Absolutely Goes Ga-Ga over Sanchez, even rating him ahead of Matt Stafford Great Video and Great Listen/Watch ... excellent analysis and well worth your time http://www.cbssports.com/video/player/play/videos/ipEPpZeG6rLGWMmWiMduYoX9nnHKVXad
I heard him on w/ Francesa last week. I couldn't believe how much he gushed about him. Jabba: what do you think about the pick? about our draft?
Wish we had more Quantity, but I love the Quality I thought the Sanchez deal was a heist, and its no secret Shonn Greene was my favorite Power-Back in this draft ... and I LOVE Power-Backs! I have loved Power-Backs all of my life, since the Tyler Rose (Earl Campbell) was my all-time favorite non Jet PS. I don't know much about Slauson, but I like the fact that Bill Callahan recruited and coached that kid at Nebraska, obviously knew him better than any GM, HC or Scout in this draft, and no doubt that selection was made based on his endorsement ... for some reason he stuck his own neck out for Matt Slauson and told the Jets he's worth spending their third and final draft pick on
I feel the same way although I am not as well schooled in the prospects as you are. It's funny, on Sunday morning I was saying whoevre gets Greene will get a steal today and next thing you know we trade up and get him. I hate losing basically the rest of our draft but I love the pick.
Honestly, I think we haven't had a RB like Shonn Greene since the days of Matt Snell and John Riggins, and IMO that is way too long for a team that plays outdoors in the northeast That kind of (skilled) Power-Back was long overdue, especially for the kind of football Rex Ryan has in mind ... Physical/Punishing northeast style football ala the Steelers & Ravens, on both sides of the ball Or what they used to call ... LOMBARDI FOOTBALL
Same here. At the end of day 1, I told my friend not to be surprised if he woke up and the Jets were on the clock for Gilbert or Greene. There we were. It was the only good reason to have to be up at 7 AM.
Sure will be nice if the kids live up to the billing. Can't wait for the season to get here i'm itching for it already.
And of course you realize that we are now one draft away from having the young WR/TE/RB/QB combo that should last a decade with one replacement. (Greene will turn 30). I think this is the first season that you can actually say Mr.T's team is .....built. No transitional (Coles,Favre) players at key spots, and high level talent at the skill positions (except #1 WR)