i wonder if i'd get banned for posting a picture of my new pick up. drove all the way to west memphis to get some purp.
buuuuuuump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kygSN6-ICFg&feature=PlayList&p=0230A614FBE0BCEE&index=14 420 playlist. enjoy.
Step 1 is all taken care of. Step 2 is watching as much Lord of the Rings in as I can Here's a great article for the day Here is a link to the original article.
I made some edibles last night and can still feel the effects. Damn. Time to hit the "collectives" for giftbags. They usually give away some good stuff. Peace. Happy 420.
And for those pesky pork chops in the sky . Dr. Green Thumb has all new technology. all starting at 420 dollars.
I pretty much quit for the past couple of years now; although, I occasionally blaze when I'm wasted drunk at, like, the end of the night. I do however think I have a contact high from all the people sparkin up around the world right now.