISTAKE/MISHANDLING OF RECORDS before getting into the seat assignments.

    You're not talking about a huge amount of accounts. You send out a letter to everyone who you lumped into "January 1, 1977" and you tell them of the computer error and that all reasonable attempts are being made to put those early people into some semblance of seniority order. "As such, if you have any proof of your order of seniority or starting date with the NY Jets prior to 1977, please fax this proof to our office immediately and we'll attempt to prioritize your seniority standing prior to 1977."

    Did they do that? No. And the reason is, it makes it that much easier now to screw all those early ticketholders. "You're all 1977, too bad." Now 3,000 guys don't know where their priority stands or when they'll get that first call for front row PSL-free seats. Good. Perfect. Now we can give away the first 9-10 rows of the Uppers on the 50 YL and the stupid bastards won't even know the freaking difference!

    "Hey Charlie, don't call any of your people yet, I'm still not done with the front rows. Woody Johnson called and his landscaper needs 10. I told him I can only put him on the 40 because the laundromat where Woody drops off his dry cleaning took the ones on the 50 last week. Hey, by the way, that guy 17a called again. WTF is with him? He keeps on busting balls for a front row seat in the Uppers. Call him back and bullshit him a little longer until I see who else Woody wants me to take care of."
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I believe my son intends to open up the conversation by stating that I have ZERO interest in a PSL so lets just get to the business of giving me the best possible UD seats available so U can get onto the next fan
  20. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Somewhere believe it of not they HAVE that info since in 82 when we were 1 game away from the SB I was advised by the NYJs that since I was a pre 69 season tix holder I have 2 tickets in the SB lotto vs 69 or later season tix holders only having 1 ticket in the lotto. I was told the same BTW for the 98 lotto. In both years I actually would have received SB tix if the NYJs wud have won the AFC championship game. What was even worse in 98 I lived in Florida about 40 miles from the stadium

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