Can the Jets win NOW with Sanchez?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by firemanedjr, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    no, the SB is just not attainable.

    the team will play to win, but the horses aren't there to take them all the way.

    i'm going for the bigger picture/long term angle.

    this season is to jell into the Ryan system, which won't take long, and then work at getting better and get stronger, then once Sanchez is named starter, its like with Pennington - its time to begin the era and build the team around him... Sanchez does have a team that is almost complete. it needs strength and fortification in some areas, which hopefully will be fierce in 3 years, when Sanchez is seasoned enough to make that run.
  2. Bvon

    Bvon New Member

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Again, with everything you mentioned I feel that Sanchez is ready. I think he will adjust to the O really well, the D will do it's job and in the end we can win 9 games....maybe even a wild card slot!

    Mark Sanchez right now is the talk of the town, you don't have someone like him take a backseat to a guy like Clemens for any length of time. Ryan's system will be D #1, followed by running and west coast passing, perfect for a rookie starter to learn. Speedy WR in Clowney....good route runner and hands in Cotchery....deep or with Keller and Leon out of the backfield, my friends we have a playoff contending team once again...but this time with a rookie QB.
  3. I hate Revis

    I hate Revis Member

    Mar 7, 2008
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    He is no Pennington. I hope that I am wrong but my feeling watching this kids career is if he will be the starter next year he will be a bust. He needs to sit and learn. I watched many games he has been in and I feel like his coach knew he was not ready for the N.F.L. Remember Pennington was a starter for 3 years and was a Senior coming out. Please don't compare him to Matt Cassell. Cassell sat and watched the master practice and in game situations. Anyone remember Browning Nagle. Jets threw him in the fire and had 1 great game and then the pressure of New York got to him. He was also a senior with a rifle arm but became a bust.
    #43 I hate Revis, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  4. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    it'd be great if he pulled a Flacco - seen as a QB who needs 10-14 weeks to learn and instead finds himself leading this team towards a playoff birth, but the Ravens defense is what carried through the growing pains that Flacco endured. Our defense will be good and tough, but that Ravens D is elite.

    I just don't feel that his growing pains as a 16 game starting junior will be able to be covered by the defense in 2009.
  5. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    He's a junior QB with 16 collegiate starts - he needs to sit. If Sanchez is the guy, next year he will have the solid group of young players we have right now, plus players from this years draft, plus rookies from next year's draft. We don't need to bring in veterans; I think we can win now.
  6. Steve032

    Steve032 New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Can we win now with Sanchez? Maybe. I don't think we should throw him out there unless he is exceptional in TC and preseason, and I still think that may be pushing it. I'm not expecting to win the SB this season, all I want to see is that the team is heading into the right direction and we are getting the most out of our players. If Sanchez is the real deal, we will be a team that consistently makes the playoffs, and that is all you can ask for. If we keep making the playoffs, eventually we will win the SB.
  7. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    look, i love the move we made for sanchez, however, ndmick is right. Sanchez needs to sit for a year, he only has 16 starts and while he played very well he does not have the experience. it would be great if he came in and started like matt ryan was able to. but lets be realistic, if we do indeed finaly have our franchise qb, what is the point in taking a chance and throwing him in the fire and risk having a david carr situation? no one should be expecting a sb this year, new hc new defensive system.
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Everybody keeps saying he only has 16 starts which is true but he has 4 years of playing in that pro offense...he is far more ready to play than Stafford is. He didn't play because there were all americans playing ahead of him. Still, I don't see him starting until week four or five and then only if he doesn't miss any camp. There is a good chance he will want Stafford money as almost everybody says he is the best QB in this class.
  9. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He's going to have every opportunity to start, it will be up to him if he can handle it. Situations like Flacco and Ryan rarely happen so let's not expect it and place the expectations too high in year 1. Hopefully Clemens can hold the fort for a year and maybe Clemens can pull a Brees? Brees was a 2nd rd pick and they drafted a top 5 QB tom eplace them Brees went out in 2004 and earned the job and had a great year. I hope Clemens attacks it that way.
  10. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Watch some video of Sanchez, and then watch some video of KC. Its like night and day. KC will never have the feet that Sanchez has. Sanchez' form is pretty damn solid. I was highly impressed.

    I personally think Sanchez gets the nod as starter. By the film I've seen, he's got a better arm than KC, better mobility, and that's 16 games in. Imagine what he can be with a real NFL staff around him.

    I guess they felt if this guy can walk in and pretty much perform at a high level in his first year, and look as good as he did, he may be able to play at a high level in the NFL.

    I'd prefer him starting this year. He'll take a beating, and we'll lose some games, but he doesn't give me the impression that he's a guy that will fold under adversity. KC has already folded.
  11. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Browning Nagle was also under one of the worst coaching staff the Jets have had. Browning Nagle was also a moron. Totally different situation.

    I have no problem with the guy sitting for a year, but its not like he's going to gain anything watching Kellen play the game. I believe that Sanchez already has the greater skill set. This team is going to be run heavy, and D oriented, and also has a pretty stout O-line. So why not throw him in if he appears to be ready, and dlet him learn on the job. I can't imagine Ryan not keeping him in check with his expectations.
  12. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    To have a franchise QB on the team you have to pay him like a franchise QB. This seems like you're saying you don't ever want a franchise QB on the team because they cost too much. That's silly.

    If Sanchez turns out to be a franchise QB he'll be worth every penny and we'll figure out how to sign other guys.
  13. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    You're basing all this on what?
    Neither Clemens, Ratliff, or Sanchez have been given a chance yet.
    Don't make irrational arguments like Sanchez will win games just due to his presence. There is no such thing as 'drafting a franchise QB'. You earn your dues in the NFL through toughness and winning games. We'll see.
  14. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    I only hope Doug "gagged-in-Pittsburgh" Brien didn't curse the number.

  15. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    here's how one could spin it.

    12 (namath) divided by the number of SBs they have (1) = 12 (namath

    Namath divided by the number of SBs the Jets will have with a franchise QB (2) = 6 (Sanchez)

    its corny but it works.

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